Essential Knowledge for Personal Coaches by Dean Amory - HTML preview

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One of them is boring, the other fearless. One of them is aimless,

the other determined. One of them is predictable, the other

exciting. The lesson is that, one day, the 46 years will be

consumed all the same. At the end, results will be trivial or

spectacular, meaningless or irreplaceable.


If you don't like the outcome of your calculations, take a blank

piece of paper, draw a new vertical line, and start the exercise

again. After a few times, you will get quite good at it. At one

point, you will begin to fear boring activities more than risky

ones. If you are already there, congratulations, now you know

how to win the game.

The Art of Obstacle Removal

One of the best ways to go faster is to remove the things that

slow you down. This "obstacle removal" is an integral part of

many agile methods including Scrum and Lean. Sometimes it is

obvious where an obstacle is. There are a few small things that

can be done easily to go faster. But to get going really fast, we

need to have a deeper understanding of obstacles... and the Art of

Obstacle Removal.

What are Obstacles?

An obstacle is any behavior, physical arrangement, procedure or

checkpoint that makes getting work done slower without adding

any actual contribution to the work. Activities that do add value

to our work may be slowed down by obstacles, but are not

obstacles in and of themselves.

Obstacles and Waste

Obstacles are the causes of waste in a process. There are many

types of waste, and for every type of waste there are many

possible sources (obstacles).

Types of Obstacles


Personal obstacles are related to us as individuals. There are

several levels at which these obstacles can show up.

Outside factors in our lives such as illness or family obligations

can become obstacles to our work at hand. These obstacles are


hard to remove or avoid. Even if we would want to avoid an

obstacle such as illness, it is hard to do anything about it in an

immediate sense. However, as part of our commitment to the

group we are working with, we should consider doing things to

generally improve our health. Good sleep, healthy and moderate

eating, exercise and avoidance of illness-causing things and

circumstances are all possible commitments we can make to the

group. Likewise, we can make sure our personal affairs are in

order so that unexpected events have the least impact possible.

This topic is vast and there are many good sources of


Physical Environment

Obstacles in the physical environment can consist of barriers to

movement or communication, or a lack of adequate physical

resources. Sometimes these obstacles are easy to see because

their effects are immediate. For example, if a team room lacks a

whiteboard for diagrams, keeping notes, etc., then the team may

not be able to communicate as effectively.

Other physical obstacles are not so obvious. The effects of

physical environment can be subtle and not well-understood.

Poor ergonomics take weeks, months or years for their effects to

be felt... but it is inevitable. A too-small team room can lead to a

feeling of being cooped up and desperation to get out... and

eventually to resentment. Again this can take weeks or months.


A lack of knowledge or the inability to access information are

obstacles. A team composed of junior people who don't have

diverse experience and who don't have a good knowledge of the

work they are doing will have trouble working effectively. There

may be barriers preventing the team from learning. Common

barriers include over-work leading to a lack of time or mental

energy for learning. With junior people in particular, there is a



lot of pressure to be productive and that can often be at the

expense of a solid foundation of learning.

Other times, knowledge-related barriers can be more immediate.

If a critical piece of information is delayed or lost this can have a

large impact on an Agile team that is working in short cycles. The

team may be temporarily halted while they wait for information.

Building effective information flow is critical to a team's







conflicting goals, and inefficient organizational structures can all

be significant obstacles.

One of the best sources of information about this is the two

books by Jim Collins: "Good to Great" (Review) and "Built to



Sometimes the beliefs we have about how to work can become

obstacles to working more effectively. These beliefs are often in

place because they have been part of what we think makes us

successful. Cultural assumptions can come from our families, our

communities, our religious affiliation and our national identity.

In organizational culture, one thing I constantly see is a public

espoused value of teamwork, but a conflicting behavior of

individual performance reviews and ranking. This is cultural. It is

also a barrier to the effective functioning of an Agile team. For

corporate environments I highly recommend the Corporate

Culture Survival Guide by Edgar Schein.



Dis-unity is one of the most subtle and common forms of

obstacle. Competition, legal and cultural assumption of the

goodness of "opposition" and habits of interaction including

gossip and backbiting all combine to make united action and

thought very difficult.

This is an extremely deep topic. There are many tools and

techniques available to assist with team building. If you are

interested in this topic, I highly recommend reading "The

Prosperity of Humankind".

Eliminate Waste

Waste is the result of activities or environmental conditions that

prevent a team from reaching its goal. The opposite of waste is

something that adds value (more, faster or higher quality) to the

desired result.

The whole notion of eliminating waste comes from lean

manufacturing. More recently, Mary and Tom Poppendieck

applied this idea to software in their book "Lean Software

Development: An Agile Toolkit for Software Development

Managers". In this (excellent) book, the authors list the wastes of

manufacturing and the wastes of software.

As wastes are eliminated or reduced, a team will function faster

and with higher quality. However, not all waste can be

eliminated. Sometimes waste is legislated, sometimes waste is an

unavoidable by-product of work, sometimes mistakes are made,

and sometimes it takes a great deal of effort to eliminate a waste.


Here I have summarized and generalized these types of wastes

so that they apply in any situation:

The Seven Wastes

1. waiting - caused by delays, unreadiness, or simple


2. partially done work or inventory - caused by sub-optimal


3. extra processing or processes - caused by poor organization

or bureaucracy

4. defects and rework - caused by insufficient skill, tools,

inspection or filtering

5. movement of people or work - caused by physical separation

6. overproduction or extra features - caused by working

towards speculative goals

7. task switching - caused by multiple commitments

In order to eliminate waste, first waste has to be detected and

identified, then the underlying causes of the waste have to be

identified, and finally changes to the work environment need to

be made to both eliminate the cause of the waste and the waste

itself. Many agile work practices help with this process.

Value stream mapping is one particular tool that can be used by

a team or organization to identify wasteful activities. The team

describes the amount of time that work takes to go through each

activity in their overall work process. Next, the team determines

if each activity adds value or does not add value to the end goal.

All activities are subject to speed improvements, and activities

that do not add value are subject to elimination.

In order to determine the causes of waste, special attention

should be paid to incentives and motivations. Wasteful behavior

often exists because there is some incentive for people to do it.


Sometimes these incentives are explicit, but sometimes they are

the side-effects of other things going on in the team's

environment. Changing the incentives can be an effective way of

reducing waste.

By eliminating waste, the team will find it has reduced

frustrations, and enabled greater productivity and creativity. The

team will also increase its speed and delivery of value, and at the

same time reduce defects.

Removing Obstacles

The ability to identify obstacles and understand why they are

causing problems is only the first step in removing obstacles. In

Agile Work, the person primarily responsible for identifying and

removing obstacles is the Process Facilitator. The Process

Facilitator has several approaches available for the removal of

obstacles. A process facilitator has similar responsibilities to a

change agent.


Deal with the obstacle directly without involving other people.

This can be as simple as getting up and moving an obstacle

impairing vision, or as nuanced as running interviews and

workshops throughout an organization to gradually change a

cultural obstacle.

Command and Control

Identify the obstacle and give precise instructions for its removal

to a person who will directly perform the removal. This can

sometimes work if removing an obstacle takes a great deal of

time, effort or specialized skills that you yourself do not possess.

However, the overall approach of "command and control" is not

recommended for Agile environments since it is disempowering.




Identify the obstacle and suggest means to deal with it to a

person who has the authority or influence to get others to deal

with it. This indirect method of obstacle removal can be slow and

frustrating. However it usually has better long-term effects than

command and control.


Offer to assist and encourage the removal of obstacles that have

been identified by other people. In many respects this is a very

effective method. It can assist with team-building and learning

by example. People are usually grateful for assistance.


Train others on the art of obstacle removal including obstacle

identification, types of obstacles and strategies for dealing with

obstacles. Observe people's attempts to remove obstacles and

give them feedback on their actions.

Creating a Culture of Obstacle Removal

Encourage and measure obstacle removal at all organizational

levels until it becomes habitual. In many ways this is the essence

of the lean organization.




Strategies for Dealing with Obstacles

Diagrams are a great way of communicating the essense of a

concept. Feel free to share the following diagrams with anyone

(but of course keep the copyright notice on them).


Remove the obstacle altogether. This method of dealing with an

obstacle is usually the most immediately effective, but is also one

of the most difficult methods.



The best way to actually remove an obstacle is to get at the root

cause of the obstacle and change that. This type of change results

in the longest-lasting and most stable elimination of an obstacle.

Move Aside

Take the obstacle and put it in a place or situation where it is no

longer in the path of the team.

In a team's physical environment, this may be as simple as

changing the tools that the team is using. For example, if the

team is all in a room together, move computer monitors that are

blocking team member's views of each other. If there is a useless

checkpoint that work results have to go through, get

management to eliminate it.


Build a shield or barrier to hide the obstacle so that it's effects no

longer touch your team.




If a team is distracted by noisy neighbors, put up a sound barrier.

If a team is unable to see their computers due to late afternoon

sunlight, put up window shades. If a manager is bothering the

team with meetings or tasks unrelated to the work of the team,

then put yourself between the team and the manager (or get

someone in upper management to do that).

Shielding is excellent for immediate relief, but remember that

the obstacle is still there and may become a problem again if the

shield cannot be maintained.


Change the structure or form of the obstacle so that it no longer

affects effectiveness.



In general, this method requires a great deal of creativity and

open-mindedness. This is one that works particularly well on

people who are obstacles: convert them into friends of the team!

For example if the team needs approval of an expert who is not

part of the team, this can cause extra work preparing

documentation for this person and long delays while the expert

revies the documents. If the expert becomes part of the team,

then they are well-informed of the work being done and can give

approval with very little overhead.

If done well, this can be a very long-lasting method of dealing

with an obstacle. Make sure that the transformation is true and

that it takes hold... and beware that the obstacle doesn't revert

back to its old nature.


Find an activity that negates the effects of the obstacle by

boosting effectiveness in another area.

As a coach or Process Facilitator, this is what we spend our time

in early in a team's adoption of Agile Work: we get them to work

in the same room, use iterations and adaptive planning, we focus

them on delivering work valued by the stakeholders as defined


by the Product Owner. All these things are enhancing the team's

ability to get work done without actually directly dealing with

any obstacles.

Watch out for barriers avoided this way to come back and bite

you later on.

Removing Obstacles and Learning

Organizational learning, as well as adult learning have a strong

relationship to obstacle removal. Organizational learning can be

either single-loop or double-loop learning. Adult learning can be

either normal or transformative. We can approach obstacle

removal from a surface level where we only deal with the

immediate symptom, or we can work at a deeper level where we

deal with the symptom and its chain of preceding causes. One

effective method for examining the deeper causes is the 5-why's


Obstacles Inherent in Agile

Agile methods do not perfectly eliminate all obstacles. Some

obstacles that are inherent in agile methods include overhead

due to planning meetings at the start of iterations, the use of a

dedicated process facilitator. As well, the use of iterations can

become a barrier to certain types of work items: repeating items,

investment in infrastructure, one-off tasks that are not directly

related to the work at hand.

At some point, our teams will have matured to the point where

agile methods are no longer necessary and we can pick and

choose what parts of agile we use.



There's old wisdom that advises that we can only lean against

that which resists.

This suggests that there might just be something good, or at least

useful, about resistance. Discovering what this is and learning to

work with it is key to understanding reluctance to change.

After all, change often occurs as a direct result of resistance.

Great men, such as Nelson Mandela, are testimony to this.

Resistance can be viewed as alternative, negative, or wrong. But

we need to balance this with a healthy view of resistance which

points to positive processes rather than placid acceptance.

Benjamin Franklin valued this, telling us that questioning

authority is the "first responsibility of every citizen".

It helps to understand that resistance is a normal response and

that trying to avoid any resistance is futile. Accepting this

immediately allows a different response to resistance in which

we anticipate it and work with it.

Why people resist change:

 Don’t see a need to change

 Needs are being met

 Invested in what they have now

 Don’t know how to change

 Poor communication regarding change

 Change comes from an external source and they haven’t

embraced it

 Fears: losing control, failure

 Don’t know why they should do it

 No negative consequences

 New situation worse than existing one



There are in fact many

reasons people resist

change, most of these

reasons however have a

common source. Fear.

Most of us hold a deep

fear of change and our

ability to adapt. Many of

the reasons for people's

reluctance or refusal to

change are related to the

fear of change.

These fears can also be

related to loss associated

with the change. All

change involves loss at

some level and this can be

difficult to contemplate.

Loss associated with change can be very practical such as loss of

work, colleagues, or office environment. Or it can be less obvious,

relating to concerns about loss of status, self esteem, or ability to

perform new work.

Fear of change can leave us feeling lost, confused, and torn

between the need to take action and doing nothing.

How to recognise resistance

There are a number of behaviours that are signs and symptoms

of an adverse reaction to change. These include:

 Aggression and anger

 Unusual flare-ups of emotion

 overt resistance


 Coachees portraying themselves as innocent victims of

unreasonable expectations

 Insensitive and disagreeable behaviour

 Not meeting key performance areas (missing meetings , failing

assignments, not responding to emails, for example)

 Late arrival

 Not responding, not listening, seems disinterested

 Active attempts to disrupt or undermine the project

Of course, each of these do not necessarily mean that people are

opposing change. They might be indicators, but could just as

easily be indicators of other issues in the person's life.

Real resistance usually occurs after people's uncertainties and

questions regarding change have not been adequately answered.

How to deal with it

The best laid plans and systems fail if the people side of change

management is ignored.

Resistance to change is a normal response, so plan for it, expect

it and accept it. Resistance does not mean that the change is bad,

or that the management of change has failed. Nor does it mean

that those resisting change are 'bad seeds' that need to be

weeded out!

Rather anticipate resistance and direct your energy to facilitating

what Kurt Lewin would refer to as the Unfreezing and

Change/Transition stages.

Kurt Lewin's Force Field Analysis is a powerful strategic tool to

help you analyse aspects of the change that may lead to


Assessing resistance to change is an important part of a change

impact assessment that should be conducted very early in the



Even if you're introducing small changes don't assume that that

these will be easier for people to accept - especially if they

already feel threatened or have low trust in the process.

If you're aware of any indicators of resistance to change then

you'll need to take some time out to listen to people's concerns.

Yup, listen. Don't talk, just listen (or get someone else they trust

to listen).

The clue to overcoming resistance is understanding that you

cannot avoid resistance, but you can manage it.

Remember that people experience change in personal ways.

Addressing people's values when you encounter resistance to

change can reduce any negative impact of resistance.

Changing your attitude towards resistance is what's needed to

ensure successful change. Anticipating resistance to change is

part of a successful change management strategy and will help to

keep people motivated and positive about change.

Here are some great tips:

1. Let your client speak his peac