The Downtown Massive by Austin Mitchell - HTML preview

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  • Errol Douse went to prison for slashing up Shorty Paul. Now that he has paid for his crimes, will these men leave him in peace or will they force him to join Bobby Deacon’s syndicate and take up the gun again?
  • Bobby Deacon was running a thriving syndicate when he was forced out by Coltrane and betrayed by Shadow. He’s now lying low as he builds up his forces for a push on Coltrane and take his revenge on Shadow for his treachery.
  • Shadow, the former top ranking Don, lost his hold on power when he allowed Coltrane to operate freely in his areas. Now he’s sliding down the ranking ladder, can he find a way to regain his hold on power?
  • Coltrane was allowed to operate freely in Shadow’s areas, but soon became bigger than the latter. He sees Bobby Deacon as a threat and begins to marshal his forces to destroy him in an all out war from which there can only be one winner.
  • Norris ‘Digger’ Lobban has been sent on a hunt by Coltrane with orders to destroy Bobby Deacon and Douse. ‘Digger’ Lobban’s savagery knows no bounds. He has just returned to the island after performing a series of hits in black communities in England and the United States.
  • Shorty Paul Grant was wounded by Douse in a fight over a woman. Called Shorty Paul because of his short temper, he has one ambition in life and that is to destroy Douse and all his associates as he seeks his revenge.
  • Myra lost her load of coke when she was betrayed by her friend and former colleague, Del. Now she has to be repaying the money and although she has got another source, she still swears revenge on Del.
  • Del was forced to steal Myra’s valuable supply of coke in a desperate bid for survival. She knows that only her marksmanship can save her when she and Myra finally meet up.