How to Steward Your Destiny by Trevor H. Lund - HTML preview

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Point 2 - Look to What You Have

The woman was asked what she had. It was oil.

I’m assuming you have a prophetic word, but what if you don’t? It doesn’t mean God isn’t interested in your destiny. It may simply mean you’ve never been in a place to get or understand a prophetic word. That’s not a problem, there are three things you can do to find out God’s plans for your life.

1. Consider Your Nature

God loves how He’s made you. The gifts and passions are not mistakes. You weren’t born into the wrong family to pick up bad habits. Sure, we all need to get over some of them. But He’s given us a unique perspective and passion to live. It’s good. It’s valuable. It’s holy.

Stop thinking God’s a kill-joy that will only ask you to do things that you say, “I’ll never do....” That’s not Biblical and yet I hear it from the most amazing people.

What’s Biblical is the Father knit you together in your mother’s womb and wrote all your days in a book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:13-16). He wants the best for you and has given you your dream.

Here’s questions you can ask yourself to start defining those dreams:

What games did you play as a child? What dreams did you daydream about? What’s the one thing you would be doing if money was not a problem?

These can all be clues to your destiny.
Take it a step further and see God’s hand in places you might not consider looking.
What upsets you? What ticks you off? What makes you angry?

Anger is not the problem. It’s when we sin in our anger that we don’t reflect the nature of God (Ephesians 4:26-27). We can be upset at sin and injustice and pain and suffering and completely have the Father’s heart. It reveals part of the treasure He’s entrusted you.

Just make sure to ask God if it’s your problem that you get upset at the person in front of you who has 14 items in the 12 item line or if it’s a reflection of His Divine revelation of justice. I’m not saying it’s one or the other. God will let you know when you ask.

2. Look to Your Passion

Are you having a difficult time knowing what you’re passionate about? We’ve all been there. When we’re off course and going through the motions, or so caught up with someone else’s agenda we can’t see God’s plan, it’s difficult to know what you’re passionate about. But God knows your passions. He’s given them to you.

You can use this tool when you ask the Father to reveal the treasure He’s hidden in you. It’s a simple two steps, but you need to use them.

a. Invite

Invite Him to bring to your memory a passion from your childhood, or an encouragement from a teacher or pastor or friend.

It’s as simple as praying:

Father, I need direction and encouragement. I don’t know what to do at this point. Show me a glimpse of the treasure you’ve hidden in me that others have seen and encouraged me with. However you want to speak it to me, help me Holy Spirit to understand. I know you said as I delight myself in you, you’ll give me the desires of my heart. Show me the desires you’ve put in my heart.

b. Listen

Now wait for Him to speak and show you a memory to encourage you. He will. He loves giving good gifts to His children. He could bring you memories or a vision or whatever He knows you can understand or seek out understanding for. Don’t get up too quickly and don’t think He won’t reveal it to you over the next few days, weeks or months. Keep inviting until you get what you need.

3. Look to Your Pain

The other way is to see what your destiny may be is to look back on your life and see the places you’ve been beaten up. Look to see where the stressors have been strongest. The enemy sees the glory that God has deposited in you and does everything he can to steal, kill and destroy it.

Now, here’s a Kingdom secret. You may only see pain in those situations, but something far more important was also happening.

While the enemy was attacking you, God was seeing the glory He’s deposited in you be refined and shined and made to reflect Him.

In Malachi it says:
He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; (Malachi 3:3)

When a silversmith, smiths silver he holds the silver in the hottest part of the flame. He won’t take it out of the flame too early. He won’t take it out of the flame too late. He watches it closely - very closely. He watches it closely because there is a moment when he knows the impurity has been separated and the dross has been cleared…it is the moment – it may not seem like it, but it is when He is closely watching the silver in the flame – that He sees His own reflection.

God keeps you in the hottest part of the flame because he sees the good in you that he needs to refine. He won’t take you out a moment too soon. He won’t take you out a moment too late. He’s going to see you reflect his face.

We may go through life unaware of the consistency of the flame. When we have the choice, we may withdraw from it and avoid it’s purification. Allow the Spirit to show you the patterns in your life when the enemy has attacked. You’ll see it’s also the Father wanting to purify. Those places most likely are where your destiny lies.

You have a call, you have a destiny. Your steps are ordered by God (Psalm 37:23).
So what else do you have?
If you know your prophetic call, or you just have learned it, get an understanding of what else you have.
What skills, what knowledge, what passion?
Take some time and itemize them.
It doesn’t matter if you can’t see how they fit your prophetic call. You really are amazing.

Your best talents are the ones that it’s hard for you to see because you find them so easy you think everyone can do them. Most people can’t. You really are special. If you can’t see them, ask your friends what they are.

Take them before God and commit them to His plan for you. Tell Him you’ll use them as He directs, even if He asks you to use it in faith.

The widow had a little bit of oil and was told to pour it into as many vessels as she could find. You’ll likely be asked to do the same.