Freedom From Smoking by Patricia Krenik - HTML preview

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Freedom from Smoking Starts Now

X Do not take any acidic beverages 15 minutes before or after the use of nicotine gum.

Nicotine Patches

Nicotine patches are self-adhesive strips that contain nicotine andk like a Band-Aid™. You need to apply one patch a day to your skin, which should be clean, non-hairy and dry. The patch releases small quantities of nicotine that is absorbed into your bloodstream through your skin.

Put on the patch in the morning and remove it before sleeping - otherwise it might hamper your sleep. In the beginning, you might need to use the highest strength - 21 mg (the actual amount of nicotine in the patch). This is the usual dose if you were smoking 20 cigarettes a day. Follow the manufacturer’s instruction on how long to use the same strength and then gradually taper off (again, according to manufacturer’s guide).

The two common side-effects with nicotine patches are local irritation and sleep disturbance. Hydrocortisone cream can relieve skin irritation. Sleep disturbance generally occurs in people who use the patch for 24 hours, so use the patch for perhaps 16 hours only.

If you have any of the following conditions, you must not use patches: X Cardiovascular problems like angina, irregular heart beats, hypertension or recent heart attack

X stomach ulcers

X thyroid problems
