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 Conclusion: All You Need to Skyrocket Your Web  Profits

In this book, we’ve looked at a whole range of different ways to make money online. It should be clear that at the center of the book, and at the center of all your online marketing efforts, is traffic. That’s what all the marketing chapters in this book are about — bringing people to your site so you have an opportunity to make sales. As you build your online business, concentrate on marketing opportunities that provide targeted traffic. Don’t fall victim to marketing gimmicks that promise you a million website visitors for a few hundred dollars. There is no substitute for hard work and doing things the right way. The marketing strategies in this guide are tried and true methods for bringing you the visitors and profits you desire.

You should also concentrate on programs that are multi-level in nature such as affiliate programs. If you are doing all of the work yourself, your income will be limited by your time and resources; when you bring others into your program, your income potential becomes unlimited. Affiliate programs increase the ways you can turn your traffic into cash, and that’s what making money online is all about: generating traffic and earning money from it.

It should also be clear that the most lucrative opportunities are those that have a repeat customer component and pay residual income. It costs less to maintain a customer than to find a new one. That means it’s always smart to take opportunities that generate repeat business. It’s also important to create a newsletter that keeps your customers informed, in touch and in your business.

And the more revenue streams you have the better. On the Internet, as in the real world, chances come and chances go. Online, they just come and go a lot faster. If you are diversified, you are more likely to survive market dips that would otherwise shut you down and that will certainly shut down many of your competitors. I speak from experience. Both online and off, I’ve had major streams of income dry up overnight that would have crippled me if I did not have several revenue streams supporting me. I urge you to take my advice and start creating multiple streams of residual income immediately.

It should be clear now that a lot of what people have said about online business is absolute foolery. You can see that it’s possible to make money; you can see that you can do it by yourself, right now; and you can see that whether or not you succeed is entirely up to you.

You can also see that the following myths are simply untrue:

Your site has to have millions of visitors to make money.

It doesn’t. Small sites with good conversion ratios can make more cash than large sites with lots of click-through traffic.

Ad revenue and affiliate revenue don’t make money.

They do, if you know how to use them.

It’s easy: just put up a site and money will roll in.

If only that were true! Making money online takes time, effort and Investment. The Plug-In Profit Site  service can dramatically accelerate your online success by setting you up with all the tools you need to make money online, but you still have to work hard and invest in your business to succeed.

Some Warnings

The fact is, just because you can automate many redundant tasks to make money online, it doesn’t mean that the streets of the Internet are paved with gold. Like any opportunity, there are scams and hazards. As you set up your online business it’s important to stay alert, use common sense, and keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Don’t be tempted by get-rich-quick schemes that promise you instant wealth with no investment of time or effort. There are lots of these online. One popular scam is an email that goes around every now and then from someone claiming to be a wealthy political  dissident who’s having trouble getting a huge sum of money out of their country. They’ll ask you to open an account put some money in it and they’ll add the rest in return for a fat commission.

Unfortunately, many people have fallen for this type of scam and others like it. Just be advised that as soon as someone tells you they can make you rich and that all you have to do is send them some cash, you can be sure they’re trying to scam you. The Internet is like the real world: if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

And just like the real world, It takes money to make money. The Internet has provided a very economical way to do business and there are some inexpensive Internet marketing options; but marketing is imperative to the success of an online business and productive marketing campaigns do require some cash down. That might be money for search engine campaigns, payment for a programmer or a website designer, or even just the fee for your hosting company, but you will need some money to get started.

I can’t promise you that there’s no risk involved because there is. The size of the risk depends on how much you want to invest. You can start small with a cheap hosting company, a site you create yourself and so on. You can still make money like that; it will just take you a little longer. Alternatively, you can splurge right from the beginning by  getting a pro to create your site and marketing it hard from the get-go. It’s entirely up to you.

Me, I started small but spent thousands of dollars learning from the school of hard knocks what works and what doesn’t. Your own journey to online profits will depend, in large part, to how committed you are to success, how much you are willing to invest in your business and how hard you are willing to work to get there.

Being a successful Internet entrepreneur doesn’t require massive amounts of investment or a genius idea. It simply requires a good plan, a modest investment and some initial time and effort. It also requires an understanding of how businesses actually work on the Internet and, above all, an unshakable drive to succeed.

My hope is that this book has given you a better understanding of what it takes to make money on the Internet. Keep in mind that there is no single book that can answer every question for you. The Internet, just like the world, is always changing and every individual is unique and therefore your journey to online profits will be unique to you.

The single skill that you must possess is the ability to take action. That being said, I have a special invitation for you…