Web Business Architecture Blueprint by Tony Murphy - HTML preview

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Why is Web Business Architecture Important?

There are two key reasons why Web Business Architecture is important. First Web Business Architecture gives you a way to think about your web business that helps you to focus on what you need to do in order to be successful online. Second it provides a process based Blueprint that acts as a checklist to help make sure that you have covered all the aspects of running a successful online business.

Aside: Next time anyone asks what you do for a living or what your special web project is – tell them you are a Web Business Architect. They should be impressed :-)

There are other ways to model or think about a web business. For example we might think about our online business as a website with a set of web pages - in fact this is what most people do. However by thinking in terms of web pages it is easily to lose sight of the big picture and instead of focusing on how to improve our profits we can get distracted by something as simple as a web page that does not look as good as it could. Yes the page could probably do with a makeover, but promoting your business online is much more important.

My experience is that the process based approach presented in this report is very practical and almost forces you to think about your website as a business rather than a set of technologies or web pages. So think business and not just website.