Liberation's Garden


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Published: 4 years ago

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Book Description HTML

A work of fiction from the frontline of the socio-ecological revolution. Miles is lost in a world he doesn't believe in. Paralyzed by the enormity of our situation and resigned to a life of inaction. Then a brief moment sparks his exploration into the folds of the Great Mystery. He learns what it means to live in a good way, how to carry abundance in his heart while shedding the illusion of scarcity, and through the journey, becomes an active participant in his own life. This book has it all. Action. Adventure. Comedy. Romance. Water Protectors. Deep philosophical meanderings and mystical nonsense. Plus frybread. The weights of the world are heavy, there's a lot of work to be done, let's get to it already.

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DJ Rankin

As his handful of metafictional fans are already well aware, DJ s hardly an author. Not an aspirer of wordsmithing fame but rather an adventurer intent on living a life worth writing about. In fact, it seems quite peculiar for his publishers to ask for an abridged biography when he's proven time and again to be unable to whittle his word count once he gets going on his favorite subject. Yeah sure, so he’s some kind of hitchhiking protest chef who doesn't use money but instead keeps the fire, protects the water, builds the Earth and rides tornadoes, big deal, and maybe it’s all the elements of a great story except of course a decent author, but perhaps they’ll find someone to play him in the role of a lifetime movie about some idiot that thought anyone would ever read this mess. Other than that, he’s from Asheville NC, though now he carry’s his home wherever he goes, which is often organizing volunteers for UnSheltered Earth, which is perhaps why you’re here, it’s certainly not for the writing, so feel free to hit him up and please do whatever you can to distract him from trying to write another one of these masterpieces.

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