Introduction to the Old Testament by John Edgar McFadyen - HTML preview

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This _Introduction_ does not pretend to offer anything to

specialists. It is written for theological students, ministers, and

laymen, who desire to understand the modern attitude to the Old

Testament as a whole, but who either do not have the time or the

inclination to fol ow the details on which al thorough study of it

must ultimately rest. These details are intricate, often perplexing,

and al but innumerable, and the student is in danger of failing to

see the wood for the trees. This _Introduction_, therefore,

concentrates attention only on the more salient features of the

discussion. No attempt has been made, for example, to relegate every

verse in the Pentateuch[1] to its documentary source; but the method

of attacking the Pentateuchal problem has been presented, and the

larger documentary divisions indicated.

[Footnote 1: Pentateuch and Hexateuch are used in this volume to

indicate the first five and the first six books of the Old Testament

respectively, without reference to any critical theory. As the first

five books form a natural division by themselves, and as their

literary sources are continued not only into Joshua, but probably

beyond it, it is as legitimate to speak of the Pentateuch as of the


It is obvious, therefore, that the discussions can in no case be

exhaustive; such treatment can only be expected in commentaries to

the individual books. While careful y considering all the more

important alternatives, I have usual y contented myself with

presenting the conclusion which seemed to me most probable; and I

have thought it better to discuss each case on its merits, without

referring expressly and continually to the opinions of English and

foreign scholars.

In order to bring the discussion within the range of those who have

no special linguistic equipment, I have hardly ever cited Greek or

Hebrew words, and never in the original alphabets. For a similar

reason, the verses are numbered, not as in the Hebrew, but as in the

English Bible. I have sought to make the discussion read continuously,

without distracting the attention--excepting very occasional y-by

foot-notes or other devices.

Above al things, I have tried to be interesting. Critical

discussions are too apt to divert those who pursue them from the

absorbing human interest of the Old Testament. Its writers were men

of like hopes and fears and passions with ourselves, and not the

least important task of a sympathetic scholarship is to recover that

humanity which speaks to us in so many portions and so many ways

from the pages of the Old Testament. While we must never al ow

ourselves to forget that the Old Testament is a voice from the

ancient and the Semitic world, not a few parts of it--books, for

example, like Job and Ecclesiastes--are as modern as the book that

was written yesterday.

But, first and last, the Old Testament is a religious book; and an

_Introduction_ to it should, in my opinion, introduce us not

only to its literary problems, but to its religious content. I have

therefore usual y attempted--briefly, and not in any homiletic

spirit--to indicate the religious value and significance of its

several books.

There may be readers who would here and there have desiderated a

more confident tone, but I have deliberately refrained from going

further than the facts seemed to warrant. The cause of truth is not

served by unwarranted assertions; and the facts are often so difficult

to concatenate that dogmatism becomes an impertinence. Those who know

the ground best walk the most warily. But if the old confidence has

been lost, a new confidence has been won. Traditional opinions on

questions of date and authorship may have been shaken or overturned,

but other and greater things abide; and not the least precious is

that confidence, which can now justify itself at the bar of the most

rigorous scientific investigation, that, in a sense altogether unique,

the religion of Israel is touched by the finger of God.










































In the English Bible the books of the Old Testament are arranged,

not in the order in which they appear in the Hebrew Bible, but in

that assigned to them by the Greek translation. In this translation

the various books are grouped according to their contents--first the

historical books, then the poetic, and lastly the prophetic. This

order has its advantages, but it obscures many important facts of

which the Hebrew order preserves a reminiscence. The Hebrew Bible

has also three divisions, known respectively as the Law, the

Prophets, and the Writings. _The Law_ stands for the Pentateuch.

_The Prophets_ are subdivided into (i) the former prophets, that

is, the historical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings,

regarded as four in number; and (ii) the latter prophets, that is,

the prophets proper--Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve

(i.e. the Minor Prophets). _The Writings_ designate all the rest

of the books, usually in the following order--Psalms, Proverbs, Job,

Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel,

Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles.

It would somewhat simplify the scientific study even of the English

Bible, if the Hebrew order could be restored, for it is in many ways

instructive and important. It reveals the unique and separate

importance of the Pentateuch; it suggests that the historical books

from Joshua to Kings are to be regarded not only as histories, but

rather as the il ustration of prophetic principles; it raises a high

probability that Ruth ought not to be taken with Judges, nor

Lamentations with Jeremiah, nor Daniel with the prophets. It can be

proved that the order of the divisions represents the order in which

they respectively attained canonical importance--the law before 400

B.C., the prophets about 200 B.C., the writings about 100 B.C.--and,

general y speaking, the latest books are in the last division. Thus

we are led to suspect a relatively late origin for the Song and

Ecclesiastes, and Chronicles, being late, will not be so important a

historical authority as Kings. The facts suggested by the Hebrew

order and confirmed by a study of the literature are sufficient to

justify the adoption of that order in preference to that of the

English Bible.


The Old Testament opens very impressively. In measured and dignified

language it introduces the story of Israel's origin and settlement

upon the land of Canaan (Gen.--Josh.) by the story of creation,

i.-i . 4_a_, and thus suggests, at the very beginning, the

far-reaching purpose and the world-wide significance of the people and

religion of Israel. The narrative has not travelled far till it

becomes apparent that its dominant interests are to be religious and

moral; for, after a pictorial sketch of man's place and task in the

world, and of his need of woman's companionship, i . 4_b_-25,

it plunges at once into an account, wonderful alike in its poetic

power and its psychological insight, of the tragic and costly[1]

disobedience by which the divine purpose for man was at least

temporarily frustrated (ii .). His progress in history is, moral y

considered, downward. Disobedience in the first generation becomes

murder in the next, and it is to the offspring of the violent Cain

that the arts and amenities of civilization are traced, iv. 1-22.

Thus the first song in the Old Testament is a song of revenge,

iv. 23, 24, though this dark background of cruelty is not unlit by a

gleam of religion, iv. 26. After the lapse of ten generations (v.)

the world had grown so corrupt that God determined to destroy it by a

flood; but because Noah was a good man, He saved him and his household

and resolved never again to interrupt the course of nature in judgment

(vi.-vii .). In establishing the covenant with Noah, emphasis is laid

on the sacredness of blood, especially of the blood of man, ix. 1-17.

Though grace abounds, however, sin also abounds. Noah fell, and his

fal revealed the character of his children: the ancestor of the

Semites, from whom the Hebrews sprang, is blessed, as is also Japheth,

while the ancestor of the licentious Canaanites is cursed, ix. 18-27.

From these three are descended the great families of mankind (x.)

whose unity was confounded and whose ambitions were destroyed by the

creation of diverse languages, xi. 1-9.

[Footnote 1: Death is the penalty (ii . 22-24). Another explanation of

how death came into the world is given in the ancient and interesting

fragment vi. 1-4.]

It is against this universal background that the story of the

Hebrews is thrown; and in the new beginning which history takes with

the cal of Abraham, something like the later contrast between the

church and the world is intended to be suggested. Upon the sombreness

of human history as reflected in Gen. i.-xi., a new possibility breaks

in Gen. xii., and the rest of the book is devoted to the fathers of

the Hebrew people (xi .-l.). The most impressive figure from a

religious point of view is Abraham, the oldest of them all, and the

story of his discipline is told with great power, xi. 10-xxv. 10.

He was a Semite, xi. 10-32, and under a divine impulse he migrated

westward to Canaan, xi . 1-9.

There various fortunes befell him--famine which drove him to Egypt,

peril through the beauty of his wife,[1] abounding and conspicuous

prosperity--but through it al Abraham displayed a true magnanimity

and enjoyed the divine favour, xi . 10-xi i., which was manifested

even in a striking military success (xiv.). Despite this favour,

however, he grew despondent, as he had no child. But there came to

him the promise of a son, confirmed by a covenant (xv.), the symbol

of which was to be circumcision (xvi .); and Abraham trusted God,

unlike his wife, whose faith was not equal to the strain, and who

sought the fulfilment of the promise in foolish ways of her own,[2]

xvi., xvi i. 1-15. Then fol ows the story of Abraham's earnest but

ineffectual intercession for the wicked cities of the plain--a story

which further reminds us how powerful y the narrative is control ed

by moral and religious interests, xvi i. 16-xix. Faith is rewarded

at last by the birth of a son, xxi. 1-7, and Abraham's prosperity

becomes so conspicuous that a native prince is eager to make a

treaty with him, xxi. 22-34. The supreme test of his faith came to

him in the impulse to offer his son to God in sacrifice; but at the

critical moment a substitute was providentially provided, and

Abraham's faith, which had stood so terrible a test, was rewarded by

another renewal of the divine assurance (xxi .). His wife died, and

for a burial-place he purchased from the natives a field and cave in

Hebron, thus winning in the promised land ground he could legal y

call his own (xxii ). Among his eastern kinsfolk a wife is

providentially found for Isaac (xxiv.), who becomes his father's

heir, xxv. 1-6. Then Abraham dies, xxv. 7-11, and the uneventful

career of Isaac is briefly described in tales that partly duplicate[3]

those told of his greater father, xxv. 7-xxvi.

[Footnote 1: This story (xi . 10-20) is duplicated in xx.; also in

xxvi. 1-11 (of Isaac).]

[Footnote 2: The story of the expulsion of Hagar in xvi. is

duplicated in xxi. 8-21.]

[Footnote 3: xxvi. 1-11=xi . 10-20 (xx.); xxvi. 26-33=xxi. 22-34.]

The story of Isaac's son Jacob is as varied and romantic as his own

was uneventful. He begins by fraudulently winning a blessing from

his father, and has in consequence to flee the promised land,

xxvi .-xxvii . 9. On the threshold of his new experiences he was

taught in a dream the nearness of heaven to earth, and received

the assurance that the God who had visited him at Bethel would

be with him in the strange land and bring him back to his own,

xxvi i. 10-22. In the land of his exile, his fortunes ran a very

checkered course (xxix.-xxxi.). In Laban, his Aramean kinsman, he

met his match, and almost his master, in craft; and the initial

fraud of his life was more than once punished in kind. In due time,

however, he left the land of his sojourn, a rich and prosperous man.

But his discipline is not over when he reaches the homeland. The past

rises up before him in the person of the brother whom he had wronged;

and besides reckoning with Esau, he has also to wrestle with God. He

is embroiled in strife with the natives of the land, and he loses his

beloved Rachel (xxxi .-xxxv.).

Into the later years of Jacob is woven the most romantic story of

all--that of his son Joseph (xxxvii.-l.)[1] the dreamer, who rose

through persecution and prison, slander and sorrow (xxxvi .-xl.) to

a seat beside the throne of Pharaoh (xli.). Nowhere is the providence

that governs life and the Nemesis that waits upon sin more dramatical y il ustrated than in the story of Joseph. Again and again his guilty

brothers are compelled to confront the past which they imagined they

had buried out of sight for ever (xli .-xliv.). But at last comes the

gracious reconciliation between Joseph and them (xlv.), the tender

meeting between Jacob and Joseph (xlvi.), the ultimate settlement of

the family of Jacob in Egypt,[2] and the consequent transference of

interest to that country for several generations. The book closes

with scenes il ustrating the wisdom and authority of Joseph in the

time of famine (xlvi .), the dying Jacob blessing Joseph's sons

(xlvi i.), his parting words (in verse) to all his sons (xlix.), his

death and funeral honours, l. 1-14, Joseph's magnanimous forgiveness

of his brothers, and his death, in the sure hope that God would one

day bring the Israelites back again to the land of Canaan, l. 15-26.

[Footnote 1: xxxvi. deals with the Edomite clans, and xxxvii . with

the clans of Judah.]

[Footnote 2: In one version they are not exactly in Egypt, but near

it, in Goshen (xlvii. 6).]

The unity of the book of Genesis is unmistakable; yet a close

inspection reveals it to be rather a unity of idea than of execution.

While in general it exhibits the gradual progress of the divine

purpose on its way through primeval and patriarchal history, in

detail it presents a number of phenomena incompatible with unity of

authorship. The theological presuppositions of different parts of

the book vary widely; centuries of religious thought, for example,

must lie between the God who partakes of the hospitality of Abraham

under a tree (xvii .) and the majestic, transcendent, invisible

Being at whose word the worlds are born (i.). The style, too,

differs as the theological conceptions do: it is impossible not to

feel the difference between the diffuse, precise, and formal style

of ix. 1-17, and the terse, pictorial and poetic manner of the

immediately succeeding section, ix. 18-27. Further, different

accounts are given of the origin of particular names or facts:

Beersheba is connected, e.g. with a treaty made, in one case,

between Abraham and Abimelech, xxi. 31, in another, between Isaac

and Abimelech, xxvi. 33. But perhaps the most convincing proof that

the book is not an original literary unit is the lack of inherent

continuity in the narrative of special incidents, and the occasional

inconsistencies, sometimes between different parts of the book,

sometimes even within the same section.

This can be most simply illustrated from the story of the Flood

(vi. 5ff.), through which the beginner should work for himself-at

first without suggestions from critical commentaries or introductions--as here the analysis is easy and singularly free from complications;

the results reached upon this area can be applied and extended to

the rest of the book. The problem might be attacked in some such way

as fol ows. Ch. vi. 5-8 announces the wickedness of man and the

purpose of God to destroy him; throughout these verses the divine

Being is called Jehovah.[1] In the next section, _vv_. 9-13, He

is called by a different name--God (Hebrew, _Elohim_)--and we

cannot but notice that this section adds nothing to the last;

_vv_. 9, 10 are an interruption, and _vv_. 11-13 but a

repetition of _vv_. 5-8. Corresponding to the change in the

divine name is a further change in the vocabulary, the word for

_destroy_ being different in _vv_. 7 and 13. Verses 14-22

continue the previous section with precise and minute instructions

for the building of the ark, and in the later verses (cf. 18, 20)

the precision tends to become diffuseness. The last verse speaks of

the divine Being as God (Elohim), so that both the language and

contents of _vv_. 9-22 show it to be a homogeneous section.

Note that here, _vv_. 19, 20, two animals of every kind are to

be taken into the ark, no distinction being drawn between the clean

and the unclean. Noah must now be in the ark; for we are told that

he had done al that God commanded him, _vv_. 22, 18.

[Footnote 1: Wrongly represented by _the Lord_ in the English

version; the American Revised Version always correctly renders by

_Jehovah_. _God_ in v. 5 is an unfortunate mistake of A.V.

This ought also to be _the Lord_, or rather _Jehovah_.]

But, to our surprise, ch. vii. starts the whole story afresh with a

divine command to Noah to enter the ark; and this time, significantly

enough, a distinction is made between the clean and the unclean-seven

pairs of the former to enter and one pair of the latter (vii. 2). It

is surely no accident that in this section the name of the divine

Being is Jehovah, _vv_. 1, 5; and its contents fol ow natural y

on vi. 5-8. In other words we have here, not a continuous account,

but two paral el accounts, one of which uses the name God, the other

Jehovah, for the divine Being. This important conclusion is put

practically beyond all doubt by the similarity between vi. 22 and vii. 5, which differ only in the use of the divine name. A close study of the

characteristics of these sections whose origin is thus certain wil

enable us approximately to relegate to their respective sources other

sections, verses, or fragments of verses in which the important clue,

furnished by the name of the divine Being, is not present. Any verse,

or group of verses, e.g. involving the distinction between the clean

and the unclean, wil belong to the _Jehovistic_ source, as it is

called (J). This is the real explanation of the confusion which

every one feels who attempts to understand the story as a unity. It

was always particularly hard to reconcile the apparently conflicting

estimates of the duration of the Flood; but as soon as the sources

are separated, it becomes clear that, according to the Jehovist, it

lasted sixty-eight days, according to the other source over a year

(vi . 11, vii . 14).

Brief as the Flood story is, it furnishes us with material enough to

study the characteristic differences between the sources out of

which it is composed. The Jehovist is terse, graphic, and poetic; it

is this source in which occurs the fine description of the sending

forth of the raven and the dove, vi i. 6-12. It knows how to make a

singularly effective use of concrete details: witness Noah putting

out his hand and pul ing the dove into the ark, and her final return

with an olive leaf in her mouth. A similarly graphic touch,

interesting also for the sidelight it throws on the Jehovist's

theological conceptions is that, when Noah entered the ark, "Jehovah closed the door behind him," vii. 16. Altogether different is the

other source. It is al but lacking in poetic touches and concrete

detail of this kind, and such an anthropomorphism as vii. 16 would

be to it impossible. It is pedantical y precise, giving the exact

year, month, and even day when the Flood came, vii. 11, and when it

ceased, vi i. 13, 14. There is a certain legal precision about it

which issues in diffuseness and repetition; over and over again

occur such phrases as "fowl, cattle, creeping things, each after its kind," vi. 20, vii. 14, and the dimensions of the ark are accurately given. Where J had simply said, "Thou and all thy house," vi . 1, this source says, "Thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy sons'

wives with thee," vi. 18. From the identity of interest and style

between this source and the middle part of the Pentateuch, notably

Leviticus, it is characterized as the priestly document and known to

criticism as P.

Thus, though the mainstay of the analysis, or at least the original

point of departure, is the difference in the names of the divine

Being, many other phenomena, of vocabulary, style, and theology, are

so distinctive that on the basis of them alone we could relegate

many sections of Genesis with considerable confidence to their

respective sources. In particular, P is especially easy to detect.

For example, the use of the term Elohim, the repetitions, the

precise and formal manner, the col ocation of such phrases as "fowl, cattle, creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth," i. 26 (cf.

vii. 21), mark out the first story of creation, i.-i . 4_a_, as

indubitably belonging to P. Besides the stories of the creation and

the flood, the longest and most important, though not quite the only

passages[1] belonging to P are ix. 1-17 (the covenant with Noah),

xvi . (the covenant with Abraham), and xxi i. (the purchase of a

burial place for Sarah). This is a fact of the greatest significance.

For P, the story of creation culminates in the institution of the

Sabbath, the story of the flood in the covenant with Noah, with the law concerning the sacredness of blood, the covenant with Abraham is sealed by circumcision, and the purchase of Machpelah gives Abraham legal

right to a footing in the promised land. In other words the interests

of this source are legal and ritual. This becomes abundantly plain in

the next three books of the Pentateuch, but even in Genesis it may be

justly inferred from the unusual fulness of the narrative at these

four points.

[Footnote 1: The curious ch. xiv. is written under the influence of

P. Here also ritual interests play a part in the tithes paid to the

priest of Salem, v. 20 (i.e. Jerusalem). In spite of its array of

ancient names, xiv. 1, 2, which have been partial y corroborated by

recent discoveries, this chapter is, for several reasons, believed

to be one of the latest in the Pentateuch.]

When we examine what is left in Genesis, after deducting the

sections that belong to P, we find that the word God (Elohim),

characteristic of P, is stil very frequently and in some sections

exclusively used. The explanation wil appear when we come to deal

with Exodus: meantime the fact must be carefully noted. Ch. xx.,

e.g., uses the word Elohim, but it has no other mark characteristic

of P. It is neither formal nor diffuse in style nor legal in spirit;

it is as concrete and almost as graphic as anything in J. Indeed the

story related--Abraham's denial of his wife--is actual y told in

that document, xi . 10-20 (also of Isaac, xxvi. 1-11); and in

general the history is covered by this document, which is called the

Elohist[1] and known to criticism as E, in much the same spirit, and

with an emphasis upon much the same details, as by J.