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7 Steps To Building Your Million Dollar Network Marketing Empire Online.



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Inside this ebook you’ll be exposed to some profound


and highly-controversial truths and of course, untruths.


You’ll discover some incredible principles that will save


you an enormous amount of time, money and


headaches in your business.


Not only that, it also contains some of the most


valuable marketing principles that you will ever learn.


Learning and applying these faithfully to all your


endeavors is guaranteed to bring you phenomenal




-Enjoy Table Of Contents


Intro 5


Step 1 21


Step 2 27


Step3 30


Step 4 34


Step 5 36


Step 6 39




I’m sure your expecting me to tell you that I’m writing


this ebook because I’m sick of all the crap out there


blah blah blah and this ebook is going to show you the


“real way” to make money online blah blah blah etc. I


get it right?


Well… kind of AND kind of NOT.


Ever wonder why most “online systems” never work? Well….the surprising fact is that they DO work


You see most “Gurus” out there selling their systems




You see making money online is not about getting a


“system” its about developing and implementing


certain skills online. If it really was that easy to just buy


a system and automatically make a 7 figure income


then everybody would have one.


But if you have certain “skills” which are necessary to


make money online then you can take your income


literally to whatever you’d like it to be. Now I am probably going to get into a lot of trouble


here for giving you guys this information


So why am I writing this book again?


Well the reason is below 00001.jpgYep… That’s me.


Up until last year I was a 21 year old double college


dropout ( I did it twice just for kicks).


Well I finally realized the college thing wasn’t for me


and therefore the possibility of getting a high paying


job. Well….. here was the problem….I STILL




Not a good combination huh? So I joined a network marketing company built my


team online and skyrocketed to success right?




Well lets just say I didn’t start of in that direction.


No sooner did I join my first network marketing


company did I realize exactly how terrible I was at


network marketing!


So how bad was I? well to put it bluntly after working in that company for


two years I had a big o’l whopping team of 2 people


…….and I was one of them!


Now since this obviously isn’t working for me and


besides the fact that I hated getting rejected.


I decided its time to take my business online!


I had heard so many people swear up and down, back


and forth that anybody can get rich on the internet.


And more importantly I was interested in growing my


Network Marketing Opportunity online. Because I knew that the big money was in the compensation




So now I had to figure out this whole internet


marketing thing right? Well…….


You see here’s where it takes a different turn than


you’re probably used too.


You see I don’t have a story about how I struggled and


bought everybody’s system and they weren’t working so I decided to take a different approach and I figured out


the keys to consistently making money online blah blah




You see I didn’t waste any time struggling around and


trying to figure out how to market my business online.


I actually did the 1 thing that separates people who


achieve fast success and the people who struggle. And


I’m about to let you know exactly what I did.


Instead of spending hours and hours reading book after


book, and watching video after video, seminar after


seminar. I took the very first step towards exploding my


business and that is…. I found a mentor!


Well he’s actually my Dad’s friend but he happens to


make millions of dollars on the internet.


And you know what I did?


I simply asked him to show me how he makes money




And guess what?


He showed me! Well as you can see this shaved literally YEARS off of


what I would have been doing and has catapulted my


business through the roof!


And as lucky as I may seem none of this would have


happened if I didn’t find someone who had already


done what I wanted to do.


So what does this mean to you?


Well it means two things


1. ANYONE can make money online! You don’t


have to have a PH.D. or be a rocket scientist to


make a lot of money on the internet. If a double college dropout (by the way I dropped out of


community college FIRST!) from Chicago Illinois


with NO experience in Network Marketing can


make a fortune online, YOU CAN! All you have


to do is KNOW about certain skills on the


internet and USE them.


2. If you want to get anywhere fast ALWAYS ask


and get advice ONLY from someone who has


already done what you want to do. This only


makes sense if you were driving somewhere you’d


get directions from A. someone who’s already


been there and B. you’d get them BEFORE you


leave. And if there’s one thing you get from this book is to


learn to leverage other people’s experiences. That is the


most powerful type of leverage you can achieve and can


literally take YEARS off the learning curve for




Well as simple as this is, I also understand the fact that


most people simply don’t have a millionaire friend or a


network of other professional network marketers or


internet marketers they could ask for financial or


internet team building advice. (To get access to my network of millionaires and


internet marketers visit


http://www.explodemyincomeonline.com )


So what I’ve done is simply laid out the 7 most


important steps to building a million dollar Network


Marketing organization online EXACTLY the way I


received them.


See anyone can make money online…. IF you know


what to do. And believe me when I say that 75% of


making money is simply knowing. Technology and the


internet changes so fast today that knowing and being on the “inside track” is a big part to making the big


money online. Luckily for you I have a free ezine to


keep you in the loop about Internetwork Marketing


and how to grow your team online more effectively.


That’s right!


By the time you are done reading this ebook you are


going to have the exact knowledge you need to take


your business to any level you choose.


I hope you enjoy these steps and hope you refer this


book to your friends and network marketing team. To Your Success,


Eugene Key 1: You Must Become A Master At Traffic!


Traffic is the lifeblood of making money online. Please


know this: If you want to make money online you must


be good at getting traffic!


For those of you who do not know what traffic is very


simply put, traffic is other people coming to your


website. Now I know this sounds so basic yet almost NOBODY


online except for the people making millions of dollars


understands traffic!


Just as you would need people to walk into your store if


you owned say a grocery store, you need people to


come or rather “look” at your website in order for you


to make money online.


It’s quite funny actually. I’ve met people who think


that because they “made” a website that they should be


making money too. There are MILLIONS of websites out there, the


chances of someone landing on your page and even


being interested in your product without you doing


some type of promotion is slim to none.


So how do you get traffic to your website?


Well that depends, there are two main traffic types


Paid traffic and Natural Traffic


Paid Traffic


Paid Traffic is any form of traffic that you pay for.


Whether its pay per click or buying ad space online.


Paid traffic can get very expensive depending on how much you’re advertising but the upside to paid traffic is


that its fast!


You could have a website built today and have paid


traffic within minutes!


Paid traffic comes in many different types of forms such


as pay per click(ppc), banner ads, solo ads, jv’s, etc. I


can’t go into detail in this ebook to cover every type of


paid traffic methods because there are simply too many


to list, however I do go over all the different traffic


types in full detail on my newsletter. Natural Traffic


Natural Traffic is not necessarily traffic that is not paid


for, but it does include all of that as well.


Natural traffic is traffic that is generated by search


engines, articles, videos, etc. that boost your websites


traffic rankings.


For instance if you type ‘network marketing’ into


google you see the ‘natural listings’ (center) and ‘paid or


sponsored listings’ (top and right) Although natural listings are generally free they also


take time as search engines take time to index sites yet


almost last an infinite time which is excellent for long


term traffic.


You can get natural traffic starting today by writing


articles and submitting them to different article


directories such as ezinearticles.com.


When people read your articles (provided your giving


value) they click on your link to go back to your


website. Once again you did not pay for this traffic but


it does take a time commitment, which is well worth it


because these articles bring in traffic forever and they


brand you as the leader. Key 2: You Must Become A List Builder!


Every Guru out there knows that the money is in the


list, but noone ever teaches HOW to build a list.


Building a list can be hard or easy depending on how


you want to do it. You can build a list by selling things


online and keeping the names and email addresses of


those who buy from you or you could give away


SOMETHING OF VALUE in exchange for their


name etc.


By the way ALWAYS follow the ‘rule of free’ “Never give away something you could not otherwise




If you don’t give people anything of value now they


will NOT buy from you later!


If you do not have anything of value you feel you can


give away, use this ebook and collect the names and


email addresses.


To start building real wealth online you will not just


want to build a list, you will want to build LISTS. The


true online giants realize that because you can automate everything that you can build more than one list


simultaneously in different markets!


Obviously it may be some time before you get to the


place where you venture to multiple markets but its


something to keep in the back of your head. Key 3: You Must Brand Yourself And Attract


People To You.


Most new network marketers make the mistake of


thinking that their “products” are their products.




You are your product!


Your “products” are nothing more than an extension of


you! When you brand yourself instead of your products,


then it doesn’t matter which company you’re associated


with you can always make lots of money!


So how can you attract people to you online?


Well a good part of being in the information age is that


people are searching for it. And people perceive people


with that information to be “leaders” or a “guru”


America Loves Gurus


So why not become one?


Let me ask you a question?


Where do you think gurus come from? Plant Guru? Or wait maybe they went to college and got a guru


degree or maybe a guru license?




These people became “Gurus” because they gave or


rather sold information that people wanted.


It kinda started with Bill Gates if you can imagine (at


least in my opinion) Bill Gates sells “information”


(software) that he doesn’t create (I REPEAT BILL




BOUGHT IT!) and now he license it to us and he




If you can find and give good information you can


attract people to you and better yet you can make an excellent life for yourself and your family. And


information is everywhereJ Key 4: Make Sure You Have A Good Comp Plan.


I find it quite disturbing when people join an


opportunity without understanding, looking at, or even


inquiring about a compensation plan.


I mean isn’t the point of network marketing to make


money so we can have our time back and stop working


for the ‘man’?


Well the truth is most people only focus on the product


and don’t take the time to study or understand the


compensation plan but YOU MUST! If you want to make THE MOST MONEY you must


know what it is that your company is PAYING THE




Any company I’m involved with MUST have at least a


50% matching bonus, that way for everyone I enroll I


get paid 50% of what they bring in and I teach them


how to do the same. Although the company I’m


currently with is paying out 100% matching bonuses


on all new enrollees. Key 5: Multiple Streams Of Internet Income


Getting paid from building your organization is


excellent. Getting paid TO build your organization is


even better!


When I learned this little key it literally took my


business from nothing to over the top.


Did you know six and seven figure mlm earners don’t


buy or chase leads? They actually get paid t

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