Eliza's Prayer Book by Eliza Wilson - HTML preview

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Prayer for Peace and Wisdom in the Church

Dear God, our Friend and Father, fulfill the work you've started in our lives. Work in our church. Heal old wounds and remove old adversities. Bring us closer together and make us realize that you are one and thatwe're all one in you. Help us overcome our earthly nature that longs for power and recognition. Make us never forget that our important work here on earth is to be messengers of your goodness and to reflect your love ineverything we say and do.

So many times we act like children, letting our feelingsand desires overcome our reason. So many times we letminor issues blind our faith and darken our perspective. Help our spirit grow and make our faith stronger, so thatwe can fulfill the work you've entrusted to us.

There are so many people around us who need our love and support; so many lives that have no direction; somany souls that are like sheep without a shepherd. Helpus bring the breeze of hope and comfort to each andevery one of them. Make us wake up and realize that our life is too short to waste it in pointless arguments andselfish battles; that our mission is too big and importantto treat it lightly or ignore it for our vain ambitions.

You put us here to be a light in the dark, to offer help andguidance to those who need them. Help us use all our resources for the good of our neighbours and for the glory of your name. Bring peace into our hearts, so thatwe can share it to others. Teach us your wisdom, so thatwe can teach it to others. Change us with your love, sothat we can change those around us.

Be our friend and comforter, so that we, in our turn, can learn to be true friends and comforters. Strengthen our faith, so that we can help others grow in their faith. Touch us in every possible way, so that we can make a difference. For you are the sense of our lives and the meaning of our existence, help us live in accordance with your will.
