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etern-o, -a, eternal.

etiqueta, f. , label.

Evarista, prop. noun.

evidencia, f. , evidence.

evitar, to avoid, overcome.

exactamente, exactly.

exactitud, f. , exactness, accuracy.

exact-o, -a, exact, correct.

exageración, f. , exaggeration.

exaltación, f. , exaltation.

exaltar, to exalt, praise, extol.

examen, m. , inquiry, examination.

examinar, to examine.

excelente, excellent.

excels-o, -a, excellent, admirable, superior, sublime, noble.

excesiv-o, -a, excessive.

exceso, m. , excess.

excitar, to excite.

exclamar, to exclaim.

exclusivamente, exclusively.

existencia, f. , existence.

existir, to exist.

exótic-o, -a, exotic.

expansiv-o, -a, expansive.

experiencia, f. , experience.

explayar, to dilate; refl. , to amuse one's self; — en, to enlargeupon.

explicación, f. , explanation.

explicar, to explain.

explique, imperat. of explicar.

expresar, to express.

expresión, f. , expression.

expres-o, -a, express.

exquisit-o, -a, exquisite.

éxtasi, see éxtasis.

éxtasis, m. , ecstasy.

extender, to enlarge, spread, make out, draw up.

extens-o, -a, extensive.

extienda, pres. subj. of extender.

extiende, pres. of extender.

extrañar, to blame, reprimand.

extraordinari-o, -a, extraordinary.

extravagancia, f. , extravagance.

extravío, m. , deviation.

extremad-o, -a, extreme.

extremar, to carry to extremities.

extremo, m. , extreme.


fábrica, f. , manufactory, factory.

fácil, easy.

facilidad, f. , facility.

fácilmente, easily.

factor, m. , factor.

fala-z, pl. -ces, false, deceitful.

falda, f. , skirt.

falsedad, f. , untruly, falsehood.

fals-o, -a, false, untrue.

falta, f. , want, lack.

faltar, to lack, fail, neglect, be uneasy, miss, be wanting, missing,need, be necessary; ¡si falta todo! you have told me nothing.

fallecer, to die.

fama, f. , fame, reputation.

familia, f. , family.

familiaridad, f. , familiarity.

fascinar, to fascinate.

fastidiar, to annoy, offend; refl. , to be vexed.

fastidio, m. , nuisance.

fatiga, f. , fatigue, weariness.

fatigar, to fatigue, tire.

Fausto, m. , Faust.

favor, m. , favor.

Febrero, m. , February.

febril, febrile, feverish.

fecund-o, -a, fruitful.

fecha, f. , date.

felicidad, f. , felicity, happiness.

feli-z, pl. -ces, happy, fortunate; pl. congratulations.

fenómeno, m. , phenomenon.

fe-o, -a, ugly.

ferocidad, f. , cruelty, ferocity.

ferviente, fervent, ardent.

feudalismo, m. , feudalism.

fiar, to trust.

ficción, f. , fiction, invention.

fiel, loyal, faithful.

fiera, f. , (wild) beast.

fiesta, f. , fun, festivity, festival.

figura, f. , figure, shape, form, face.

figurar, to figure, imagine.

fijamente, firmly, attentively.

fijar, to fix; refl. , to remember; —se en, to fix the attention upon,notice, remark.

fijeza, f. , fixedness.

fij-o, -a, firm, fixed.

fin, m. , end, aim; al —, at last, finally; en —, finally.

finca, f. , estate.

firmar, to sign.

firmeza, f. , firmness.

firmísim-o, -a, firmest, most resolute.

física, f. , physics.

físic-o, -a, physical.

flaqueza, f. , feebleness, weakness.

flor, f. , flower.

florecilla, f. , little flower.

florecita, f. , small flower.

florid-o, -a, flowery.

foguear, to set fire, arouse affection.

fondo, m. , rear, bottom, depth.

forcejear, to struggle.

forma, f. , form, shame, manner.

formación, f. , formation.

formalidad, f. , formality, gravity.

formar, to form.

fórmula, f. , formula.

foro, m. , back of stage.

fortaleza, f. , strength.

fortificar, to fortify, strengthen.

fortuna, f. , fortune.

forzar, to force.

forzos-o, -a, necessary.

frágil, frail, weak.

francés, -a, French.

Francia, f. , France.

franc-o, -a, clear, free.

franco, m. , franc (about 20 cents).

franquear, to free, release; — el paso, to open the way, make the wayclear.

frasco, m. , flask, bottle.

frase, f. , phrase.

fraternal, brotherly, fraternal.

frecuencia, f. , frequency.

frecuentar, to frequent.

frenesí, m. , frenzy.

frente, f. , face, front, forehead; en —, adv. , before.

fresc-o, -a, cool, gay.

fríamente, coldly.

frí-o, a, cold, frigid.

frivolidad, f. , frivolity.

fruncir, to gather, wrinkle; — el ceño, to frown.

fruta, f. , fruit.

frutero, m. , fruit dish.

fruto, m. , fruit.

fue, pret. of ir.

fue, pret. of ser.

fuego, m. , fire.

fuera, imp. subj. of ser.

fuera de, out of; away from; — sí, beside one's self.

fueron, pret. of ser.

fuerte, strong, stout, vigorous.

fuerte, adv. , forcibly, deeply.

fuertemente, forcibly.

fuerza, f. , force, vigor; a la —, by force.

fuese, imp. subj. of ser.

fuesen, imp. subj. of ser.

fui, pret. of ser.

fuimos, pret. of ser.

fuiste, pret. of ser.

fundación, f. , foundation, endowment.

fundador, m. , founder.

fundamento, m. , cause, reason, foundation.

fundar, to found, establish.

fundir, to melt, fuse, cast.

fúnebre, mournful.

funest-o, -a, dismal, sad, dreary.

furios-o, -a, furious.

furor, m. , fury, anger.

fusión, f. , fusion.


galán, m. , lover, gallant.

gana, f. , pleasure, desire.

ganar, to gain, earn, win, exceed, surpass.

gancho, m. , hook.

garabatito, m. , little marks, little scratches.

garabato, m. , scratches, scrawls.

García, prop. noun.

gato, m. , cat.

generación, f. , generation.

general, general.

generosamente, generously.

generos-o, -a, generous, noble.

gente, f. , people.

gentío, m. , crowd.

gestionar, to manage, contrive, obtain.

gesto, m. , gesture, expression.

gigante, m. , giant.

Gil, prop. noun.

girar, to turn round, revolve.

gloria, f. , glory.

glorios-o, -a, glorious.

gobernar, to govern, direct.

gobierno, m. , government.

goce, m. , enjoyment.

golpe, m. , blow, stroke.

golpear, to beat, knock, strike.

gozar, to enjoy.

gozo, m. , joy, pleasure.

gozos-o, -a, joyful.

gracia, f. , grace, elegance, taste; pl. , thanks.

gracios-o, -a, gracious, pleasant, graceful, beautiful, pleasing.

grado, m. , will, pleasure.

gramo, m. , gramme.

gran, see grande.

grande, great, tall.

grandemente, greatly, very much.

grandeza, f. , grandeur, greatness.

grandísim-o, -a, greatest.

gratitud, f. , gratitude.

grave, grave, important.

gravedad, f. , gravity.

Gravelinas, prop. noun.

gritar, to scream, cry out.

grito, m. , cry, scream; a —s, loudly.

grupito, m. , cluster, little cluster.

grupo, m. , group.

gruta, f. , grotto.

grutesc-o, -a, grotesque.

guante, m. , glove.

guardar, to keep, preserve, guard.

guardia, f. , guard.

Guardiana, prop. noun.

guardiana, f. , guardian.

gustar, to please, like.

gusto, m. , pleasure, taste, liking.


ha, pres. of haber.

ha, see hace.

haber, to have; impers. , hay, there is, there are; había, there was,there were; — que, must, is necessary; — de, is to, have to, must; allá se les haya, it does not concern me.

hábil, clever, skilful.

habitación, f. , room, habitation.

habitar, to inhabit, live, dwell.

hábito, m. , habit, habitude, custom, dress.

hablar, to speak, talk.

habrá, fut. of haber.

habré, fut. of haber.

hace, ago; — poco, little while ago; — mucho, long ago;

tiempo,some time ago; — años, some years ago; — días, some days ago.

hacer, to do, make, cause, give, have; — caso, to heed;

caso de, topay attention to; — el oso, to pay court, make love;

— juego, tocorrespond; — frente, to face.

hacia, prep. , about, toward.

haciendo, pres. part. of hacer.

haga (le), imperat. of hacer.

haga, pres. subj. of hacer.

hagas, pres. subj. of hacer.

hago, pres. of hacer.

hallar, to find.

hallazgo, m. , find, discovery.

hambre, f. , hunger; tener —, to be hungry.

han, pres. of haber.

hará, fut. of hacer.

harás, fut. of hacer.

haré, fut. of hacer.

haremos, fut. of hacer.

haría, cond. of hacer.

harías, cond. of hacer.

harto, enough, sufficiently, quite.

has, pres. of haber.

hasta, prep. , until, up to, as far as; — que, conj. , until.

hasta, adv. , even.

hastiar, to offend, disgust.

hay, see haber.

haya, pres. subj. of haber.

haz, imperat. of hacer.

he, pres. of haber.

hechicer-o, -a, charming, bewitching.

hech-o, -a, past part. of hacer.

hecho, m. , fact, act, deed.

hemos, pres. of haber.

Hendaya, Hendaye.

heredar, to inherit.

heredera, f. , heiress.

herencia, f. , inheritance.

herid-o, -a, wounded, hurt.

herir, to strike, wound.

hermana, f. , sister; prima —, first cousin.

hermano, m. , brother.

hermosísim-o, -a, very fine.

hermos-o, -a, fine, beautiful, handsome.

hermosura, f. , beauty.

hice, pret. of hacer.

hiere, imperat. of herir.

hierro, m. , iron.

hija, f. , daughter, child.

hijo, m. , son, child.

hilo, m. , thread, bond.

himeneo, m. , marriage, union.

historia, f. , history, tale, story.

hizo, pret. of hacer.

hociquito, m. , little mouth, little face.

hogar, m. , home.

hoja, f. , leaf.

¡hola! , what is it, hello.

hombre, m. , man (also used as an interjection).

Homero, Homer.

homicida, f. , murderer.

hond-o, -a, profound.

honor, m. , honor.

honra, f. , honor.

honradez, f. , honesty, integrity.

honradísim-o, -a, very honorable.

honrad-o, -a, honest, honorable.

honrar, to honor.

hora, f., hour; en buen —, adv. , soon, well and good.

hormiguear, to swarm, run about like ants.

horno, m. , oven, furnace.

horrible, horrible.

horriblemente, horribly, frightfully.

hoy, today.

hubieras, imp. subj. of haber.

huérfana, f. , orphan.

huerta, f. , garden, orchard.

hueso, m. , bone.

huir, to escape, flee, shun.

human-o, -a, human.

humear, to smoke, fume.

humildad, f. , humility.

humilde, humble.

humillación, f. , humiliation.

humo, m. , smoke, vanity, pride, arrogance; bajarle los —s, to subdueone's arrogance, teach one one's position.

hurañ-o, -a, unsociable.

huye, pres. of huir.

huyendo, pres. part. of huir.

huyes, pres. of huir.


iba, imp. of ir.

idea, f. , idea.

ideal, ideal.

idealidad, f, , ideality.
