50 Ways to be a Better Relief Teacher by Bob Brandis - HTML preview

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The student who continual y misbehaves is often disengaging themselves from the lesson for a purpose. Perhaps they are finding the work too difficult and do not want to show themselves up as being a dunderhead.

Being a rebelious youth is far more socialy acceptable.

If you suspect this is the case, engage the student in a learning activity that shows the rest of the class they are capable.

You have to tread carefuly here and manufacture a situation when the student looks good.

Nothing breeds success like success!



5 0 W A Y S T O B E A B E T T E R R E L I E F T E A C H E R



5 0 W A Y S T O B E A B E T T E R R E L I E F T E A C H E R

Ways to be better at Lesson Management

esson Management is the bread and butter for teachers. It is the fundamental indicator of success. The lesson is the equivalent of a L carpenter’s hammer.

No teacher leaves university without a comprehensive understanding of lesson design. But is the hustle and bustle of the busy day, it sometimes is not given enough credence.

All else is smoke and mirrors. If you can structure your lessons effectively, then you are well on your way to helping your students achieve results.




5 0 W A Y S T O B E A B E T T E R R E L I E F T E A C H E R