50 Ways to be a Better Relief Teacher by Bob Brandis - HTML preview

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It is a sad fact that there wil be a class where you wil encounter turkeys. You know the kids who spend the whole day going “Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!” At least that is what it sounds like. Certainly it makes as much sense.

These are the stressors of the day. Statisticaly, in a class of 25 you wil encounter about 4 unfortunately.

Hopefuly you wil have recognised them early and put in place the proactive steps of standing close, maintaining eye contact.

You need to cut them off quickly. The rule, as a relief teacher, is – “Don’t interfere with the learning of others!”

Let the turkeys know that you wil not tolerate their interference when others want to learn. And if they sulk and sit at their desk – wel that wil work! As long as they aren’t interfering with others!

Of course some turkeys fly only when they have an audience. You wil recognise these turkeys early in the day. In this case don’t give them an audience. If one starts to spread wings, deny him/her the audience and say (in as quiet a voice as you can), “Class, I would you like you to turn you chairs and look this way.” And if that doesn’t work – wel , you know what happens to turkeys eventual y, don’t you?




5 0 W A Y S T O B E A B E T T E R R E L I E F T E A C H E R

Be prepared. Have a time