Free Beer & Sex by Mike Dixon - HTML preview

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13 Lesbian vampire killers

Okay.  There's a movie with a similar name and you don't believe anything like it could happen in real life.  So did a friend of mine and she has regretted it ever since.

She was working for a regional TV station and received a telephone call from a colleague.  He had a bizarre story about a pack of lesbians who beheaded a man and drank his blood.  Some women had been taken into police custody and were being questioned about a headless corpse in a riverside park.  He couldn't vouch for anything but she would have a fantastic scoop if the story turned out to be true.

This was back in 1989.  I had just opened a backpacker hostel and my friend knew I had contacts in the police.  Could I make some enquiries and see what I could come up with?

I phoned around and failed to discover anything.  My friend wasn't surprised.  The story was too good to be true.  It was the sort of false lead that media people give to others as a prank.

Two days later the story broke.  It was true and very nasty.  Five young women, embroiled in a lesbian relationship, had lured a forty-seven-year-old man to a park on the banks of the Brisbane River with promises of sex.  Having got him there, they stabbed him 27 times.  The attack was so brutal that he was almost decapitated.  Uncorroborated testimony alleged that the ringleader of the group, Tracey Wiggington, drank the victim's blood.

The way in which the police solved the crime was as bizarre as the crime itself.  The victim had undressed and a bankcard was found in his shoe ... but it was not his.  The card belonged to one of his killers and that is how they were traced.  It seems the man found the card lying on the ground while preparing for the sex romp that never came.  Thinking it was his he placed it in his shoe.

I last heard of Ms Wigginton when she applied for early release from a life sentence.  Previous parole applications had been turned down.  She was, at the time, living in a prison farm near me.