A Start-up Guide to Dating Mastery by Neil Ward - HTML preview

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Meeting People


Speed Dating


Online Dating




Body Language




Inner Strength


Social Skills




Dating Ideas


The First Date


How To Act on a Date


Goal Setting




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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

About The Author

Neil Ward is the Founder of Top Dating Coach, a Global

Dating Coaching and Training company headquartered in

London, UK with offices in Florida, Los Angeles, Bangkok &

the Philippines. The Top Dating Coach company is highly re-

garded as one of the Worlds most exclusive dating companies

with celebrity clients and Neil Ward being praised as Europe's

leading dating coach.

Neil Ward is the lead trainer and coach for the company and

delivers large seminars across 3 continents several times per


Neil has a long term partner who is a model and actress from

Los Angeles, California. They met at a business conference in London and now live in

both London and Los Angeles together.

Back in 2003, the single and pretty desperate Neil Ward went on a journey to master

dating success after having been a serial ‘unsuccessful’ dater for most of his life. Having

had one girlfriend in his whole life who then left him in favor of a better more successful

guy, this created the spark that Neil needed to get off his butt and take action to do

something about his disastrous dating life.

Neil went on a journey like no other, he would wake up every day and study dating and

communication skil s, he would read books, listen

to audio products, watch videos, attend seminars

and get personal training on al things such as his

health, fitness, image, voice coaching and the list

just goes on. Then he started to apply the knowl-

edge by doing online dating, speed dating, going to

bars and clubs, social events and parties, which

then turned into just stopping women in the street

for a conversation!

Neil Ward & his girlfriend Kristin enjoying

a special moment in LA in Spring 2012.

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

Neil is also highly sought after for not only dating coaching, but also for his unique style of delivering professional speeches to audiences. He is not only an excel ent life coach,

but also a top business development coach working al over the World to improve cus-

tomer service departments and to teach CEOs and MDs how to connect with their staff

and other business people successful y.

When asked the question of what the drive was for Neil to develop such an amazing

company, he stated:

“I am not driven by wealth or fame; I am driven by personal pride, achievement and

success, but most importantly, the success of others. I want to help people to turn their

dreams into reality, to step out of the darkness and become truly great. Because

greatness is within al of us, not just the lucky few, regardless of what other people say

to keep us down.”

Neil has also provided some resources for you to download to help you to achieve

dating success - al completely free of charge, just click the link in the footer below to

get your report and a 10 part dating course valued at $197.00

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward