Set Sail: What Are You Waiting For? Klajo Who Rode Against The Ocean by Abdullah H. AlFadhli - HTML preview

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Set Sail What Are You Waiting For ?: Klajo Who Rode Against The Ocean


I want to begin my book with a hideous, or as you may be inclined to think, a delightful detail. Put it in whichever category as you see fit. As I express my thoughts to you,you may like them or disagree with what I have to say,but I wish to express all my thought’s as this will be my first and final book. Hello!, Welcome to my mind. Take a seat, please. Some Topics,may hit a tone in your melody, or drop a bass to your drums, strange indeed.

I strongly believe, People should forget about what they think they need to do in order to earn money,instead people should focus on their passion, art, philosophy. science,  music, pottery, politics, or Sports. Money will come one way or another, but doing exactly what you love? Now that's the real gold I would say, that needs a lot of digging, that will bring a tremendous sense of pleasure. No words can sympathize with that emotion. when you enrich yourself within your passion knowledge not the loot ‘n plunder. That sense when you finish your project after spending days, months, years to deliver a masterpiece. People will like it eventually maybe now, maybe after years, But why did I compare the word “passion” to gold? It’s because it’s similar to gold in that it can go up or down in value, but at the end of the day it’s still gold, shiny can't be compared with a metal of lesser value, like silver or bronze its gold, and gold can only be achieved through details, digging, oh a lot of digging  the harder, and more determined you keep digging the more enthusiastic, exciting life becomes.

Not details that get thrown out in our everyday ‘details’ you feel disgusted with it. No, When you are consumed with a passion for what you love, you can sometimes be swept away from reality standards. It’s similar to dancing: you’re not concerned with the details of every move you make when dancing. Instead, you are swept up in the spontaneous feelings and emotions that occur when you dance, not the detailed law book, to keep you jelly minded, not disrespecting the law, but obviously it protects the strong, the strong in society have power. Rather than protecting the week, which why law was build in the first place, to secure justice not to secure person’s acquisition of more goods. But never mind these specific laws. I’m instead speaking of the “laws” that you carry out in your everyday life. you know by instinct ,it’s not right to steal, to hit a women, to hit your mother. You feel it in your guts what’s right or wrong, that’s the true law,sadly it has not been practiced by the majority of the masses. Instead, we have laws that are so convoluted that the powerful hide what can be benefited from the law. If you say laws exist for security, protection, then can you explain for me how tribes were built in the first place, without law books guiding? a group of people, connected by trust, Not give or take, the strong protected the weak in their tribe, defended them, went to war, conquered, dominated for them, of course not all tribes. 

All humans are equal, just some go different paths than the crowd which defines them, most if not all contributed to society greatly for better or worse, their names been sculptured.

You can see that repeat of situation hold or throw in every color now mine, yours, when we connected globally. No need to be scared, some people with different colors connect spiritually better than the one with his/her color, why we didn’t connect in the past I think because of our fear of the unknown but now everything is known you just have to open your eyes and learn history, everything has a basic, So you can set your boundaries of words, when you travel or communicate to others.

Through harsh times, ease will come from it, it’s a golden rule check every history scenario after harsh times, ease comes, but ease will not come if you already sat comfortably what’s the purpose of ease coming to you after, you already chose to give up, relaxed, settle, but will come to your offspring if they grind for it. I firmly believe what makes us feel alive, is the more harsh, aggressive life gets and you keep fighting, swinging staying in the ring, the more you will learn with life through principles, will carry you, if you do understand it lessons from one session or it can repeat to you the same lesson just in different scenarios till you learn,or you get back to your original state, which is a shame to go back to your original state without draining all the stamina, in your life battery what a chilling melody, but it’s true.

True, some of us might have hard times going through life & death for our loved ones who are resting, but I truly believe them the lucky ones who got that long awaited resting, while we still scratching our marbles in the dense ground to see if we will get a diamond out of it, or the same marble we started scratching with. 

Even if you're infected with a disease, the disease has became us, made borders within us, made our skin tough, though a disease will not determine how we live our life, let death come, don’t let life pass by,we will be standing tall,even if it bent us and broken us to parts whatever, however an obstacle comes in our path we shall overcome it. Set your sails, follow the wind, we will not be able to see the next island, but we know there's an island in our path.

Do you have legs ?.Is your Hand functioning?.Can you see?.Can you hear?.Are you able to talk?.Is the sky above you blue?.Does the year still has it’s 12 months with Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn seasons.?Does the sun delight you in the day?.Does the Moon veil the sky at night?.... So what are you technically, basically still waiting for?. Be thankful, other don’t have what you have and you still sometimes nagging, or blaming others. Run Em Dem feets in the dirt.

Why do people keep clinging to other people whom may care a little,but not much or have an impact in our life, we should love them i agree show compassion,forgiveness, give them all what we have okay, but you can’t stay hanging forever if they left, look at those strong,thick walls single mothers who go to work while they have children with no husband and, they be walking earth with their heads up high, we should pause and, applaud for those strong ladies out there. Stop wasting your mouth on bablness and wanting emotional support, you have eyes set them on your passion, target. Except for family whatever they do, you should always cling to them, not in a desperate way but with pure joyfulness, they the only people who are worth taking every hit for them, or hit them if they messed up.

Don’t be satisfied what is given to you by other humans, be satisfied what you have given yourself by yourself. To put it in other words set your own price tag, and not let other’s price tag you with less than a dollar.

Look around we humans are a marvelous creation that walks the earth stronger than an elephant, will scare a lion, catch a whale and put it in our backyard pool, yet some of us are still crying, what a shame indeed.

Why can’t you believe that there is a one upstairs because he didn't show you that he get involved in our daily life? I think our father hasn't shown us, that he is involved in order to keep testing us, but he is always involved because if he showed us, I bet you the majority of human masses will convert then what’s the use of the test anymore if we have already got the answer?. We may not understand why there's a test now, or for what, but the answer will veil when we finish the test.Ironic indeed, if the answer removed it curtains, and we have failed the test.

What is the greatest pleasure? Some would call it as a blessing, other will say it is a curse. Some would say it is the path to seek glory, others will say glory lays within gold and silver.

I wonder where will our mind take us deep to rotten or high above skies where pleasure and senses are invisible, where minds can sleep. Nights would come where i would try to sleep, the mind would enter to infinity loops, It would keep entering the loops without closing the first one, and I would cry or laugh, devour it or collapse, or manifest in it. However, that’s what they call weakness,” they” is a term used for weakens. From my point of view, your life is not judged by they, nor they will follow you to your grave “they” is a word used commonly among others to share a gossip, a secret or a complain to relive your heart or shoulder. I found out sharing my secrets with the ocean or trees gives you an eternal sensation where you will redeem yourself from it and that memory will stick with that tree or tossed in with the waves.

People might see redeem is in religion where you can set your spirit free there are many religions, two, however, are the most common religion on earth. Myself truly believe in, but did you get the message, or it's your message now ?. Share the same meaning, submit to one. Allah, God. However, people will still debate though it’s a seen word. We Humans are humans, after all, We like what we see, but we don't like what we see, so we chose what fits us better, to fit in our daily life, but it’s not your or my message. We can't change them nor debate them which is a doomed debate since the coming of Islam. If people had, the chance or power equal to greatness not shared with gold and silver but a real power to control they would call themselves god. One man dared to call himself a god, he was the last pharaoh of Egypt but it’s a mockery, in his dying words he said ” I believe in your god Moses”. Which is ironic at first glimpse, but at second glimpse people in the 21st century with power shared with gold, and silver they would say I am a god or compare themselves with God, I believe they have forgotten they have come from a woman womb. Most wars from the past till today has been fought, with the religion name, as if war is the god wanting to be fed from us, heaven is not created by wars, not by men. But some wars had Colossus causes which I raise my hands from.

others might see redeem in the earth forbidden fruits alcohol, drugs, sex with strangers. True, it might set you free in that brief moment, where you would escape this world, into a satisfied world's, though it’s your life, and you sure do repeat the same routine daily, but your age is not stopping. 

All humans have this seed, some would conceal it, others will take pride for it, and some will build skyscraper with this seed, it’s a seed in every human to go for desires, papers, fame. Which is doomed in the grave without hospitality nor reservation in the blue sky. Some may not believe in above greatness, will believe in felt and touch, life span is short every day people die so there must be a purpose for living, for praying, meditation. I’m not against papers if you have a vision for it.

 others considering myself too went for papers as a weapon can't deny that’s the currency for all living things but that currency has been made by our elders why can't we make an own currency. Fish is dollar, Potatoes are euro, Sun is bright that’s gold, Water is silver proclaimed for all who seek it. Life can be pure if you look at it from the woods and oceans, but if you look at it from the jungle you can see a lion and a gazelle, chose your purpose and see who u represent a gazelle or a lion, make your move, or eat the grass. Though few people have ignored all this, sat on the shore with their middle finger for the masses.

 We should admire those people who make a hundred year plan, not a day hobby, nor a living for the day in simple. books translate the mind some may have creepiness language or hypocrite, or liberal, or folk’s tales, not all books, there's a nice quote I have read, where it said “some books can be harvest, some books can be digested and, some can be for pleasure.” I admire these words, Aristotle quote “ Roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.” indeed the fruit is sweet, nothing can be compared besides that feeling. Shawshank Redemption “ Get busy living, or get busy dying”.

Sometimes people will get confused with life, in the everyday life taking their brain ,and soul picture by picture, until they get so devoured sailing with their ship, without sails in the first place, it's true if you don't risk everything for the sake of one thing you truly believe in, you will be sailing to infinity blindfolded taking life for pleasure and swinging by it. Play the dice, test your strength, test your brain, see where it carries you. For you have one life don't waste it on watching other people's lives. GO OUT, take the first step on that ladder, or into that jungle, ride the wind to its fullest, devour its oxygen and exhale it’s carbon what greater pleasure than that? absolutely nothing.

True love is unsizeable, to give a human a shelter to go back to. Will not debate married people, for they already found their greatest pleasure.

What should Men standards be?That’s a hard question from every aspect you look at it, because it has been determined by a lot of elders, some would measure it by how a man handles his responsibilities, others would say by how a man shows love to his family (caring, giving, understanding), some would say man is determined by both how he shows love and how he handles responsibilities, a man is evaluated by other human beings by the principles a man carries through day in and day out.

You would probably say every man already carries a principle somehow, that’s how they start communications with others by setting boundaries to words use, you may be analytical on this point  while others have it already printed in the subconscious mind those who have already printed in their subconscious you will spot them easily because their personality is easily understood and can be manipulated  easily  through heart word like giving a private information seeking for their trust and they will give you their personal information so easily as they get with life easy, who think analytical before giving a word is a person you must beware of not in a hostile way but know that every word or order they give theirs a bigger game behind it . Chess is a very powerful mind game as it shows you the inner through strength of a man by the way he moves his troops or how he protects the queen or king. show you the strength and weakness of man, determines an intelligent from numb person, because in chess you have the enemy army equal in size and strength as yours, only way winning is by playing your opponent, by setting traps, baits, sacrifices for the sake of destroying him or cornering his queen, I will say king too because the king plays a major role in sitting up strategies. I have included this in the last paragraph for a reason because it’s a hideous, unpleasant way to treat pure heart people, unfortunately, that’s how some world leaders play the game. blind the eye,  implement dark blueprints, again blind the eye, keep it distracted.

How can you determine a person who has never played chess he maybe doesn’t understand the rule of the game you would say, I say if he doesn’t understand the rule of the game then that human being has no passion or drive to become something big. As he will be a human who is enslaved by the soul fruits sex, drugs, and alcohols. But a person who dreams big you see him indulging his/her mind and spirit by the knowledge which he needs, and how he or she executes his knowledge based on the scenario and the not the book order.

The best road in life is the highway, no red lights, people flying, and people holding the right side, people are making stunts, and people filming, you can go for the full speed but you're going for a crash for sure, if you doing it to make others admire you, and not yourself, thus I admire who stay in the middle observing and speeding, learning and implementing, not showing though to not attract attention, studying in the side roads, testing and crashing, retrying and not repeating, so when they enter the highway they can go for the whole gas pedal, they already know the moves, they have already trained for the moves,they already making you filming every move,they nowhere near crashing on their highway.

The greatest gift, to gift a child, is a blank book let the child draw, write, give him your responsibilities, make him the man of the house while you're still in the house, don’t hit for simple mistake, hit if he did really bad, you must hit even if you hate it, a hit with honey is more merciful than a hit with fire, we all make mistakes we all make sins but the greatest sin is of which we don’t know it’s a sin, let him raise a man in your house before he enters the world, teach him principles not based on your opinion but based on your gut law, your heart laws, not logic when he gets older he will determine a logic from an absurd if you already laid the foundation of the great law inside him/her.

To conclude all those words above in one sentence. Think, open your eyes, be bold, this is your earth given to us Humans in all shapes big or small, this is yours. That’s the dominant pleasure, people made languages, codes, plans, underground cities, magnificent sculptures all had the same thing, all of them had a brain like you, but we chose to put it in the freezer some days, in order to enjoy a moment which is what a donkey does, he follows his  leader, master even if it’s close to a cliff, the only thing the donkey would dare to do when he has reached a cliff he would shout in order to scare the shepherd but if the shepherd hit him in the back, the donkey would stay quiet and maybe just throw himself from the cliff. What a shame that humans are born free, yet some from every continent were handcuffed, or shipped to other places, but they got their freedom physically, though to be honest a vast majority of us in the world today are already mentally enslaved.

Let’s dive into the story of the great Klajoo fearless yet modest, modest yet cunning , Explorer who sat sail to become a leader with his ship we shall ride, yet the depths have not been established , Klajoo the man who went against the ocean, took the mountain tides up he went, with his sails waving solid and firm, into the nights of the crawlings depths, of the  ocean whales, yet the shameful credulity is that the ocean mammoth, have fooled the world that he doesn't exist.


  Klajoo, The Man who Rode  Against The Ocean