Bridget Engel's Angelic Inspirations by Bridget Engel - HTML preview

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Angelic Inspirations

My Story

The first angel experience that I can vividly remember was at the age of seven. I had gone to bed upset and was tossing and turning in my sleep when suddenly a brilliant light entered the room. At first I felt very frightened as I had no idea what it was, and in that instant, the light took the form of an angel; it appeared very translucent. I felt enormous amounts of love wash over me and I heard the angel say to me that “Everything was going to be okay.” The message was very simple and comforting. But what really comforted me was the loving energy I felt that went beyond all of my senses and fully connected me to the overwhelming love of the angels.

Another memory is from when I was eight or nine years old. I remember looking in the mirror and feeling like an ugly duckling – I had freckles and I was skinny. I always felt different – like I never fit in – but never understood why. The next moment, I was shown a vision of my adult self and saw an extremely confident and beautiful blonde woman who was dressed so cool. I was surrounded by large audiences and was told my job on earth was to “help other people”. I immediately protested and said that could not possibly be me. I never imagined that I could be that confident or beautiful. Again I was shown the same vision and this time they showed me clearing customs at many airports around the world.
I kept these visions to myself and told no one, not even my sister Diane, who was and still is one of my best friends to this day.

Renowned angel author and teacher, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., tells us in her book “The Light Workers Way”, that Light Workers are those who volunteered before birth to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear. Each Light Worker is here for a sacred purpose. Very often, however, life on earth, with its material focuses, creates a form of amnesia in Light Workers. They forget their divine and perfect identities, and also forget their ability to miraculously help the earth and all living creatures. When Light Workers forget their true identity and purpose, they feel lost and afraid. Like something is missing but they don’t know what it is.

Although I realize now that the angels had always been guiding and helping me, I didn’t have another profound angel vision until I was twenty-two years old. It was then I received a very strong message to clean up my act and to stop drinking. New Zealand has a party culture and drinking is perfectly normal and socially acceptable. I had been partying up a storm from a very young age. I wanted to give it up and would always think “one more party and then next weekend I’ll be good.” Of course, the next weekend never came. After the angels’ message was delivered to me, almost overnight I developed a strong aversion to drinking. I had gone from drinking large quantities to barely tolerating one or two glasses of wine.

I have experienced so many angel stories and events over the years that I hardly know where to begin to share them all. My next big revelation was to follow guidance I received from the angels to travel to San Francisco. They gave me no specific reason why; I just felt a very strong urge to go there. With a leap of faith and not knowing anyone in America, I left New Zealand behind and traveled to California with my two suitcases. My life was forever altered. I love living here and have experienced many wonderful people, places, and events.

Often when we get these intuitive feelings they feel right in our body, but make no logical sense whatsoever. This is because wisdom does not come from the logical mind but from the Divine Mind, which exists out of time and space.

One of my most powerful and memorable angel experiences came when I met my husband at age thirty-four. The evening before I met Steven, I had gone out to my back lawn and was lying on the grass looking up at the stars. I was feeling so sad, angry, hurt, and resentful, and was wondering what was wrong with me and why most of my relationships with men had been disastrous. I knew my heart could not take one more break-up. I put my foot down with the angels and demanded that they bring me my life partner or I would resign as their ambassador. Shortly after that statement, I felt tremendous and gut wrenching pain wash up through my entire body. I cried so hard for hours, it was like my soul was having a cathartic release.

The next day I heard my angels say to me “Go to the Starlight Ball Room and attend their Salsa class.” I almost ignored the message and chickened out, but then thought, what did I have to lose? I was running late and when I entered the ballroom it was already packed. The next moment, a beam of light came down and directed me towards a man. When I stood next to him, all the cells in my body started to vibrate. A tunnel of white light opened and I saw a vision of us getting married. Yes, I was most surprised – I had never experienced anything like this before. Ten days later we were engaged and living together. This was nine years ago and we are heading into our tenth year together. I could not imagine going through life with anyone else by my side; we are truly each other’s best friend. We both enjoy feeling on purpose, and enjoy immense freedom and fun together. This doesn’t mean we don’t have our issues – personality stuff has come up – but we work through it together. And it’s the easiest and most fulfilling relationship I have ever had.

Who Are the Angels?

All of our prophets, spiritual masters and sacred texts teach us
about the power of love and that this power lives within all of us. Angels are pure love and light. They are wise, high-level
spiritual beings who are experts at assisting us to keep our hearts and thoughts open to love. When I feel disappointed or angry,
my angels help me to keep my heart open, to release my emotions, and to see the higher perspective of my situation.

It’s important to note that we are not broken and do not need fixing. When we connect to the angels, it’s not from a place of giving our power away, but from a place of empowerment by asking for assistance. We also do not need the angels for our information as we can go straight to the divine mind or to our Higher Self to get our own wisdom. At a spiritual level, we are all connected to the same power source.
The main purpose of the angels is to teach, guide, and comfort. Because they have no ego, this means they are pure love and
light. When they connect with us, their messages are usually
brief and always delivered with the energy of love and support.
If we ignore their messages or keep falling down, they never get mad at or disappointed in us. They see us as we truly are – unlimited, powerful beings.

The angels want you to know that they really do exist. They are your biggest supporters, greatest admirers, and expert spiritual and life coaches. They want to see you succeed, to enjoy more inner peace, and to fulfill your life purpose.

The angels know every aspect of us intimately and they know what our life purpose is. They know what our soul came here to achieve. They help us release old issues and remove obstacles that keep us from achieving our life purpose and inner happiness.

In all of the years that I have coached people, I find the emotional body is where people consistently get stuck and feel un-resourceful. Sometimes we fall into the false belief that if we keep processing or try and heal our issues, we will be happy. But by keeping our attention on our issues we keep them fully alive, because wherever we place our attention is what we experience in life. There is no value in keeping painful memories alive by reliving them in our minds or by constantly talking about them.

Usually there is some type of forgiveness work to be done, even though there are no victims or victors as we all co-create our life situations (sometimes we forget this). Archangel Michael calls forgiveness work, emotional forgetfulness, as it truly helps us to integrate painful memories and release stuck emotions. When we give meaning to an event we experience the meaning, not the actual event. It can be useful to change the meaning we place on our events to experience a different outcome. It is never too late to reframe events from our past or current reality.

Guardian Angels

Each person has two or more guardian angels that are assigned to them from birth. One guardian angel is normally extroverted and pushes you to make choices for your highest good. This angel knows your talents and potential, and encourages you to shine brightly in all ways.

The other guardian angel is much quieter in its voice and energy. This angel comforts you when you are sad or lonely and helps to restore faith and hugs you when you are disappointed. The more you appreciate the angels, the more angels will gather to your side. You can also ask for more angels to join you.

Arch Angels

Archangels are like CEOs; they oversee the guardian angels. They are larger and more powerful. There are at least fifteen Archangels and when you invoke them you will feel their presence very strongly. Visit to read more about Archangels.

HowCan the Angels Help You?

The angels operate under a law called “free will”. This means they can only help if you ask. They will only intervene if you are in a death situation and it is not your time to go. Angels are non-denominational and will freely help anyone who asks, even if you are dubious about their existence.

To ask for help, simply say “Angels, I need your help.” and they will instantly be at your side. No request is too big or small and you need not worry that you are taking the angels away from more important tasks. Because they have no physical bodies or time constraints, they can be everywhere at once. The angels can help you with any situation, even something as simple as finding a lost object or a parking space. They love to assist us because every time we create more inner peace, that peace spreads out into the world. They will guide you to the right places, the right people, and will help you to take guided action. A good way to look at this is: They will open the door for you, but it is up to you to decide to walk through the door. Hint: They will help give you the courage to walk through the door if you ask for it.

What is the Purpose of the Angels?

The main purpose of the angels is to teach, guide, and comfort. For example, the angels teach action, hope, and love. As the angel stories below demonstrate, they do come at times and provide miracles for us.
Archangel Michael helps us to remove all effects of fearful thinking. Fear can show up as worrying about how to pay the bills, having a relationship conflict, procrastination, concerns that people will not like you, and sometimes as nagging sensations in your body. When the effects of fear are removed, this allows us to enter into action. As fear is released, more love and light are available to us because we are more open to receiving it. As our heart opens, people and opportunities seamlessly are attracted to us. When more is attracted to us, we feel uplifted and positive, and engage in thoughts, words, and actions that are in alignment with our goals. The upward spiral continues.

Even when you are feeling good, it is important to create and engage in daily rituals so the roots of fear do not grow back. The angels can help motivate you to take these daily rituals. They are also great at guiding you to the perfect resources that will work for you such as a life coach, class, book, DVD, etc.

Sometimes you may feel discouraged that you are not getting your angel messages. You may give up on the angels, but know that they never give up on you. You see, your experiences, thoughts, fears, and worries are not the true you; they are something you experience. Your angels always hold you in your highest light and are always at your side. They are your true companions that never leave you. Sometimes in my life when I could not feel them it was always because I was in some type of fear or worry. Even though they were there, my fear acted as a block. Imagine you are talking to a friend on the phone and all of a sudden, there is so much static on the phone that you no longer can hear them, but you know they are still there. It can feel frustrating. This is a metaphor for how fear acts in our lives. The good news is no matter what state you are in, it can be turned around very quickly. Angels are fabulous for assisting with releasing fearful thoughts. The truth is you are a powerful, amazing person who is capable of achieving anything your heart desires, regardless of your current outside circumstance. With your angels by your side you can guarantee a steady pathway of success. Your angels will also remind you that the power is within you and not within them. I have been working consistently with the angels for the past nine years and I have never worked so diligently in my life. I also have more overall abundant joy, happiness, financial freedom, good looks, and feel fulfilled with being on purpose.

When you start working with the angels, they will often bring in lots of signs and maybe even some miracles. They do this so you will believe that they exist and to create a relationship with you based on love and trust. But as your relationship matures with the angels, they often take a back seat while still lovingly watching over you.

How Do We Receive Information From the Angels?

Every person has four main methods for receiving their divine guidance: Through our senses of sight, sound, feeling and thought.

Clairvoyance – Means clear seeing, and brings guidance in the form of still pictures or miniature movies in your mind’s eye. The angels may communicate with you by bringing you the perfect book, showing you a vision or a stunning rainbow, or you may be led to view a certain movie.
Clairaudience – Means clear hearing and involves hearing your guidance through words coming from within your head or outside it, although it may not sound like your own voice. The angels use very short messages or single words and will keep repeating those messages or words until you act upon the guidance. You will often think, “Hey, I already knew that” because it always feels right on.

Clairsentience – Means clear feeling and involves receiving guidance as an emotion or a physical sensation such as a smell, touch, or a tightening of muscles. For example, you may wonder whether or not to take a certain job and get a tightening in your body when you think about it; this is valuable information. Or you may get an uneasy sense when you meet someone – listen to this. Sometimes this kind of information can be difficult to receive because we dismiss our feelings and think, “it’s just me”.

Claircognizance – Means clear knowing – suddenly you will know something for a fact without knowing how you know. You may have an insight or be able to fix something without knowing how.

We usually receive guidance through the same communication channel or channels that we experience every day. If you are more of a creative artist and visual person you are likely to be clairvoyant. The third eye relates to this channel.

If you pay attention to people’s voices, music and noises, your channel is auditory and the ear charkas relate to this channel.

Other people experience life through their emotions and senses and are feeling oriented, the heart is related to this channel.
Those who focus on the underlying messages and meanings of their experiences are more cognitively oriented. The crown charka is related to this channel. These people are usually scientists and engineers.

You may be open to all these channels, but you will find you are usually stronger in one channel than another. Choose your predominant channel and for the next week, focus entirely on that channel. Create a special book for yourself and each day write down the things you experience and notice.

The angels are always communicating with you and trying to get your attention. They will engage with you in ways that resonate and delight you. Start trusting that you can receive their guidance and intend to notice their signs.

Tools to OpenYourself to Divine Guidance

1. The first step to opening yourself to receive divine communication is by making the decision to do so. Really choose it. The word decision comes from the Latin root and means to cut off – when you make a firm decision it cuts off all wishing, hopes and maybes.

2. Commit to spend ten minutes a day in silent meditation with the intention of connecting. Make this the most important part of your day. This will help you build your skill set. I still do this daily, along with clearing my chakras, centering myself, and setting my daily intentions.

3. Breathe deep. Deep breathing will make it easier for the angels to communicate with you. They imbue each molecule of oxygen with guidance and instruction. Any time you want rapid movement in your life, breathe more deeply.

4. Keep your physical body healthy through light nutritional foods, exercise, plenty of water, and by keeping your charkas clean. These are all methods that will help the angels communicate more powerfully and clearly to you.

All the stories below are true stories, nothing has been embellished, and I have generously been granted permission to use them. I hope these stories touch your heart, open your mind, and wrap you in the wings of angelic love as you read them.
