Soul Journaling/Lessons from the Past by Karen Valiquette - HTML preview

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What if I told you that you never die, that the part of you that is pure energy, your soul, continues on eternally? Would you say, “Oh, I know that once you die you go to Heaven - end of story.”? Well, the story I am about to tell you is about reincarnation. It is about the idea that our souls return to the Earth plane over and over again. We incarnate as women and men—black, white, yellow, rich, poor, healthy, and sick. All of these life situations are determined, by our souls, to expose us to different challenges and all are designed to help us progress in our souls’ evolution.

This book is about just one of the lives I have lived in well over 300 lifetimes. My husband and I were guided by Spirit to uncover and share all the details of the lives we lived in the 1500s in France. He was incarnated with me then also. That is how it works, we reincarnate with many of the same souls over and over. They are part of our soul group, otherwise known as soul familiars. When we return to physical form and we meet those soul familiars again, there is a tug, an instant pull towards that soul. We are all connected and, in our chosen paths, help each other, to evolve.

What follows is the excavation of the storyline that was ours during the 1500s. I say excavation because we were like archeologists sorting through pieces of old remnants and putting them together to show a picture of what life was like. My husband is highly intuitive (he dislikes the term psychic) and was able to draw on images of the life we shared. I added my own brand of intuition, much more emotional, and through a process of meditation, we pieced together the sequence of events. Some corroborative research showed timelines and certain pivotal historical characters to jive with the information we were being shown.

Think of your life as being a thread in a giant tapestry. Each thread weaves in and out of connection with the other threads to create a complete picture. No thread is more important than the other. We’re all depending on each other to complete the tapestry. We’ve all decided together what the picture will look like eventually but, as a thread, it is hard to see that big picture. So the Universe is like a giant loom and our Spirit Guides and Angels are the hands weaving all the little threads to their appropriate places. Now if one thread decides to go off course, because we threads have free will, then we have an issue. The gentle, weaving hands of the Universe are going to try to get that thread back on track because it will affect the pattern.

Everything about our story was guided by the loving hand of the Universe. We have been not just guided, but sometimes herded, towards the circumstances that led to our four year meditation process and ensuing documentation. Spirit ensured that we moved to Florida and stayed in Florida long enough for us to have contact with every thread in our story. We uncovered a total of eighteen souls who have shared both lifetimes with us, many of whom have only come into our lives over the past six years. One of those souls was the catalyst for putting us on this path. While I could not do so at the time, I need to thank her. Sometimes it’s the people who cause us the most angst for which we need to be the most grateful.

So, you might ask, why is it so important to understand that we have past lives? I will attempt to answer that question to the best of my meager ability. The issues that we face in physical form can be traumatic. Sadness, tragedy, illness, loss, and the like are just some of the things facing us in our human form. It is through those situations that we learn. But sometimes we don’t understand and assimilate the lesson till after our deaths - when we pass to Spirit. Although we have much greater clarity on the other side, we can’t fix anything until we return to physical form. So many of the issues we face today are residual from past incarnations.

Understanding from the perspective of what we experienced in our past lives can shed light on many of the problems we currently face. In some cases, understanding those issues and the root cause can prove extremely therapeutic. Letting go of the junk we hold onto is the best thing we can do for ourselves.

From a larger perspective, knowing that we have incarnated as people of all genders, of all walks of life, in different areas of the world and ethnicities should make us feel more connected. It’s hard to hate when we have actually walked in the shoes of those we despise. Wouldn’t it be harder to bomb a village that in some forgotten time had been your very own home, where you grew up and had a mom and a dad and friends? Isn’t it harder to hate that which you yourself have been? The white supremacist has been a black man. The jilted woman who hates men has lived many lives as a man, perhaps one who has hurt a woman.

For me, discovering Dominique’s story, my story, has given me a sense of peace and hope. It has given me an understanding of my place in the Universe, and a greater understanding of the innate divinity of each and every soul on this planet and in the ethos.

I ask that you accept the following as a gift. It is my vulnerable, open - hearted offering. It is my hope that you accept it as my way of offering connection. We are all connected, we are all one.

