Tommo Records by LenaHarrysAngel - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Louis was the happiest man alive. He was having a baby for Pete’s sakes and his excitement has not died, yet. Every day, he made sure Eleonore got her to ride back home in his own limousine, he prepared her meals, he even started counting her hours of sleep. He was too happy.

He sure was slightly worried after the event that happened last Friday between Harry and Marcel. Whatever what caused their ‘conflict’ it is none of Louis’ business. Curiosity killed the cat and he wanted to know why Harry was miserably kneeling and crying at Marcel’s feet while the latter was stiffly standing, his lips pressed in a tight line and tears forming in his eyes. Harry was gay, as he told him once…was Marcel one of his former lovers? Louis shrugged, feeling sorry for the boy. Neither of them had made an appearance for two weeks now and Louis needed his chairman.

Every single person in Tommo Records knew that Louis’ girlfriend was pregnant, which was mostly due to nosey people and Louis’ endless blabbering.

“Lou-Lou!” he heard Eleonore call.

Their relationship was getting better now that she was carrying his baby. At first, she was septic each time Louis addressed to her but Louis blamed hormones for that. They both had finally found happiness.

“Yeah, love?”

“Mind if you took a nap with me?” she pouted irresistibly.

“I will make a cup of tea then follow you” he kissed her lips and left for the kitchen. He filled the kettle with water and turned it on. Fishing two mugs from the cabinet, he tore open two bags of camomile tea and put them in. After filling the cups with boiling water, he carried them to the bedroom to find his girl laid on the side already asleep. He smiled at the cute sight and laid next to her, sipping his tea.

“Louis…” she mumbled.

“Yes, sweetheart” he answered.

He looked down to find her sleeping. She talks a lot in her sleep, lately. Hormones, Louis supposed.

“Lou…Fred” Louis felt very proud that she dreams of him, that was until she called this Fred guy. Who is Fred?

“Freddie-Freddie” Now she pet-naming him.

Louis rolled his eyes. Hormones, again. He sighed, causing her to wake up.

“oh…sorry I fell asleep” she sat up and grabbed her mug.

“Thanks for the tea”


They sat silently drinking their drink. “Who is Fred?” Louis blurred out.

Eleonore stared at him with eyes wide open.


“I said who is Fred?” he repeated, swirling his digit on the edge of the cup.

She nods, blushing madly. “It’s a name” How idiot does she think he was?

“a name?”

“I was thinking of a name for the baby … and I loved this one” Louis sighed, internally scolding himself for being this jealous of his future baby.

He laughed a little. “I love that” he kissed her temple, scooting next to her body. While they were making out, his phone rang.


“Mr Tomlinson. It’s Harry”

“Oh! hey Harry! how are you feeling?”

“Fine. I am very sorry for not coming to work these days. If I come tomorrow would you kick me out?”

Louis smiled at the weird statement. “No, you’re welcome to come back when you feel ready to it. I know you have some problem with Mr Sty- “he slapped his forehead.

Harry Styles. Marcel Styles. They are brothers.

“-Les but it is okay.” He finished.

“Thank you, Mr Tomlinson” he hung up.

They are fucking brothers! Moreover, they were Twins. How blind I am? Louis thought, seriously considering getting his eyes checked.


The next day, Harry presented himself in his office before Louis got the chance to get there himself. After apologizing for the millionth time, Louis took in his miserable self. The boy that once was beaming with happiness and curiosity, was dull. Even his clothing was dulling, no flashy colours or weird pattern printed shirts. Just a plain blue sweater and a jean. That’s when Louis started to worry.

“Harry are you alright?” he asked.

“Obviously I am not, but I have to pretend that I am.” He shrugged.

The next ten-second went so fast that Louis could barely register what was happening. The boy kneeled in his boss’ feet, fiddling with his belt.

“Har...ry” he fisted his soft curls and pulled his face away, forcing him to look. The younger’s pupils were dilated to the point that his iris has become a thin green line circling them. The dark ring, caused by the lack of sleep was only enforcing the darkness, making his skin look unhealthy pale. He knew this look, Harry was stoned.

“Please” he begged, eyes filling with tears.

Louis sighed, the touch on his crotch was very tempting. Harry has taken advantage of the battle going on Louis’ head to pop the trousers button open and push the elder on the sofa. Louis landed on the sofa, while Harry was scurrying closer. He dragged the trousers and the briefs down, letting Louis cock spring free, proudly claiming itself in the air. Harry smiled glancing up through his lashes, to see if his boss was okay with this. Unfortunately, Louis was completely out of it. Harry took one of the man’s hand and put it on his hair.

“I like it rough” he spoke, sexily sucking Louis index finger of his other hand. Louis just nodded frantically.

The younger ducked his head down to stare at Louis nine-inches cock. He ghosted a digit on the length of the shaft, feeling Louis shuddering. Supporting himself with hand on the elder’s right thigh, he kitten-licked at the head, making the member jump in interest. He carried his trip up until the base, repeating the movement in the opposite side. He was interrupted with a throaty moan. Grinning, he took it in his mouth, swallowing as much as he could and standing still. Louis took this as an invitation, for him to fuck his throat involuntarily bucking his hips up. Louis’ dick hit the back of Harry’s throat, making the boy gag around it. Louis enjoyed the feeling of tightness and warmness. He roughly grabbed a fistful of Harry’s curls to bring him down again. Harry hollowed his cheeks, trying his best to flatten his tongue. When his throat was relaxed enough, he started deep-throating. He moaned making Louis’ cock twitch. His finger moved to massage his balls, sensing Louis’ climax.

The boy retrieved half of Louis’ dick and focused his attention on the head. He sucked roughly as if it was his last meal on earth.

“I am … I am” Louis was too overwhelmed to even warn him that he was close.

Harry doubled his efforts. Soon enough, Louis was releasing hot spurt in the younger’s mouths, moaning loudly. Harry looked up, his mouth was still full of his load. He looked him in the eyes and swallowed. Louis was staring at Harry, the dizziness was clouding his eyes. Harry smiled then straddled the man’s lap to kiss him. Louis’ taste on Harry lips and tongue was surreal and enough to make him hard again.

Louis finally noticed the tent in Harry’s jeans. The boy followed his gaze and shrugged before ridding out of his tight jeans and boxer. Louis can’t help but gape at Harry’s dick, finally meeting it in person.

“It is big indeed” Mr Green Eyed Angel chuckled at Louis’ comment.

“Can you come on my cock?” Louis blurted out of nowhere. His brain-to-mouth filter was completely deactivated.

“Now you are thinking gay” Harry exclaimed, softly.

His long limbs straddled Louis’ smaller body encircling his arms around his neck. Making sure his legs were opened wide enough, Harry moved upward catching Louis thin lips in his mouth. Their cocks rubbed against each other, making delicious frictions. Louis moaned when his balls were in contact with the younger's head. Harry savoured Louis, sucking on his tongue, teeth clashing.

“Harreh!” Louis screamed as he came again in a shorter period. The boy followed right after, shooting his own loads on Louis’ stomach.

Panting, he kneeled again. His tongue peeked out again as he started licking the mess, they both made. Taking a mouthful, two fingers tapped against Louis’ lips, ordering him to open them. He did as Harry kissed him, swapping a mixture of them cum and Harry’s saliva. The taste was amazing and Louis could not believe himself. He wished he could save this potion in a jar because he is too afraid to forget how does it taste. It is a onetime only, right? Harry licked a strip of their magic potion that dribbled along Louis jaw. He peppered his face in kisses, especially his high cheekbones.

“You are so small and so cute” Harry cooed.

Harry snickered when the elder huffed. “I am a big boy and I am not cute; I am hot!”

“Sure, you are” Harry trailed open-mouth kisses along his jaw and neck to finally reach the infamous collarbones. He sighed before beginning to suck on Louis spot, nibbling and grazing at the skin. he proudly a mark that was noticeable enough to claim the man his.

“Harry, can we talk for a moment?”

The boy nod, looking him in the eyes. Apparently, he sobered up.

“I don’t know what happened between Marcel and you,” Louis noticed Harry’s features flinch at the mention of the name “but I don’t want you to be sad” he finished with a small pout.

“Why would you care?” Harry replied, defensive.

“You are smart, talented. You have potential and I like your company and the way you see everything in rainbows and flowers…and clearly, you are beautiful”

Harry’s heart stops beating for a second. Nobody ever has called him beautiful. Not even Marcel!

“you mean good-looking?” Harry had to ask.

“Nah! You are beautiful” he repeated.

Beautiful! Harry liked that, it defined him properly. He couldn’t wait to change his Bio’s on social media to ‘Harry is Beautiful’.

“So please whatever the phase you are in, step out of it and get over with things. I hate to see you …dead”

Harry scrunched his nose.

“Tomorrow will be the third anniversary of Tommo Records and I will be hosting a party at the Plaza hotel. I would love to have someone like you to be proud of, can you come?”

Harry was about to decline, when Louis got up and walked toward his desk, his dick following the movements of his curvy hips. Harry would die to fuck that perky wonderful ass. He opened a drawer and retrieved two papers.

“Here is an invitation.”

“That seems too fancy, what am I gonna wear?”

“Surprise me,” he said kissing his nose. “By the way, what happened today was a onetime only…” Louis blushed. As much as he hated himself for saying that, he must put a limit to this flirting. He is going to be a dad and he has a surprise for Eleonore…

“Sure. What happened again?” Harry joked.

“I am serious” he warned.

“I am, too” he grinned madly, not taking a word inside of his skull because he already knows that soon enough, he will get to play with Louis again.


The party.
Harry was stressing all day about what to wear. He was not familiar at all with high classes parties so he was reluctant to wear something creative.

“Niall…I don’t know what to wear!” he whined.

“Wear to what?”

“Tommo Record’s Anniversary party, duh!” he childishly announced.

“Sick! No one from the trainees was invited” he exclaimed.

“By the way, you want to come with me? Mr Tomlinson gave me an invitation for me and a plus one.” he invited.


“So? what am I going to wear?” Harry pouted.



“Bring the Black Gucci shirt,” he said in a very serious tone.

Harry’s smile grew wider as he looked for the box that had survived his trashing. The next day, after work, he booked an appointment at a salon to get his nails done. He would do that himself if he has not broken his nail varnish flask. He wore the shirt that showed a large amount of his naked torso and his tattoos and don’t forget the most important bit; his nipples.


Marcel was too self-absorbed in the organization of the party. He has rented the Plaza hotel’s ballroom for the occasion and bossing the whole kitchen and decoration staff was a pain in the arse.

“No no no! Why is the frosting on the cupcakes red? Mr Tomlinson loves the carrot flavoured one. Move them to the other side of the buffet”

“Mr Styles. Are you ready for the champagne tasting?” A waiter held four flutes on a trail, all ready for Marcel.

He sipped from all of them. “Serve those two and some white wine” he instructed. “Why the menus aren’t on the tables? Come on, we must get ready in three hours! Come on, hurry up” As much as he hated harrying them, it was his job. His thoughts drift as usual to Harry, questioning if he will be coming. A little voice at the back of his head was thrilled to see Harry, his conscience made it shut up. He shook his head and removed his glasses to cleaned them with the hem of his shirt. He needed to get ready. As everyone else, who doesn’t live on this side of London, he booked a room in the hotel. Mainly because he needed to get ready and because he will stay late to supervise the courses.

“Mr Styles? Are you sure you still want those vegan plates?”

“Of course! ...Riddley, I am going to check on the security team, make sure every table has its own menu and the correct utensils” he instructed.

Four hours later, he was dressed in one of his favourite suits; the navy-blue one. His hair, as usual, was slicked back and big glasses on the bridge of his nose. Everything was going smooth until he noticed his twin brother entering the place. He was wearing a see-through black shirt with golden buttons, open sufficiently to show the swallows on his chest and the outline of his butterfly tattoo, and some orange trousers with flower pattern prints on them. His boots were high enough to reach his ankles with a two inches high heels. His nails were manicured in a night blue colour while his fingers were adorned in multiple rings. Beside him, a blonde man wearing a classic black suit was talking to him. Was he his boyfriend? Marcel couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy in his heart, as he kept drooling over his brother. He quickly hid behind some fake plant as he watched him confidently walking toward Mr Tomlinson.

“Who is that?” Marcel asked Leeroy.

“That’s Niall Horan. A close friend of Harry’s” he informed him.

Marcel hummed before going to the other side of the room, pretending to check the kitchen staff. He leaned on the fine mosaic wall, eavesdropping.

“Mr Tomlinson!” both Harry and the blonde greeted their boss, who was clad in a black suit with fine white stripes. He was standing next to a lady wearing a tight red and marron dress to show off her bump.

“Harry! Niall! Welcome! I am very glad you made it. El!” he called the lady. “Those are my favourite trainees, Harry and Niall. Boys, this is my girlfriend, Eleonore!”

Nice to meet you’ s was exchanged.

“Mr Tomlinson, I think you forgot to mention about the baby” Harry awkwardly noticed. Marcel found himself leaning on the wall when he heard his brother’s voice, his knees going weak.

Louis looked at him suspiciously before putting a small palm on the bump, protectively. “Yeah! That is little Freddie there” Louis announced.

“or a girl.” Eleonore noticed “It could be a girl but we haven’t thought of a name yet”

“Congrats!” Niall said with a blush.


“Oh my god Harry” The blonde shout-whispered. “What?” the other boys jumped in his spot. He was too tense this night, as if afraid of bumping into someone without notice.

“That’s Robbie Williams!” they both fangirled before scurrying toward the man to get a chance to have a small talk with their idol.

Marcel shrugged before leaving the spot. As mentioned earlier, everything was going smooth and Marcel was glad they were doing a good job. The dinner was served and everyone seemed to enjoy the party.

“Leeroy! I am going for a wee could you tell Mr Tomlinson that the dessert would be served soon?” Marcel asked.

“Of course! I’ll cover for you” the blonde nodded.

Marcel was walking slowly toward the bathroom, bobbing his head to the rhythm of the song that was playing. He pushed a stall open and did his business before strolling toward the sinks. He hated using the stalls because he finds it gross to piss in a semi-public area. He washed his hands then turned off the tap. He glanced at his reflexion in the mirror fixing a loose strand that started curling on the side. He used to love his curly hair when he was younger, unlike now; he wears it often slicked to give him a more professional attire. Someone who was occupying the next stall was hitting the metal bar making a noise loud enough to be noticeable. Who would have passed a bonk in a luxury bathroom like this one? Marcel just shrugged, before leaving the WCs. What Marcel didn’t know that the cause of the sound was not due to someone having sexual intercourse. It was his twin brother crashing illegal drugs to sniff two lines at once. Harry didn’t give a shit about the consequences. All he knew was Mr Tomlinson is having a baby and Marcel looks so fucking good in a suit. Oh, he forgot that he fuckin proposed to her in the middle of hundreds of people. The man was completely out of his lead.

The effect started to kick in and he welcomed the dizziness with open arms. He pushed the stall open and stumbled toward the sink. He was about to trip but he caught his balance by grasping the edge. He stood up and looked at his face in the mirror. His breathing quickened when some thick glasses appeared in front of his eyes.

“Marcy…!” he gasped. “Please don’t go! Don’t leave!” he cried to the man.

“Harry” a voice called. Harry thought it belongs to the man standing in front of him. “Harry” he called again.

“Yes, Marcel?” he replied.

Suddenly, a blonde man stepped in front of him making Marcel disappear. His blonde hair turned to a deep shade of red. “LeeRuyyy!” Harry whined annoyed, “move out of the way” he shoved the man to the side. “Let me see Marcel”


“Marcel!” Leeroy called.

He turned on his heels to find a pale Leeroy, waving frantically his arms to catch his attention.

“What’s wrong?” the other man scampered toward him.

“We found someone stoned in the bathrooms…” he declared.

“Well…kick him out.” He instructed.

“We can’t because it’s mister Styles…your brother” Leeroy scrunched his nose up.

“Fuck…” Marcel walked toward the Niall guy. He was sipping on his champagne while chatting with Frankie Stanford. He wasn’t bad at all, Marcel thought. His blonde hair was dark at the roots and his skin rosy. His dentition was straighter than normal and Marcel suspect the use of braces.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” Marcel told him.

He rose a couple of deep blue eyes and a worried expression. He excused himself before following him to the hall.

“Harry needs to be taken home…he is in a critic state” Niall narrowed, cursing his friend

“Where is he?” he asked in an Irish accent.

“In the bathrooms” Marcel pointed toward the room.

He was too afraid to go in there. He was too afraid to see Harry’s face. He is feeling way too guilty, no needs to add more. One hour later of trying to convince Harry that the ground won’t swallow him if he stepped on the sidewalk, Niall returned to Marcel.

“I tried to book a room but they said they were full... is there any chances you would say yes if I tried to persuade you to keep him in the kitchens?” he spoke carefully.

Marcel sighed, not believing he is going to do this.

“Where is he?” he growled, fisting his hands.

“In the reception hall” they hurried out of the ballroom, to find the boy sitting on the couch, counting some imaginary swallows in the air. “Help me get him in my room” Marcel ordered Niall.

The loft upstairs was one of the longest lifts Marcel ever had, it consisted of an awkward silence disturbed by Harry talking to his reflexion in the mirrors. “Shut the fuck up, Harry!” Niall mumbled.

Fortunately, the room was closer to the elevator which made the struggle more endurable, once he was in.

“You think you can handle him through the night?” Niall asked worriedly. Marcel sighed, before nodding.

“Here is my number… in case you need anything. Sorry for bothering you again”

“It is alright. He is my brother…I must apologize that he ruined your night” Marcel apologized, shameful.

“It’s okay…well goodnight” he left him alone with the devil himself.

Harry was laying up-side-down while looking at himself in the mirror. “Marcel…” he whispered.

“Harry” he whispered “let’s get you cleaned up”

He strolled to the bed and help him stand up. Marcel opened the button of his trousers and slid them down with shaky hands. He was internally praying that Harry would fall asleep in no time. Another voice at the back of his head was wishing Harry would stay up all night and make a move. He slowly popped open each golden button and exposing Harry’s inked chest. The familiar nipples were deliciously on display for Marcel, already hardening because of the temperature of the room. A layer of sweat covered Marcel’s body as his brother’s green orbs stared deep into his soul.

“What happened Marcy? I still don’t understand what happened? You were happy if I may say. You were satisfied. Was I the one who pushed you to leave?” Harry asked.

“Harry you are stoned…talking about intoxication, what the fuck have you smoked?” Marcel was angry now.

“I haven’t smoked…it’s Molly” Harry shamefully confessed. Marcel could tell that he was sobering up, little by little. Marcel grabbed him a cup of water. The boy downed it in two seconds, claiming another one.

“Molly as in fuckin MDMA?!?!” Harry smirked, nodding his head slowly.

“You know the use of drugs is kinda illegal…you could get arrested for this fuck”

“Marcy the church boy is Swearing!” Harry exclaimed amused.

“Harry! I am being serious”

“Serious? Serious? Wanna be serious? Okay, let’s be serious! Gimme one fuckin reason why you left? One fuckin reason?” he narrowed his eyes at him.

“I am not having this conversation now, Harry! You aren’t yourself right now” he sighed, sitting next to him.

“You are a pussy!”

He started loosening his tie when he felt another hand snatch his and replace them. Marcel let him unbutton his shirt and shrug it at the same time as his blazer. The moment Harry’s hands went to his crotch to undo the belt, he froze.

“Harry! no!”

The elder pouted whining before he laid on the comfy mattress. “Lay with me” Harry ordered a spoilt child grimace on his face. Marcel chuckled, accomplishing. A manicured hand seized his own and Marcel couldn’t help but remember many memories. He never thought that Harry has kept their old habits. At least, he does not wear eyeliner. He always loved how it would be smeared after a long sweaty day.


“Yeah?” the hand that was holding his palm was caressing along his left forearm.

“Do you still have the Tiara?” he asked questionably.

“What tiara?” he asked deviously.

“The Tiara I gave you in your ninth birthday” Marcel bit his lips to prevent from letting tears slip.

“Uhm…yeah” he nonchalantly whispered.

Harry’s arms grasped his waist tightly, squeezing the life out of his body. “I knew my Marcel is still there deep inside!” he whispered.

A tear slipped out. He fuckin missed Harry!

“Harry Harry Harry …” he whispered, hugging him closer. Harry rested his chin in the crook of his neck. He licked the trail left after the tear.

“I love you” he heard him mumble.

“You don’t understand You don’t understand what you do to me when you hold his hand.

We were meant to be, it’s just a fate.

Maybe so you don’t have to walk away

Yeah, we are on fire now we are on fire we are on fire now

Yeah, we are on fire now Yeah, we are on fire now

I don’t care what people say when were together

You know I want to be to hold you in your sleep

I just want to be you and I forever

I know you want to leave but baby be with me so happily” Harry sang in his ear.

Marcel just blushed and turned face to face with Harry, enjoying these rare seconds of sin. The boy stopped singing and caressed his left cheek, poking at his dimple. “Remove those” he snatched his glasses away and put them away on the nightstand before switching the lights off.

“Goodnight, Marcy”

“Goodnight, Hazie”


Harry woke up the next morning tired and emotional. He groaned. The heroine was too strong and he should not have two lines for the first time. He cracked his lids open to flinch again when the strong sunlight assaulted him. Who left the curtains open? Rolling over to his side, he felt somebody else’s presence. Nice, it seems like he found someone to fuck yesterday. Hoping with all his heart, that the person next to him was Mr Tomlinson, he opened his eyes to find the last person he thought he would wake up next to. Marcel. He groaned again, secretly enjoying the sight of his brother half-naked.


Hotel rooms.
It seems that hotel rooms were a funny place where all the weird stuff happen. Louis could tell by the events that happened tonight; Harry getting stoned in a formal party attended by a lot of important people. Louis couldn’t let this slip; the guy was doing drugs and the whole staff were whispering about it the next day at the office …well beside Louis’ engagement.

He decided to propose to Eleonore. Why not? Louis was against illegal babies so he decided to bite the bullet and bought a 24 carat with a heart-shaped garnet ring. It cost a little fortune but it was worth it. he talked to his mother through the topic and she helped him, always wishing his best.

Pride filled his body when it was time for a toast.

I am so proud that Tommo Records has reached such achievement…you know when you grow up in Donny surrounded with homey people you never think that you may achieve this much success. All that mattered was family. Family…they did support me through everything along with close friends. Along those years of fame and hectic life, I met El, a lovely college girl who helped through a lot and I am so grateful for everything she has done. And to express my gratitude, there ain’t a better way than forming a family with you and leave for the happily ever after…so Eleonore Calder, will you marry me?

He knows that his speech was a bit cheesy but he has gotten to one knee and held out the velvet box open, showing the ring. Her eyes were filled with happy tears, smudging her mascara. The residue formed a path under eyes that she whipped away with the back of her hand.

Yes! Yes! She had whispered, confirming with a head nod. She wrapped her arms around Louis to engulf him in a sweet innocent kiss. Though when he opened his eyes, the one thing that caught his attention in the crowd of people was Harry’s lean body leaving the room, with his curls bouncing forming a halo.

He was perfectly fine before the proposal…maybe it was Louis that caused him to intoxicate himself.

Shut up, silly! Harry’s is way out of your lead so why would he care about you getting married.

Married! Louis's heart jumped at the thought. He was getting married in a month and waiting for a baby at once. Honestly, he was the happiest man alive.

Neither Marcel nor Harry have made an appearance this morning and Louis concluded that it was Harry’s state that prevented from their attendance. He was proved wrong when the lads appeared an hour later with a dishevelled appearance. Louis couldn’t help but note how the just-fucked hairdo suited Harry better than his twin brother, who looked like a kitten who had been out of washing machine. The sexy shirt was gone letting room for an unfamiliar beige button-up and some stiff trousers. He looked so, Marcel. Ha-Ha!

“You are late!”

“We came as soon as we could…” Marcel apologized.