Comphensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils by Dr. James Meschino - HTML preview

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3. Aerobic Exercise Performance

A study of 25 cross-country skiers has provided preliminary evidence that CoQ10 supplementation may improve

exercise performance in endurance athletes.25

Sedentary individuals have also demonstrated improvement with work capacity, oxygen consumption, fat burning and

oxygen transport after beginning an exercise program. The group supplemented with CoQ10 demonstrated greater

improvement in these aerobic parameters compared to the placebo group, in a 4-8 week trial period.26

Dosage Ranges

1. Cardiovascular Conditions: typical dosage is 50-60 mg, three times per day. Large doses (up to 300 mg) may be

needed in severe heart disease. Some studies use a dosage of 2 mg CoQ10 for each kilogram of body weight.

2. Periodontal Disease: 50 mg per day has been used in clinical trials

3. Exercise Performance Studies: 60 mg per day27

Toxicity and Contraindications

Coenzyme Q10 is well tolerated, and no serious adverse effects have been reported with long-term use.27

Drug-Nutrient Interactions