Lessons for Myself: Getting Out of the Hood Box by Alberto O. Cappas - HTML preview

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The key is to maintain Balance:

1. Spiritual: solid believe system in what you do not see;

2. Mental/Intellectual: an willingness to ability and think clearly;

3. Emotional: control the an ability to measurement

of your feelings;


4. Physical: respect for your temple of your body;

Each of your inner components (above) must work together in harmony to ensure that you are maintaining a Balance helpful to your growth and development as a human being on this planet. Without Balance, you will face a difficult time on the journey.

Another key is to look at Obstacles as challenges:

An important key is to get stronger, focused, and determined whenever you are challenged by adversity or obstacles, for example:

1. Pregnancy: Never use the excuse of pregnancy as reason to stop pursuing your journey; and if the pregnancy was not planned, learn from it, embrace the good, and stay on the positive path.

2. Rejection: One should never allow Rejection to be a reason to stop living or pursuing the journey.

3. Finance: Don’t place so much interest or focus on money that you forget your purpose.

4. Age: Young or old, age is not an excuse to stop you from pursuing your purpose – Don’t fall into the trap of “life has passed you by.”

5. Risk-taking: when faced with the decision between a positive opportunity and a positive risk, take the risk; but know that “risk” is not impulse. It is the choice we make based on the truth we want to live.

6. Community
Don’t follow the hood; let the hood learn from you. Show them the light!

7. Disappointment: Learn from your disappointments, see them as lessons – and continue to move forward…

8. Association: Stay away from people who always see the glass half empty and only ignite negative energy. Always work on the mindset to see the glass half-full.

And last but not least, always remember that the face of adversity and obstacles are key elements in the journey toward your growth and development as a human being. They are there to stimulate and test you to determine if you have what it takes to move forward in your journey.

The key is to see adversity and obstacles as an opportunity to grow in your quest.

- End
But the Beginning of your new YOU!

About AOC


Alberto O. Cappas is the proud father of two daughters, three granddaughters, and one grandson. His life journey has provided him six levels of enjoyment, first as a Teenager, exploring the ups and down of being a member of the human race, his reason for being;

As a Father, an opportunity to share his love and joy with his love ones;

Poet/Writer , to share his literary footprints with the next generation and their families;

Public Servant , work as a government employee and manager, applying all the skills and lessons learned as a young person;

Businessman , to transform his hobbies into business new concepts market place; opportunities, bringing and products into the

Husband/family member, married to Mayra Vega-Cappas, working together in their journey; with more footprints to create in the journey.

Books by Alberto O. Cappas

Lessons for Myself
Never too late to make a U-Turn Doña Julia & Other Selected Poems Abandoned Echoes
Disintegration of the Puerto Ricans Echolalia, Verse & Vibrations Milagros: A Love Story The Pledge

Write to the poet: Cappas@aol.com




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