How to Nail Social Media Without Fail by Jon Rognerud - HTML preview

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How Can You Become an Authority?

The power of social media marketing is unlimited when you consider the impact of all of the components combined. Now that you recognize how important it is to become an authority, the challenge is how to accomplish this goal. To begin, you have a choice of 3 strategies, each with its own benefits and shortcomings, the tools that you use are dependent on the strategy you select and defining your goal.

Strategy Number One:

Choose a particular niche and become the best source of information about it. This requires you topic to be broad enough to prevent type casting without overextending your reach which would make it impossible to establish yourself as an expert.

Strategy Number Two:


Select complicated industry issues, simplify and explain them.


Strategy Number Three:


Bring a fresh perspective to a subject or break new ground with new concept.

For each one of these strategies, the key word here is communication: your audience must be able to relate to your contributions and be able to understand your knowledge for your reputation as an expert to benefit.

It’s important to be honest with yourself in choosing a strategy. Are you especially knowledgeable about a particular niche? Have you discovered something revolutionary about a specific industry concept? Do you have an exceptional ability to simplify complex issues and communicate in a way anyone can understand?

In addition to your strategy, there are two other major tasks that create an authority presence in social media marketing: networking and association.

Become a “Super-Friend”: Be genuine and share your knowledge freely and openly without any expectations. Creating an authority presence by becoming a super friend require extraordinary interpersonal skills. When a person is a great friend with a large circle of industry peers, it helps to create an affinity between the individual and members of the group. This opens the door to showcase your knowledge and earn their respect.

Choose your company wisely: The saying goes: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” Emulate the authority you most admire and associate with other authorities. In social media marketing, your associations form part of the public perception of your website. Everything associated with your Internet presence is important to consider in terms of the value they relay to your website authority quotient. Choose inappropriately and it can impact the perception in a negative manner.

Be alert to opportunities: In many cases, timing really is everything; many fortunes have been made by individuals who were at the right place at the right time. Although you cannot predict with certainty when a turning point event will occur, many individuals have successfully “struck gold” by pursuing their instinct about a theory or developing their concept into a material reality at the opportune moment. Choosing a specific niche and using a combination of these methods is the surest way to become an authority.