F2 | Fire Fly Manifesto: Remixed by Jonathan Fields - HTML preview

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What feels like the end of the world to you now may, in fact, be the window you’ve dreamed of for decades.

But, here’s something else to ponder as you go looking for that band-aid job.

In most cases, if you’ve been laid off, the one thing you’ve got on your hands is time. People say that, when you’re unemployed, your fulltime job is finding another job. But, we all know that’s rarely a true representation of how most people spend the 8-12 hours you used to spend working. How you spend your crisis time is critical.

With rare exception, your search won’t take up every hour of every day.

In fact, for most people, you’ll spend more time not looking for work. It’s not a judgment, it’s more likely just a reflection of reality and the potential limitations of available positions and your local market.

That leaves a whole lot of time to do something else.

To begin to build a renegade path on the side, perhaps. And, one of the huge benefits of the paths I lay out in Career Renegade is that they allow you to tap technology to go beyond the income-generating limitations of your local economy.

So, if your town has been slammed by mass layoffs, or plant-closings, and prospects for any kind of similar job are slim, you can often move beyond the crush of your local economy by getting online and either:

à Mine different aspects of your trade/passion, or…


à Lay the groundwork for a move into a completely different pursuit.
And, the amazing thing about both these options, beyond that fact that it removes the limitations of the local market, is that they also offer the potential to generate income very quickly.