Other World by Patrick A. Walston - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

The giant creature stood motionless sniffing the air, it lowered it's massive head to the forest floor and flooded it's nostrils with the scent that we tried so hard to cover up. It raised it's head, opened it's mighty jaws and let out a terrifying ear splitting roar.

We were horrified of what the creature would do next. All we could do is keep under cover of the thick trees and their enormous leaves. For now we remained unseen, sure the mighty lizard could smell us but seeing and smelling were two different things. I was just hoping that he would not see us because seeing would lead to tasting on this god forsaken rock.

We were on a mission, a top secret kind of a mission. We were told that this planet was devoid of animal life. I don't know who had been crunching those numbers that day but I guess they missed out on their Wheaties or something.

Life is crawling all over this planet and in a big way. I've never seen Dinosaurs and I've never seen Aliens but what it appears to me is we have a race of Alien Dinosaurs. I came to the conclusion that they are alien dinosaurs all on my own, what makes them alien you might ask, simple they didn't come from my home planet. That makes them alien to me. I guess I might be pretty alien to them as well.

I can only hope that me being an alien to them will stop them from ripping their razor sharp claws and teeth into my chubby body.

“Move it along stinky” I said under my breath hoping that the giant lizard would somehow listen and obey but instead it seemed to aggravate him more than just a little bit. I guess his hearing is more sensitive than I ever imagined he started stomping the ground with his enormous feet and he brought his larger than life head down and head butted the tree!

He struck the tree directly above where my team and I were crouched down hiding. I couldn't help but to scream like a little girl.

“Captain, shut up!” Jessica called up to me. I couldn't help it I was almost ready to go potty in my brand new space suite. The dinosaur stepped away from the gigantic tree rubbed it's face with it's tiny arms and retreated off into a different section of the woods.

Jessica is kind of like the newbie she has only been on the team for two years. She always has a way with words. Other members of the team include John, Kevin, and of course myself you can call me Richard.

John and Kevin are so silent, sometimes, I think that they are aliens myself. They follow whatever orders you give to them without question and spend a lot of time reading that horror nonsense. I think it's eating away at their brains. I just hope they never snap and go all Night of the Living Dead on us.

“What was that dinosaur after Captain?” asked Jessica.

I simply said nothing.

“What the hell did you do Captain?” Jessica asked with a different tone

“ Have you ever played the game Angry Birds?”

“Yeah, I love that gaaam... Oh my god!” Jessica exclaimed finally getting a hold of what we were hiding.

“Same thing only we are the pigs and the alien dinosaurs are the angry birds.”

“How many dinosaurs have you stolen from?” Jessica was not impressed.

“So far we have more eggs than there are of days of Christmas!”

I knew Jessica was only getting a little more upset as the seconds past. I regained order by telling her we were only going to study the wonderful creatures and than put them back in their nests when we had learned everything that we had needed to know about the animals.

That did indeed calm her down, she must have thought we were thinking of making gigantic omelets. Kevin and John came forward with a serious look on their face. Kevin looked like he had seen a ghost and when he opened up his mouth to speak all he said was “The mission Captain”.

Well seeing that these alien dinosaurs were probably going to eat us anyway I thought I might as well reveal the mission to the others. It was so classified that they themselves knew nothing about it.

“OK the reason we came to this planet was simple but classified” I started telling them.

“No one was supposed to know where we were going or why we were heading there, and where we were going is here, the planet we have have come to know as second earth. We've been sent here to see if life was sustainable on this planet for animals. No one found any signs of animal life with the probes we sent. We knew there was water, plant life, breathable air and the gravity was about the same. We just didn't know that the planet had animal life.”

“What did it matter if the planet could sustain animal life?” John asked.

So I told him our planet was doomed we were looking for a new home and second earth looked like our best shot for the survival of the human race. For a minute the group thought about the doom that the planet Earth was facing and then they thought about the doom that we ourselves were facing and decided that we had better get to safety if we didn't want to face our own extinction.