Info Product Selling with the New eBay Policy Changes by Josh Michael - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 Cost of Selling Physical Info Products on eBay

You can make your complete personalized info CD with everything you want on it for under a $1 each; they even have programs that you can print your own labels on your CD’s. You can ship an information CD for under $4 any where in the world your own info product business on a disk for under $5 a piece.

I believe if you have a good info product CD with some good eBooks, audio, video, and resell rights it will sell itself for easily $10-$20 on eBay that’s about a %250 profit for each sale! Your CD will also generate you a profit from your upsell and if you have a subscription product on you CD you will generate residual Income! Let’s say you make a hundred CD’s and sell a hundred, you will generate on the low end of $1000 off your sales you will spend about $500 to have your CD to your customer. If only 10% of your customers subscribe to your $14.99 subscription that’s an additional income of $150 a month residual income do this each month and your residual income will grow and grow. Get only ten subscribers a month that’s 120 subscribers a year and that’s a whopping $1799 a month Residual income (not doing a thing) that’s with no one buying any of your upsell products you might have. You can choose to beat the competition even and sell your CD for only pennies more than it costs you and rely on residual income for your source of income! I told you earlier I can’t stress enough how huge of an opportunity this is and I’m telling you it is!

You can choose to ship your CD in a cardboard CD case you can print your logo or whatever on to personalize it for pennies. Once your business gets going and you’re generating a comfortable income you could get CD or DVD cases and make a decorative cover advertising your business for your CD. The better looking and well put together disk will be the higher priced ones. If your CD has an entire web store and domain this would obviously sell for more. Make your product sell itself.

Stay up to date with your shipping and fulfill your orders for positive feedback and a good reputation for your business.