Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"I just want to see if she's


A few minutes later, they

arrived at the fifth floor. The elevator doors opened and a male nurse was waiting for the elevator to be available to take one of his patients down to radiography. They waited for the man to get in and walked out. The elevator doors closed. Then, they walked very slowly to room thirty-seven. They arrived and the nurse asked, "Would you like me to go in with you?"

Smiling, Alex said, "No, thanks, it is ok. I know that you're busy."

"Thank you. I'll see you some other day," said the nurse and walked away to go back to the elevator and go down to the first floor.

Alex opened the door and went in, with a bright smile on her face. Nicole was eating a turkey sandwich and drinking some Gatorade. "Hi!" she said and ran up to Nicole and gave her a big hug.

"I'm so glad you came!" said Nicole, smiling.

"I didn't bring you anything because I couldn't wait to see you," said Alex. "I was told that you'd been left disfigured and I was so horrified."

"I was left disfigured, but Dr. Hayes and Dr. Carter hooked me up with the very best plastic surgeons in Florida and they're going to give me my face back."

"That's great," said Alex. She sat on a chair that was right by Nicole's bed, where Noah was sitting just a few minutes before she arrived. "Has Noah spent time with you since the accident?"

Smiling, Nicole replied, "Well, yes, he has. As a matter of fact, he's been with me since I came into the hospital and he just left. He didn't want to leave, but I asked him to go home, take a shower and get something to eat and get some sleep."

Smiling, Alex said, "Nicole, I think that Noah's falling in love with you. If he weren't, he wouldn't care about you so much. I mean he just met you!" "I agree with you. I think that he's falling in love with me and it won't be long until he's in my arms."

"Aren't you afraid that people might find out?"

"They never will. You know all of the bad things that I've done that no one's found out about."

"You're evil."

"I am who I want to be." They laughed evilly together. "You'll see Alex, in just a few days Noah Spears will be eating out of the palm of my hand." Chapter 5


Noah was taking a shower in his bathroom. It felt so good to have the water run down his body. He needed this after so many hours of being in the hospital, such a depressing place. Oh, but what wouldn't a man do for love? Noah had decided to accept Nicole's love, but he wondered how he would keep it a secret. He'd never committed a crime before, so he wasn't a professional criminal. He'd turn out to be so bad at that, unless he learned a few evil tips from Nicole. When it came to doing horrible things, Nicole was the best teacher one could ever have. She'd teach people to do the most horrible things without getting caught. All of her friends have committed minor crimes, and those crimes didn't even appear in their criminal records. They didn't know how Nicole did it. Just when they decided not to do it ever again, something would come over them, take control of them, and they'd do it anyway. They loved danger. There was a side of Nicole that no one even knew. Her friends loved her, for who she was, but it was quite difficult to have a relationship with her, thus she'd treat people however that she wanted to. She was never mean to Scott, Rob or Natasha, but sometimes she was mean to other people, even to her teachers. They'd ignore her because they knew that she wasn't always a bitch, only when she felt like it.

Noah, on the other hand, despite the deep hole that Noah Bryan had left in his heart, he had always been the same; sweet, loving, caring, and honest. This was exactly the kind of guy Nicole wanted, sexually experimental, but docile and sweet outside the bedroom. She wanted a guy that she could do whatever that she wanted with, and who would do anything for her; give her anything she wanted when she wanted. Noah had become a multimillionaire the minute that he reentered his father's house.

However, she could care much less about that. If he had to break apart from his family once again for any reason, and become poor once again, she'd leave with him any day. She didn't want him for his money; she wanted him, only him. As long as she had his love, she didn't need anything else from him. Conquering an older man was always a challenge for Nicole.

Luckily for her, women made Noah weak and with just a few sweet words of love, they'd steal his heart. Nicole was happy because after saying no to her time and time again, he'd finally melted and said yes. She got to know him, found his weak spot, and made him to be whatever that she wanted. She knew that as soon as she appeared barely clothed or naked in front of him in a private place, he'd make love to her. Just minutes after going into the bathtub, Noah got out and wrapped a towel around his waist. Nobody was home now, but he knew that someone would surprise him any minute, enter his private space without prior notification, and see the only thing that he had to hide, his private parts, and he didn't want that. He didn't know if any of Scott, Natasha or Nicole's friends was inexperienced, and he didn't want to take their innocence away from them; thus an adult didn't have to have sex with my mother in law’s little sister to take his or her innocence away. All that it took for innocence to be lost was seeing a naked body. He didn't want to have a guilty conscience in the long run. He walked out of his bathroom, closed the door behind him, walked a few steps to the left side of the lilac hallway, opened the door to his bedroom, and got in. He closed the door. He wanted his bathroom and his bedroom to be in the same hallway because he didn't want to run marathons just to go to the bathroom when he got up in the morning, because that was when his urge to urinate was the most intense, in the morning. He opened the door to his closet and pulled out a red sleeveless cotton shirt.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Luckily, there was a phone extension in every bedroom, thus Scott and Natasha wanted people's conversation to be private. He put the shirt on the bed, while it was still on the hanger, and walked to the phone. He answered it. "Hello."

Barbara said, "Scott? I know we're not married anymore, that you're married to Natasha Perry and that because of that, you're not obliged to do anything for me anymore, that you would only do it if you felt like it, Scott, but I need your help." She broke down and cried. "I really need your help. Please tell me that you'll at least listen to me."

Crying bitterly, Noah said,


Barbara gasped and said,

"What? Noah, is that you? Is that you, sweetie?"

Noah sat on the bed and said, "Yes, it is, Mom. I missed you. I'm lucky that you left after I ran away because it would've broken my heart to see you abandon us if I had been at home still."

"I'm sorry. I'd say that I didn't abandon you, and that I abandoned your father, but it's the same thing, so I'm not even going to think about giving you that silly excuse. You and I have a lot to talk about, but since Scott hates me, I don't know where we can reunite."

"You can't be sure that Dad hates you, Mom. He never even told me anything about you. I've been here for three days already and you haven't even come up in our conversations. The only thing that he talks to me about besides me and Natasha, and the baby, is Hayley, how much she hurt him, and how I must be the instrument to his revenge. Mom, I know it's horrible, but I have reasons of my own to try to destroy her. Remember the murder of your grandson, Mom."

"I don't agree with you and Scott's revenge, but if that makes you feel better, I'll accept it. You're a grown man now, and I no longer have any say in what you can do and what you cannot do.

The only thing I can ask from you, Noah Scott, is that you take care of yourself. Hayley Johnson is a very dangerous woman. She's lethal. I know for sure that Noah Bryan is not her only victim."

"Mom, you and I can meet at Aunt Cristina's house. I mean I'm going to ask my Dad if he hates you, which I very much doubt he says yes, but Aunt Cristina's house is much safer. That way my Dad doesn't know or find out from someone else what we said to each other, and we can have our privacy. I am going to call Dad's cell and tell him that you need him to help you with something. Give me a phone number where he can call you."

Barbara gave Noah the phone number to her best friend, Georgia's house, and Noah wrote it down on his agenda. He wasn't sure if Scott wanted the number, or anything from Barbara's, in his agenda. "Got it?"

"I got it, Mom. I'm going to call him right now. Bye," he said and hung up. Scott then lifted the phone and put it in his ear once again and then dialed Scott's mobile number. Scott was at the hospital flower shop, buying the biggest and most beautiful bouquet of lilies for Nicole. Suddenly, the little phone rang and Scott pulled it out of the pocket of his black suit. He dressed elegantly even to go to the grocery store, not to rub it in anyone's faces that he was rich, but because he loved to look good at all times. Suits made him look ten years younger than he really was; not that he needed to look younger because he took very good care of himself to look younger without surgery or without performing tricks. He lifted the top of his "Motorola Razor" phone, pressed talk, and answered it. "Hello."

"Dad, this is Noah!" Smiling, Scott said, "Hey,

son! What are you cooking?"

Noah laughed, "Actually, it's not I that's cooking something, it's Mom."

"Barbara?" said Scott with a face of horror.


"What's troubling her?" he said, worried.

Noticing his reaction of preoccupation instead of carelessness, Noah smiled and said, "Well, she didn't tell me exactly what she needs from you. She just gave me a number and asked me to tell you to call her at that number. The matter is so private that she didn't even tell her son. Can you imagine that?"

Scratching his head and wondering what Barbara had to tell him, and imagining the very worst, Scott cleared his throat and said, "Well, son, it's not that she doesn't trust you. I mean when you were younger you kept nothing from her, especially when you had problems with girls," and laughed all of a sudden. "Boys normally tell their dads their private matters, but apparently, you were closer to your mom."

"It's the Freudian gender thing. Yes, I was closer to my mom, not that I didn't trust you."

Scott laughed and said, "I know son. She didn't tell you because maybe she felt that I was the only one who could help her. Well, I have to let you go. I'm going to call her at the number you just gave me. Hopefully she and I can talk in person."

Natasha suddenly got behind him, placed both hands on his shoulder, exerting major pressure and replied, "I don't have the smallest problem with that."

Scott put his phone down and turned around and looked at her with a face of total awe. Noah gave away his brightest smile. She trusts my dad. How good it makes me feel to know that! If only my next wife trusted me as much as she trusts him... he thought.

"The only ex wife or ex girlfriend of yours that I'm passionately jealous of is Hayley Johnson. She's the one that I don't want you to see ever again, but I don't have a problem with you seeing Barbara. I mean hopefully she has a husband of her own. It's about time she got one, don't you think?"

Scott cleared his throat once again, and placed his phone on his ear once again and said, "Noah, I'm going to get back to your mother and you and I will talk about how it went down tonight." Smiling, Natasha repeated, "How it went down," and said, "It’s clear that you weren't always a multimillionaire, Scott Spears.

Your humility is the one thing about you that I love the most."

Scott hung up. "I'm going to call Barbara."

Natasha replied, "You can talk to her in your car if you want to. If she didn't tell Noah what's eating her that means that her problem is only for your ears."

Scott walked away from Natasha silently and opened the door and walked out, while Natasha looked at him with a smile on his face. The parking space that he'd taken was close from the entrance, so he just walked a few steps, unlocked his car with his remote key, opened the driver door, got in, dialed Georgia's number, pressed, "Send" to place the call, and put the phone back in his ear. The phone rang three times at Georgia's house and Georgia answered it while Natasha took the flowers to the elevator to give to Nicole at the fifth floor. "Hello."
