Freedom From Smoking by Patricia Krenik - HTML preview

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Freedom from Smoking Starts Now

3. Ways to quit smoking

Cold Turkey

The phrase ‘cold turkey’ means to quit smoking suddenly, without any preparation or groundwork. The smokers who choose this method do not go for a gradual cutback in number of cigarettes smoked nor do they take any quitting aids such as nicotine patches or gums. They just abruptly cease cigarette consumption.

Although cold turkey is the method that more people try than any other, the success rates are very low with this method.

Strong willpower, determination and self-control are the key to quitting smoking by this method. I could add one other common key; a life-threatening situation. My husband succeeded with the cold turkey method after failing many other attempts to cease the cigarette habit, but not until he really realized that he had to stop smoking or die. Determined people and also desperate people are the ones most likely to win using the cold turkey method. On the other hand, people who come up with excuses like "I’ll stop after this cigarette" or, "this is the last pack I’m buying," fall short repetitively and never succeed in giving up tobacco.

Determination is what quitting by the cold turkey method is about. To help you strengthen your will to quit smoking, educate yourself about the injurious effects of tobacco and recall them all each time you experience a craving for cigarette.

The plus to the cold turkey method is that your body becomes free of the nicotine within three days since there is no consumption of nicotine in any 12.