Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial Communication (Vol.2) by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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                                                       CONSTANTINE & ELOPHYNY


                                             Extraterrestrial Communication: Volume Two









                                                                 Alexander Zielinski





















Copyright @ 2014
















     Alexander Zielinski is a Clairvoyant Medium who Channels ‘CONSTANTINE’ (a higher evolved spirit being) and ‘ELOPHYNY’ (a Collective of light beings from another Star plane).  He is also a Reiki Master who utilizes ‘Energy’ Healing.



     Alexander and his guides are providing the following information, with the hope and desire, that the knowledge provided will assist those in the human form to grow and evolve spiritually; to truly come to understand their connection to each other as they seek truth and peaceful awareness of who they are, where they come from and what they seek to accomplish in their life through service to humanity.



This is ‘volume two’ of this series.


Further information can be viewed at:
















Topics Discussed



71. Atlantis

72. Pres. John F. Kennedy

73. Will Mankind become Extinct in the Future?

74. Alzheimer's

75. Seizures

76. Heartburn & Acid Reflux

77. Chakras

78. Lawn Care/Maintenance

79. Is a group needed to develop Mediumship?

80. Healing types: Difference

81. Spirit's who 'Haunt'

82. Homosexuality & Bisexuality

83. Sadism for Sex Gratification

84. Masochism for Sex Gratification

85. Possession

86. 'Shadow' People

87. Development Class: Daydreaming

88. Weather Control: Government

89. Mass Shootings/Bombings

90. Police: Consequences of Abolishing Them

91. Raising Children without Rules

92. World Militaries: Transformed into Peaceful Units?

93. Easter and Jesus

94. Anti-Christ: Mabus/Obama

95. Addiction/Dependency: Causes

96. Sylvia Brown

97. Maintain Individuality as Energy Being

98. Star/Indigo Children

99. Abortion

100. Space Shuttle's last Mission

101. Role of EMT/Paramedic during a Heart Attack

102. Population Control

103. Euthanasia

104. National Rifle Assoc: Agenda/Powerful Politics

105. Law of Attraction

106. Marriage

107. Leaving/Returning to one's Body

108. Is Sex just for Procreation?

109. Focusing the Mind for non-physical Work

110. What causes Allergies to Domestic Pets?

111. Possible to Overdo Psychic Development?

112. Perception of the Afterlife

113. Harm from Cell Phones/Electronic Devices

114. Big Tobacco: Any Danger to Society?

115. Mad Cow Disease: Does it Exist?

116. Pharmaceutical Companies: Holding out on Cures?

117. Religion: Can it Work?

118. Lessons: Why come to Earth to Experience Them?

119. Higher Education

120. Walk-ins

121. HIV in Africa

122. U.S. Dollar: Will it remain as world Reserve Currency?

123. Bipolar & Manic Disorders

124. Traits & Attributes: Before & After Birth

125. Fantasies

126. Where do new Energy Beings come from?

127. Ocean Water

128. Water: World Pollution

129. Healing Methods: Which is Better?

130. Seasonal Allergies

131. NDE: Seeing Image of Jesus

132. Heel Pain/Tendonitis

133. Poison Ivy

134. ESP: Mood/Emotions Experienced

135. Paul McCartney

136. Polio in today's world

137. What is Ectoplasm?

138. Energy and its Physical Structure

139. Benefit of Mediums/Psychics

140. Time Travel

141. Memories/Past Lives

142. Cold Sore/Fever Blister







(Q) Atlantis?


(A) There is much to say about Atlantis before any questions are answered. Many believe this is a mystical place full of space travel and special powers. And on many levels this is true.  But simply because it was a different time with different ideas; this does not make it superior to that of other societies and other people.  The fallacy is to place them above or below present or other civilizations.  The fallacy is to place them superior because of technology.  There are many errors in all humanity and civilization due to free will and the direction it chooses to pursue.  The goals of the self and preplanned issues shall always stand and the majority of them be met and achieved no matter the circumstance; but because of free will, the ability of others to join a group, the ability to remain an individual or take on the identity of a group, this is what causes change in direction.  There were many more souls living adequately, that is to say they were achieving something consciously, they were actively engaged in their world on many levels; not many distractions as you might see today in your lifetime.  While not always beneficial to the self or to the society or to any of us at any time, they were part of groups, they were connected, they knew and acknowledged this unlike today; where most would consider each and every living thing, action, and thought, a separate compartmentalized thing that does not impact any other.  So, they were aware of many things that it would seem only a few know now, many others now feel this but they do not readily know what it is.  Simply because they knew what they knew did not mean that they necessarily used it in protective or positive ways.  Just as many now use things negatively or simply differently from their positive or true purpose.  Also it should be said that positive is not always the true purpose of many things.  While uplifting, loving, peaceful and positive shall always be the desired result, the desired attention, the desired feeling that all things in nature and existence shall want to express or receive; these things do not always occur and they are not always negative to experience them. You are here, all civilizations, are here to learn and educate.



(Q) What type of technology did they have at the height of their civilization?


(A) There was much in Atlantis that was technologically advanced compared to other civilizations of the time and those that immediately followed.  They would be considered advanced by today’s' standards, some would view them as archaic but it is because they used different methods for achieving the same results in many areas.  There were many crystal and mineral based technologies that powered their civilization.  They had the ability for long distance transport by ground and air.  There were limited abilities to be transported from place to place without the use of some device such as a vehicle.  This would be some type of device similar to the science fiction transporters.  You could be in one place and be sent to another place without the need to self travel hundreds of miles.  The importance of all of this, what it hinged upon, was that many were capable of using more of their mind, and by measurement, if they were not using more they were very much able to use their mind in a way more than simply as a storage device for information.  They were aware of what their minds could produce.  The ability of the mind to impact physical objects; the power of their thoughts.  It is very real and possible to produce an outcome based solely on the energy that you emanate from your being and into the world.  Many were aware of these and many things became possible because all energy was directed upon it.  All had independent lives outside the group but there was much more done as a group, as a whole, for the benefit of all of mankind as you could say.  The ability to direct energy as many show you in science fiction fantasy, these things were not fantasy, power came from the power of all.  There were many destructive things that occurred, such as your researchers who created weapons out of initially good and true and medical discoveries; many things, nearly all things can be weaponized if that is the intention of a few.  Healing was done so by internalizing the force of nature and by the use of minerals.  There was not so much outside synthetic medicines.  The body was treated with high regard in terms of what was placed into it and what was done to honor and protect it.  There were still daredevils, there were still accidents but the methods used to treat them were less barbaric than even the most civilized standard practices today.  There are many on this plane who feel this way now, there is a knowing that something else could be done in medicine, some practice it, but major revolutions in terms of treatment and prevention will be coming to your plane as these individuals increase in numbers and varied research begins.  The ability to transfer energy was important, from being to being, from place to place; there was a greater understanding that the force behind all things; thoughts, actions, solid objects, all was energy. The ability to transport extrapolated energy from an individual to be combined with the energy of others to be used to create solid objects or to impart the energy into another for the benefit of health was afforded to them by many who researched this area.  There was a greater emphasis and understanding of the body that is not directly physical.  Many on your plane now in this existence wish to work in medicine but ignore this part of the body, if they cannot touch it, it does not exist.  This will change for many. Small at first, than many.  The ability to communicate over vast distance without the use of an intermediary.  There are some who knowingly and unknowingly accomplish this now, in full conversation and in small snippets of feelings and thoughts.  There was no telephone per se, there were devices which could amplify intention and messages but that was all initiated and received by others through the self.  There was higher regard for the self, there was more unity within the group.  Destruction came because there was less balance.  The group shifted.  The group became centered on power while smaller factions attempted to retain their old ways.  Earth based power, science, and medicine will slowly start to mimic what was achieved then, there was less negative impact when you live as they did, promoting cohesion through all life systems in the body and those that occur on the plant and in the solar system. There is much done to control externally all things that occur; much more can be achieved when life is conducted in conjunction with these elements, rather than seeing them as resources alone.



(Q) What type of spirituality did they have?


(A) There were many who worshiped beings which they believed controlled many of the natural elements.  There were many who were aware of the true nature of things and looked only at nature, its methods and its actions, and were thankful.  There was not extreme focus on a supreme being.  They were aware of outside guidance, of the ability to take what they have and to make it into something more; they were able to regard others with the same morality and highness as they did themselves.  There was a decline and many were doubtful of themselves and of the necessity to also see themselves within a group, as part of a connection.  There is truth in independence at all levels but it is true to also so that even if you never speak to another human being, your actions directly impact the rest of the energy on the planet.  There was a decline and more worshiped things and directed energy onto other things that really offered no control on to life or onto the lives of others.  The ability to worship is the sense of putting one's self lower than another, there is no need for a king or a prince to be superior to those that he is supposed to aid, many problems arose when there was the necessity from the group to have a ruler who then spoke with or seemed to confer with a higher power that was not necessarily communicating with anyone.  It is important to say that not all religion is spirituality; though much of it was fractured from and split from and rewritten from the true ideals first imposed, by the self, and through true knowledge, in Atlantis.  These were not imposed in the sense of law, but they were expressed by all and were so able to accomplish much more.  If a road need be built, there was not the hiring of laborers to accomplish it; there was not the need of many government actions to achieve it.  Many things were done simply with the mind.  Many knew this, it was welcomed, and it was accepted.  It was not written into law.  You did not have to believe.  You could choose freely to express yourself how you wanted.  It was ideal for the time.



(Q) Were they totally in human form or spiritual form or somewhere in between?


(A) There were many who had forms similar to that of your natural representation now, of a spirit or soul, your true self, which was also attached to a physical form.  There was greater ability to live the physical form to accomplish energy work, healing ability, the formation of energy into solid matter.  There was not such focus on accomplishing it, the leaving of the body and learning how to do it, it was not ignored from birth.  Now there is a discovery process to achieve these, the leaving the physical body. You are essentially in the same form at all times no matter where you are on the path of education and learning.  You are your true self, you are simply operating these bodies and the trappings it entails, and you are free to leave it to conduct business.  There was not a since of a higher being in terms of one who could cross planes from learning life to true life, but the ability to recognize the physical self and the true self, the spirit being, this is what was known.  There are many who could travel dimensions.  In this time period there was more access for beings to briefly return to spiritual and learning centers from the source of creation.  Less of this is accomplished now.  Often it was unnecessary for them to return at all, it provided a sense of comfort.  Often the doubt and worry such as you experience would cause them to seek refuge rather than to find the resources and experience the action as they wished to do in the physical form.  It is not a higher power to be able to leave the body, you can do this now.  Many can do this now if they choose it.  There is a sense of evolution in the self, progress does not make you better than another individual who is unaware or new, you may be wiser, and you only have more experience.  Helping them is ideal; we will all succeed when we all succeed.



(Q) What group or groups had President John F. Kennedy assassinated?


(A) President Kennedy was not assassinated in the sense that he was terminated from life without some sort of prior knowledge or input.  He was warned in the physical plane that this attempt would be made.  In that time he was not overly concerned.  Up to that time such a bold action had been removed from the American psych in terms of successful attempts and bold acts being carried out in such a public manner against such a person.  There would be assassination attempts prior to and after this but it was the nature of this attempt and success that made such a notorious mark in history.  John F. Kennedy was assassinated due to the figure that he held for many.  He was an idea and a belief that without him many things would not succeed. While many who fought him would have found other means, there are many others who were silenced out of fear because of this action.  It is not to worry for him, in a sense; an act such as this was readily planned, though it would have liked to prevent the acts that precipitated his demise.  It was not for him to control at the time.  The groups who fought so hard to keep him and elect him and promote him were not nearly, nowhere near, not even singularly holding a thought of violence in terms of using it to perpetuate their ideas.  Those against him were many in politics but as they say to “follow the money” today, such was the case previously.  There are many interests controlling your government and therefore the people.  It is not a matter of which part a member associates with; the true parties are divided by the purse strings.  Donations can be monitored and tracked, they are very transparent about this, but Bank 'A' is not necessarily donating by that same name.  This is true today as it was previously.  There was a rise in need for control, there were families who were seeking power, and with an attempt such as this, their threat of deceit and terror ran deep within the government, they would not be able to be stopped.  It was not an extraterrestrial or Russian influence.  It was not to be an outside company or agency not from this government.  The ability of others near him was very limited in order to cease his actions or his martyrdom.  It is important that many take up his claim, it has taken much time but there are many slowly returning to the ideas that he once carried with him so vigorously.  Within your government there are many who use power, deceit, control, and money, only to gain more power and money by deception.  There is no real power another human can hold over another human, it is only done so when the human allows this to occur.  It is important to know that his ideas were not ceased, stopped, or any manner conducted and released from their importance simply because he vanished from your plane.  It was not for you or anyone else to be concerned with the assassination in the manner in which it was conducted.  The assassination had many villains, many who were carrying out the plot, if not by method A than by method B.  It was to be completed by any means necessary.  Russians are not someone who would have, at that time, been a group who would have had any part of assassinating the American president.  It is very much those from within who sought to do him harm.  This was a stage in government when there was less falsehood in actions and votes, fewer backdoor dealings.  The government was public and conducted themselves accordingly, but there was a slow rise in a darker presence.  Money, simply for money's sake is what drives many lines that are still present within the government today.  They are not earning rights and possessions that will carry with them into new realms but they do not focus on this.  They are very short-sighted in their thought and ambition.  It is needed to say at this time that John F. Kennedy would have been assassinated in this manner.  There are many who sought control by any means and they were doing so by eliminating those who were, in a very simple way, giving hope to those who were less fortunate.  It may sound very much like the story of Robin Hood, that there was a victor rising from the people to help them, and this was very much true with other figure heads of the time.  People were very much connected to them.  This was a very much time for change.  It was the method of several forces releasing pressure from the earth.  Many who have repeated these similar actions among the earth plane; it is not important the; who or how, but the why.  It was important for those who were present then and those who are present now to actively seek out new forms of government and new methods, knowing that control simply for foolish gains with no lasting effect, are serving no part of your true self.  Giving unto others is the most valuable form of currency.  Knowledge and material goods; not simply to amass more wealth and power.  Moderation, this should be sought by all.  It is important to say that not all who have wealth, or more wealth than a particular person, they are not evil or living incorrectly.  There is a very certain group who seeks power and control and continues to do so in order to perpetuate their position on top of the ladder in society.  Only their family's benefit from these actions, and to an end, they are not helping any succeeding member of the physical family in the process.  It is very important that many release the anger they share over this incident and realize that the actions that were carried out are still present in the machinations of today's government.  Do not turn a blind eye to the government, but also realize that many of the party line arguments are meant to hold your attention, meant to draw lines, meant to give meaning to other arguments they are presenting.  It is important to say that at this time there are many seeking a new way, a peaceful way; not in terms of sharing flowers, but in terms of recognizing the self by honoring the group. Recognizing the group and honoring the self.  It is important to know the role of politics and the part it plays in your life in the sense that it is a control mechanism if you allow it to become that, as it is currently intended. This is not worse at any point in the world through the various names and types of governments.  There are special groups that seek more power, they are attracted to power, and will fill the purses and bank account of those who are most likely to obtain the position and keep them close to it.  There is no other way to describe it.  There is more done to your countrymen by the hand of their brother, the same brother who is swearing to protect them and their land.



(Q) What was the reason these groups needed to remove him from office?


(A) To perpetuate their sovereignty as an independent controlling group above the remainder of society.?