Rust Programming Tutorial


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Published: 5 years ago

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Book Description

This is an extensive and beginner-friendly Rust tutorial prepared by our system programming team here at Apriorit. Whether you're a Rust aficionado or only starting your Rust journey, this e-book undoubtedly will prove useful to you. What you will learn ⦁ Discover Rust features that make programming faster and secure ⦁ Guarantee memory safety using Rust ⦁ Benefit from zero-cost abstraction mechanisms ⦁ Avoid data races and a garbage collector ⦁ Get rid of use-after-free, double-free bugs, dangling pointers ⦁ Reduce code duplication ⦁ Use existing libraries written in C and other languages ⦁ Understand the main difference between Rust and C++

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Apriorit Inc.

Apriorit provides expert software engineering services to the technology companies worldwide covering all processes of software R&D lifecycle. The company specializes first of all in cybersecurity as well as advanced data management technologies.

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