Info Product Selling with the New eBay Policy Changes by Josh Michael - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 Selling Physical Info Products on eBay!

Yes you read that right selling physical information products on eBay! We are talking about a huge money maker. Now the select few on eBay who are going to make big money, will now either find some way to find a good selling eBook and post it in the classifieds for $9.99 for thirty days hoping that you will make more than that a month and make a decent income which will get very hard to beat the competition quick. As this is what most people will try to do and fail miserably. So don’t be like everyone else! Market your info products on CD ROMs and ship them out individually.

Marketing your info products as a package on a CD and shipping it out, means that’s you will now still be able to receive feedback on eBay since you’re selling a physical product. Selling a physical product does not infringe on eBay’s policy and this process can still be 90% automated! The only thing that will change is that you will have ship out the product no more digital delivery.

Here is what I mean, you take all the related eBooks you have on a particular subject combine them into a package deal, burn it on a CD and sell it!
If you want a package of eBooks and an eBay store so all you have to do is put them on a CD and sell it please go to