A Science Conspiracy Network by Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte - HTML preview

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Dancer mass is 45 000 gram

If Newton is correct the frog must land on the earth hours after the truck landed and minutes after the girl. In reality the frog and the dancer and the truck fall at an equal descending rate. That is what Galileo said all along. That is not what Newton said. On the way down the frog then pretends he drives the truck and the next scene he is dancing with the girl while the truck is falling as fast as a truck can fall and they all fall together as if they are in a unit sharing space.

Does each then fall according to their mass as Newton says?


Who do you think is lying?

Physics are telling students all over the world that mass is in charge of gravity and it is by the force that mass forms that the bodies are pulled down. Then the mass is pulling the truck of 15 tons down since the mass produces the gravity and the gravity produces the fall which is three hundred and thirty three times more in the case of the truck going in a down direction than the girl’s mass of 45 kg is pulling the dancer down while the frog of 150 g is descending as if it also is 15 tons as it falls beside the truck. This point is crucial to what you are going to read about gravity in the rest of the book!

If Newton’s