Corporate Flipper by Danny Garcia - HTML preview

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The idea of being a Corporate Flipper ® is a not a new concept. You buy a corporation, let it sit on a shelf, improve it if you can, then sell it for a profit.



Purchase Price per Corporation (FL) $245
Sale Price Per Corporation (6 months) $650
Gross Profit ($640 - $245) $395
Our Fees (50%) $197.50 You Keep ($650 - $197.50) $452.50 Your Profit (452.50 - $245) $207.50

If you purchase 1 corporation per month for now on you will be able to get a monthly check of $207.50 starting in 6 months


If you purchase 2 corporations per month for now on you will be able to get a monthly check of $415.00 starting in 6 months



Purchase Price Per Corporation (FL) $235 Sales price Per Corporation (2 years) $2,300 Gross Profit ($2,300 - $235) $2,065 Our Fees (50%) $1,032.50 You Keep ($2,300 - $1,032.50) $1,267.50 Your Profit ($1,267.50 - $235) $1,032.50

If you purchase 1 corporation per month for now on you will be able to get a monthly check of $1,032.50 in 2 years.


If you purchase 2 corporations per month for now on you will be able to get a monthly check of $2,065.00 in 2 years.


If you purchase 3 corporations per month for now on you will be able to get a monthly check of $3,097.50 in 2 years.


If you purchase 4 corporations per month for now on you will be able to get a monthly check of $4,130.00 in 2 years.

If you made $4,130.00 per month that comes out to $49,560 Per year
Imagine if someone came up to you and said If you begin investing $940.00 per month and do NOTHING ELSE they would GUARANTEE that you would be earning at least $4,130.00 per month in Just 2 short years.