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Attention Anyone Who Wants To Work At Home In A Clean Respectable Business

The Genuine Opportunity To Live Your Dreams!

$3,288.90 In Less Than 1 Hour!

Money. This ebook is about you and money.

I put together a little part-time business venture. You see, I really like to spend my time in love with my family. So I only allow myself a few hours work each day - if you can call doing what you passionately love to do working - yet that business frequently earns me more than $3,000 per day. Even $3,288 per hour! That’s right, I recently did a write up of how I earned $3,288 in less than 1 hour - just hanging out! From home! And how you can do it too!

The world is changing, and today you have an opportunity to share in that world!.

What Is This Amazing Business?

It’s one that’s been around for years, but it’s never been so easy for the ordinary guy to get into it and to make a lot of money.

It’s mail-order. Only it’s actually grown past strictly "mail" order. In fact, it’s more accurate to call it direct response marketing. These techniques are easy, precise, predictable, cheap to implement, and powerfully profitable! I call it Mail Order in the Information Age.

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You see, today there’s little things we take for granted - like the phone, a fax, your computer hooked to the Internet, and the neighborhood copy machine - that make it possible for you to do from your desktop what it used to take a major corporation to do. You can literally run a worldwide business from a corner of your room!

When you learn the success secrets of modern mail-order, you find that the amount of money you make is NOT connected to the time or effort you put in.

These secrets work for any product or service. You just have to learn how to cash in on this boom for yourself.. That’s because when you apply your skills in the biggest market in history, today’s booming Information Age, you can quickly, easily, safely, and insanely enjoy all the time, money, and freedom you want to do whatever you want in life!

Make Money When You Work, Make Money When You Don’t

Last week I took Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and went and flew out to see my good friend Brian Keith Voiles up in Salt Lake City. 100% tax deductible, even though I had a great time!

We talked about advertising. Now, listen close, Friend. I wasn’t even in the office, I wasn’t even in town, I never once answered my phone! Yet when I went to check the fax in my spare

bedroom, I was overwhelmed! I had $3,115.50 worth of sales!

Don’t get me wrong... $3,115.50 is not solely the impressive thing... We mark our success in $3,000 hours. And this was a long weekend. But what is impressive is that these days I wasn’t even tending the ship! I walked into my bedroom, and Bingo!! This all came in with no effort on my part! True Auto Pilot Riches!

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$636 Per Hour

And yesterday, I took the afternoon off to be with my teenage son, God bless him,. School let out early, so we went shopping for new tennis shoes. Then enjoyed pizza together at the Alien Eatery. This is what life’s about! I didn’t ask or explain to anybody, I just went.

It’s against my religion to work before 10am. If you call and get me earlier than that, it’s a miracle! But, I did work about 2 hours before I went. It was a fast-paced 2 hours while I raked in $1,496. I returned to my home office around 4:30 and gladly took another $413.50 from a customer who made me work past 5:00! He wanted overnight shipping, so I carried his package to Mail Boxes Etc, right away. Do the math! That’s $1,909.50 worth of business in 3 hours.

Hmmm... How would you like to work 3 hours at $636.33 PER HOUR!

And today, as I write this letter, on a Tuesday, working about 4 hours, I’ve already pulled in $8,272.60. That’s $2,068.15 per hour.

On one of my favorite days I earned $15,465.97 in 2 hours. Not only for the money, but because it was on my wife’s birthday. Need I say it’s a great life?!!! And it can be your life!

What Is This Amazing Business?

It’s one that’s been around for years, but it’s never been so easy for the ordinary guy to get into it and to make a lot of money.

It’s mail-order. Only it’s actually grown past strictly "mail" order. In fact, it’s more accurate to call it direct response marketing. These techniques are easy, precise, predictable, cheap to implement, and powerfully profitable! I call it Mail Order in the Information Age.

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You see, today there’s little things we take for granted - like the phone, a fax, your computer hooked to the Internet, and the neighborhood copy machine - that make it possible for you to do from your desktop what it used to take a major corporation to do. You can literally run a worldwide business from a corner of your room!

When you learn the success secrets of modern mail-order, you find that the amount of money you make is NOT connected to the time or effort you put in.

These secrets work for any product or service. You just have to learn how to cash in on this boom for yourself.. That’s because when you apply your skills in the biggest market in history, today’s booming Information Age, you can quickly, easily, safely, and insanely enjoy all the time, money, and freedom you want to do whatever you want in life!

Excuse me. It’s 9:06 a.m. and I’ve just been interrupted by the beautiful sound of the fax.

I’m sitting at my desk in Nashville, Tennessee, writing these very words you see. There’s only 3

easy steps on level ground between my desk and my fax. A distributor is faxing in a $1,047


It’s so nice of him to do that for me. He lives in Midland, Texas, but his website, of course, spans the globe. A man from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida called him up, then the distributor faxes me the credit card info in and, Voila!, that money’s in MY bank account!

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Do you see how today’s simple technology tools interact?

The fact is that more money has

The client saw the product on the Internet, used the phone

been made in direct marketing

to order it, and our distributor uses the fax to transmit the

than any other business

order. I use my computer’s modem to run the credit card.

opportunity in history.

Later today I’ll copy the manuals at the Insty-Print.

- Kevin Trudeau

I don’t have any of my own money tied up, I’ll use the customer’s money that’s already in my bank account to pay for the printing. (Hang around, I’ll talk more about publishing-on-demand.) Finally, I’ll tell UPS to deliver it. These are the only tools you need!

Nothing to it!

I don t know of an easier and more profitable business in the world! Remember that I didn’t do any ‘work’ to earn this money:

BINGO! You’re living wealth principle #1 - Multiplication!

Get away from selling your time... to selling something independent of your time and effort...

...get into making a profit!

We set the website up for the distributor. By the way, he’s now churning in orders like this nearly every day. We can help you the same way. I’ll be sure and give you more details later.

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Anyway... to continue!

Throughout this book I’m going to share a number of true stories. Every time I do, imagine that you are the character in each story. Why? There’s a variety of reasons.

1. Psychologists, and Napoleon Hill, tell us that what we ‘see’ for ourselves tends to come true.

2. You can be the person in each of these stories!

In truth, none of these stories are of exceptional people or exceptional accomplishment. Normal people who, because they had a vision (refer to sentence above), took a little step... the step of action. What happened was a result.

See it first, that is the law. And it’s become so easy! Anyone who will dare to use today’s simple technology can easily match each of these accomplishments.

The truth is that there are individuals and companies raking in millions of dollars every week in this business; the big mail order houses like Columbia Music Club, Lilian Vernon or Fingerhut.

But, think about it... until recent days, who had heard of

√ Bill Gates?

√ Jeff Bezos?

√, or

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Household words today. Lifetime fortunes in a few light days... On the Internet... Think it can happen to ordinary folks like you and me? I sure do!

But first, excuse me again. I’ve just been delightfully interrupted by the sound of the fax again!

I just can’t keep my composure when that beautiful fax emits that abbreviated ring. Next, comes the whirr-r-r of a nice fat order.

Hmm. A nice lady in Inglewood, California wants to start with our Paper Profit$ I & II. A $247.90 order.

You Can Be Dumb Or Dumber And Still Succeed In This Business!

Once I was dumb. Technology dumb. Even the word ‘technology’ sounded high-tech to me. I was poor, too. Then I stumbled my way in.... over the course of a few months. I became rich and independent easily.

It started when I saw lots of ‘normal people’ with the ability to use the fax. So I asked one of them to help me. Five minutes later, I knew how to send and receive faxes.

I needed to know about marketing so I went to a mail order seminar and sent for some direct response marketing courses. Following the simple instructions I’d received, I wrote a classified ad and a 15 page sales letter. But, this time, they had the sure-fire power elements I needed to win.

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And win I did. A few weeks later I quit my lousy job. That was several years ago. I got rich in the first few months.

Please excuse me again. ...It’s 10:02 a.m. I’ve just been interrupted by my e-mail software. I have it set up so there’s whooping and hollering every time an order comes in.

Yahoo! A $997 order! The customer completed the secure, online order form and here it is. Total Internet. Everyday vanilla uncomplicated 21st Century technology.

She’s going to get an e-mail confirmation - in fact, it’s already delivered; that’s how fast the system is - from us, confirming her order, telling her to look for Parthenon Marketing on her charge slip and generally reminding her what a great choice she made.

In fact, she’s going to get a whole series of followup letters from the killer system we use -

It's 10:05 a.m.

As I was saying........

Oh, I m sorry - Please excuse me one final time. After I take this telephone call, I promise that I’m going to get my laptop and go down to the first floor. I’ll write on the dining room table -

away from the profitable diversions of the phone and the fax and the computer.

But first... this is an affiliate on the line that we helped to go independent. He enrolled in the full

‘Paper Profit$ program at $737 a few months ago. By doing exactly what the manuals explained to him, Scott Pentecost earned a smacking $42,629.15 on his first deal. Today, he wants me to

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take his credit card number to the tune of $997.00. Hey, he's seen what our programs can do for a person. Especially a guy like himself ( a guy exactly like yourself).

You ve seen it all..

Some people prefer to use the phone.

Others like to use the fax.

Others like the convenience of doing everything on the Internet

- those orders come in by e-mail. Others, like you and me, orchestrate your profit-taking using all the mediums of communication; they all make you money.

The more, the better, right? .........

Whew! That's better. Now that I'm downstairs, I'll be able to write without thinking about all the money that I'm earning.

I had a friend show me in 30 minutes how to surf the worldwide web. Later, I took a class at the community college to build a simple web site. Then I scanned a couple of books on Internet marketing at Barnes and Noble.

Believe me. It's not important to have a whiz-bang web site that will purr-and-cat and whiz-and-bang the latest graphical marvels... In fact, that could work against you.

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By now, we’ve all heard the stories of venture capital funded web-based companies spending millions one year, going broke the next. The media has labeled them the ‘dot-bombs’. Or huge companies spending anywhere from $100,000 - $250 million.

They only spent that money because they had it... Ironically, you and I can put a site up for less than $600 and make more money.

That's why I’m sharing my story with you; to get you going so that you can learn what it takes to be successful both online and offline.

I’m not untouchable. I’m not claiming to be the world’s best Internet guru. But I still make a bit of money off the web. Hey, it’s the 21st Century, the New Millennium! You can do the same thing.

It also illustrates the simple truth which is, Get going! The Internet is so happening that, today, any moderately executed Internet business can give you an independent living. If you want more, the Internet will serve it up on a silver platter!

Review: Let’s remind ourselves of a few things that we just saw happening in this real life event.

I just made $3,288.90 in less than 1 hour. But, I can’t say that it was for ‘work’. I didn’t do a single bit of work to have this money come in! In fact, each order was a delightful interruption of the work I was trying to get done. Mail Order on the Information Highway did most of the work for me. The fax sounded off a couple of times... On the 4th , I simply chatted on the phone a little bit, concerning Internet marketing. No high-pressure sales.

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Everyone of these orders was generated from the Internet. My costs, after putting up my $100

per year web site, are totally zero. When you don’t have to spend any big bucks to market, it sure makes it easy!

Everyone benefits in this marketing maneuver. The client who buys the product receives the highest value instruction available today! This is where millionaires are born. The affiliates each make a healthy profit. Marketing on the Internet, expenses are zero so, when a distributor gets $300, that’s a good hour’s work.

I know of no business in the

Myself, the licensor, as the writer of the copy and some of

world that requires such a small

the products, I make a pleasing profit on every transaction

investment to start, yet holds

without doing any work. This is one of the things I like best

promise of such tremendous

about writing, hiring, or commissioning an ad or product.

financial gains as mail order.

You do the work (or pay the bill) once, but it pays off for

- E. Joseph Cossman years! Talk about leverage!

Finally, the joint venture partners who supply the outside products, have just made another sale (and got another paying client!) with no effort on their part. Win, win, win, win.

There’s money for everyone who wants it today.

What makes it all work? A combination of savvy marketing and today’s simple technology tools.

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When you study the ‘Mail Order in the Internet Age’ System you will have all the marketing savvy you need to write the same kind of killer classifieds, sales letters and web sites that I do.

And technology? Not much...

√ the phone,

√ the fax,

√ the computer, and

√ the Internet

are the only technology tools in this true slice of life, this very moment as I write these words.

And they’re easy to master.

The biggest part, however, is knowing how to use the technology tools. Lots of people know more than me about the Internet and the computer. Lots of people can do things I can’t. But I make a lot more money than any university computer professor I’ve ever heard of. Indeed, it’s the marketing that makes money; people sending you orders, at all hours of the day and night, like crazy!

Talk about the Information Age! That’s the kind of information I like. Those little digital impulses that transfer $97, $300, or $1,000 directly into your bank account without your intervention or knowledge that it’s even happened. Yahoo for the Information Superhighway!

Anyone can earn BIG Bucks today!

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You know I like the money flowing in this way while I do nothing but kick back and design another product that will make me even more money! And, if you’ll simply implement the things I’m sharing with you, you can have the same identical experience!

Well, that just about wraps up this writing session. I’m going back upstairs to the 4th floor and

‘work’ a little.

I’m a lot richer now than I was when I sat down an hour ago. My $3,288.90 for an hour’s worth of hanging out is greater than a month s take-home pay for millions of ‘successful’ Americans!

I can t wait to get the real mail! Who knows how much I'll have waiting for me there?

Are you ready for your share?

P.S. If you’re interested in becoming an Instant Internet Marketing affiliate and earning up to $1,000 for a single sale, surf up to I’d love

to share the wealth with you!

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I really value my time with my family, so I only allow myself a few hours ‘work’ each day - if you can call doing what you passionately love to do ‘working’ - yet that business earns me more than $3,000 per hour.

When you learn the success secrets of Mail Order in the Internet Age, you find that the amount of money you make is NOT connected to the number of hours you put in.

These mail order principles when applied to the Internet (which is, after all, just electronic mail order) bring the money in even faster, in greater quantities and with less effort and investment on your part.

Super kool!

If you’ll read to the end of this book, you’ll find out exactly how you can get the same identical system up and running - chugging out thousands of dollars for you while YOU enjoy life!

Don’t get me wrong... $3,288.90 is not solely the impressive thing... although I’m sure you won’t mind marking your success in

√ $3,000 hours... or

√ $3,000 days or

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√ $4,000 days or

√ $10,000 days.

But, what you’ll like the most is that, unlike a job, all this money floods in with little active effort on your part!

Success Can Be Yours

The good news is that the difference between success and failure in life is no more than 4";.the space between your ears. And no thicker than 4 pages, the number of pages in a successful direct mail out. In fact, Gary Halbert blasted from poverty to millionairedom on the fuel of a 1 page letter.

Actually, the difference between success and failure is even less than the thickness of a letter...

I would like to say the difference is in the information you’ll learn in this book... After all, this book contains the proven secrets that currently earn millions of dollars for thousands of adventurous and fulfilled home based entrepreneurs!

It’s true - you can’t succeed without this secret knowledge. But that’s not telling the whole story, either. The difference is really in what drove you to purchase this book, and in what drives you to put these principles into action.


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Is it this easy? Are you willing to consider an alternative to the grind? Are you willing to set aside doubt and disbelief long enough to give it an honest try?

Actually, because the motive power of what we’re talking about here almost certainly comes from the subconscious, I sometimes prefer to call it heartset.

However, mindset seems to be generally more acceptable.

The law is: See it first.

You see, what happens to most people is that they get surrounded by limiting circumstances and take them to be the horizon of the world. In fact, they’re nothing but a particular set of circumstances surrounding an individual at one particular time.

Lo and behold!... If they would move, the horizon would change!

Most people are not open to new ideas. Most people, for instance, cannot believe success can be so easy. Statistics tell us that 90% of the people who buy any book never read past the 1st chapter. Perhaps, when they read about making $3,288 in a single hour, that’s the ridiculous point where they’ll feel justified in laying this book down. ...dooming themselves to blunder along in the same dark and favorless rut they’re already tired of struggling in.

Whereas, if, rather than being convinced it must be difficult - SELF-sabotaged from even trying!

- IF they would believe that it is easy, then theyd go to work looking for solutions.

The answers would come; they always do.

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Either way, you get what you think.

It’s all about thinking differently... It’s a lot more fun and a lot more rewarding being rich and happy!

Price Pritchett opens his breakthrough book, You2, with a ‘True Story’. He tells of a time when he’s sitting in a quiet room in a peaceful inn nestled among the pines about an hour’s drive out of Toronto. How can you enjoy life more?

Then he hears something... He focuses his vision, and sees a fly at the window.

An ordinary fly wants outside - to freedom, food, and, of course, t