Angelic Thinking: Your Angels’ Help With Positve Thinking by Andrew Marmion - HTML preview

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The purpose of this appendix is to help you with the Mental Cleansing and Refurbishment Exercise. Please find the necessary information you need to practice it below. It’ll save you taking notes or having to peruse through the book. You can print out the following pages and use them to help you practice the exercise on a daily basis.


Week 1

Ask the angels for a negative thought or thought pattern to work on, one that affects your daily life and relationships. If one does not come to you then pick one. Think and pray around how this toxic thought affects your life, your well-being. Ask the angels to help you understand this.

Here are the questions to ask yourself during the first week:

  • How has this unhealthy thought affected my mind and body?
  • Has it influenced how I relate to myself and others?
  • Does it make me question my belief in God and his love for me?
  • In what way does it have a hold over me and my behaviour?
  • Does it help me be negative in other areas of my life?
  • Do I take some kind of twisted pleasure in this way of thinking?
  • Do I use it to justify how I live, how I treat myself or others?
  • Is there a specific person or situation which exacerbates this negative thinking?
  • How could I think and behave differently?
  • Would I find more meaning in my life and relationships if I did so?
  • What would it be like to be free of this thought?

Write out what you’ve been thinking and praying about. Ask the angels to guide you and to help identify any emerging patterns. The writing helps what’s important to come to the surface, that which needs to be let go of and healed. Read over what you’ve written and ask the angels to help you understand or include anything you may have missed.

Pick an affirmation to use through the day that relates to the healing of this toxic thought. For example, if the negative thought concerns low self-esteem such as ‘I’m no good, I’m a loser’, your affirmation could be ‘I’m a champion, a beautiful and good child of God.’ It’s important to keep the affirmation short so as you remember it. The important thing is to say it meaningfully. Use it during the day as often as you can, especially if the negative thought rears its ugly head. These affirmations are the bedrock of the new healthy thought beginning to take root.


Week 2

Start each day of Week 2 the way you did the first week. Pray to your angels to help you focus on dissolving the negative thought you’re working on, and seeing the positive thought growing. Again, visualise something around the healthy thought growing tall and strong like a beautiful bush with red flowers or something similar.

Remember, this week, you’re trying to discover any central issue you have which plays a part in thinking the way you do. Looking back on what you wrote during Week 1 will help you identify emerging patterns and, therefore, the central issue.

Here are the questions to be asking yourself this week:

  • What is the central issue behind this way of thinking?
  • How is this central issue linked to my behaviour and relationships?
  • What other negative thoughts are related to this one?
  • How has this central issue moulded my life, influenced my daily choices?
  • Do any other negative thoughts emerge that will need to be dealt with at a later date?
  • What does it feel like to think positively?
  • What changes are occurring in my thinking?
  • Am I behaving differently towards myself or others?
  • Do others notice a change in my behaviour?
  • What about my thinking has changed for the better?
  • What still needs to be worked on to help eradicate this negative thought?
  • Am I using clear and powerful affirmations to help the healthy thought take root?

Now write down what you were reflecting on. Ask the angels to help you put the thoughts you were having into words. Look back on what you wrote each day of Week 1 and consider how you’re unearthing the negative thought and allowing space for the positive thought to grow.

Now ask your angels to help you choose an affirmation. Ensure these affirmations are ones which will really encourage and motivate you. The nigglies will try and tell you the mental cleanse isn’t working, that it’s all a waste of time. But don’t listen. That’s your ego giving you a mental arm twist. Your whole attitude this week should be one of joyful hope. If you don’t feel it, then: fake it till you make it!


Week 3

This week you are nearing your goal; being free of this toxic thought. Given that this thought is now weaker, like a limp weed surrendering to a strong weedkiller, it’s only time that’s needed for it to be completely eradicated – namely, the third week.

Keep that in mind as you ask the angels to inspire and help you stay positive. Use visualisation techniques during you reflection; see yourself as free of the negative thought and what that feels like.

Now, reflect on the negative thought as continuing to wither at an incredible rate. Victory is just around the corner. Stay the course. Don’t be like the one who left the room five minutes before the miracle happened. Here are some of the questions you can be asking yourself during your reflection:

  • Am I aware the negative thought is losing it’s grip on me? In other words do I have that inner conviction?
  • Am I aware of the positive change taking place in my thinking and behaviour?
  • Has anyone commented on my change of relating or behaving?
  • What can I do today to help keep me in a positive frame of mind?
  • What affirmation can I use to encourage the growth of my new positive thought pattern?
  • How does the healthy thought equate with the way God wants me to think and live?
  • Do I believe my thinking is changing, that the angels are helping me?
  • Am I looking forward to being rid of this unhealthy thought? Why?
  • Will I miss thinking in the negative? Why?
  • Are there any remaining crumbs of the thought left to be tackled? (Look over what you wrote over the last couple of weeks. You don’t have to do this in one sitting, you have several more days).

On day 20, and as part of your reflection, glance over what you wrote on the first week. Remember how you felt at the time and compare it with what you wrote this week and how you feel now. On the last day consider how you will use this new way of thinking and imagine scenarios and people with whom you could put this into practice.

Again, write your thoughts in your diary and mull over what you’ve written. Ask the angels to help you come up with a helpful affirmation for the day. Remember to use this affirmation as often as you can during the day, especially if the toxic thought tries to reassert itself. Just remember it’s the last ditch battle. Even when you’ve finished the exercise for that particular destructive thought, if it comes to mind, don’t worry. It’s just the memory of the thought you used to have. Just trust in God and his angels and stay with the healthy thinking.


Suggestions for the Subconscious

Remember, after the third week, you still actively and deliberately use the healthy, new way of thinking. You can call it to mind with the use of an affirmation or positive thought, one that’s the opposite of what was negative. In any event, you’ll find it natural to think positively and healthily around what you couldn’t before.

Sometimes people get confused with what the new healthy thought is. They tend to experience it as ‘a lack of’, as though waiting for something to happen. This, too, is nothing to worry about. It’s because your mind has been freed and you’re looking for a substitute thought. The substitute thought resides in your attitude.

Realise it’s not just an absence of the negative thought. You have reprogrammed part of your brain. You’ll know it has worked when you face any future temptations, or come across it from others. You’ll be able to smile to yourself and think in the positive, happy you no longer need to think that toxic thought.

In the meantime, though, think of some affirmation to use, or talk to yourself saying, “Isn’t marvellous I no longer have to think negatively. I choose to think ….,” and add in the positive thought and healthy attitude instead. Do this often as it comes to mind during the day for another six weeks. It can take that long for the healthy thought to become rooted in the subconscious.

Once it’s there, you can be sure you’ll automatically use the healthy thought. If any temptation comes to think in the negative way you used to, remember, that’s all it is – a temptation, probably brought on by the likes of tiredness or emotional upset. And pay heed: if you ignore these suggestions, don’t encourage the healthy thought to sink into the subconscious, you leave it vulnerable to being supplanted again by what’s toxic.

If any resistance remains around the negative thought, perhaps you need to do an extra week or repeat the whole process. This can be the case with particularly stubborn thought patterns to be got rid of. There’s no rush, so don’t feel you’ve failed or let yourself down. I’ve had to do this myself. Just take it in your stride and be aware that the angels are helping you go at your own pace.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the read and will put the Mental Cleanse and Refurbishment Exercise to good use. Watch out for other angelic titles which I’ll be adding to my collection.

Please leave a customer review with Amazon as it helps with the rankings. But for now, God bless and may your angels help you understand and use the information herein. May you find the help and healing you require so as to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Happy hunting, and once you put your hand to the plough, don’t turn back. Bye for now. for network marketing help for some great wellbeing products for my angel website