How to Triple Your Lawn Care Business by Peter Ray - HTML preview

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How to triple your lawn care Clients.

ByPeter Ray.

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now for your free flyer templates and training videos.

Getting lawn care clients can be a daunting task when you are just starting out. I know many lawn businesses that have crumbled simply because they did not know how to attract new clients.

They were very hard working and talented people who simply just didn't know a the simple rules that you need to follow when it comes to getting that magical treasure, a paying client.

Now I'm going to start of by being a little controversial. Bare with me though as this is all going to make sense by the end of the book. The truth is...


No one can ever do anything to get more clients!

Now before you spit your lunch out and start yelling at your computer screen, (or paper if you have printed this book out,) please let me explain what I mean. All can be revealed with one simple little equation.


“What does this all mean?” I hear you ask. Well in order to get a client you need to have two other things happen first. You need to generate a lead. Then you need to actually convert that poor helpless soul in to a client. Sounds simple enough doesn't it.

The truth is, it really is.


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You can't directly do any thing to get more clients. But what you can do instead is


1. Increase the amount of leads for your lawn business. 2. Increase your conversion rate .


This is the absolute most fundamental concept to under stand so I will repeat it again.

You can not directly do any thing to get more clients. You can only increase the number of leads you get and increase your conversion rate.

Pause for a minute and let that sink in. Alright. Got that? lets look a bit deeper at what the hell all this means.

What is a lead?

To put it simply a lead is when some one interested in your lawn care services contacts you. They may phone you, they may email you or simply walk up to you while you are busy mowing some ones lawn. This is pretty straight forward right? I guess the next obvious question then is..

What the heck is a conversion rate?

Your conversion rate is the percentage of leads that turn in to customers. So if I had 100 leads and 80 of those people became clients then my conversion rate would be 80%.

Again this is very simple stuff really, but it's some thing that is over looked by many of us in the lawn business. We are often to busy in the day to day running of our business. Who's lawns are we going to mow today. When is my trimmer going to be out of the repair shop? You know, all those little things that consume our day to day lives.

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I guarantee you that if you take a step back and look at the big picture on a weekly basis your business will sky rocket. You will have more work than you ever thought possible.

Okay okay so that’s enough of all that "big picture" concept stuff. Now we can dive right in to the more meaty, more practical, step by step guide of how to improve your leads and conversion rates.