Comphensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils by Dr. James Meschino - HTML preview

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3. Anti-Tumor

Many flavonoids inhibit tumor formation, but Quercetin has demonstrated a very consistent effect in this regard.

Under experimental conditions, Quercetin demonstrates a significant antiproliferative ef ect in regards to squamous

cell carcinoma, leukemia, and cancers of the breast, ovaries, colon, rectum and brain.15-18 It is thought that

Quercetin down-regulates enzymes that control the rate of cellular division (i.e. protein kinase, DNA-topoisomerase,

ornithine decarboxylase), in addition to its mild phytoestrogen ef ects.2,3,19,20




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils

Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils


1. Anti-Inflammatory/Anti-Allergy: as a single agent; 200-400 mg, three times per day. Combinations of bromelain

and Quercetin have been shown to potentiate or enhance each others anti-inflammatory activity.21 The amount of

bromelain should be equal to the amount of Quercetin.1 Bromelain also enhances the absorption of Quercetin.1

2. Diabetes (neuropathy or cataract protection): consider 200-400 mg (three times per day).2,3

Adverse Side Effects and Toxicity

Animal studies demonstrate that Quercetin is extremely non-toxic and non-carcinogenic.22,23,24 In rare cases,

allergic reactions to Quercetin can occur in humans.1

Drug-Nutrient Interactions

1. Estradiol (found in oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy)

Quercetin may slow down the detoxification of estradiol by liver enzymes. There are no human reports of

Quercetin potentiating the effects of estradiol through this mechanism at this time.