The App Trail How Ideas Move Out of the Drawing Board Onto the App Store by Murali - HTML preview

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The Client Log

A Typical day at the firm

Production management is what happens on regular days. Running a business that offers development services, means you ship out products you make to someone else, who then owns and sells it to others. While it is hard to give up ownership, there are perks to being the most important cog in the wheel. A stream of interesting ideas will find their way to you. You will get to build some pretty awesome products or services that bring value to millions out there.

The usual day at the firm (for those who haven’t guessed, we are a development services provider) begins with checks to see if production is on schedule. Resolving impediments or addressing requests for additional resources take up most of the work day.

Walk-in Days

But some days are refreshingly different. Days when prospective clients walk-in or reach out with interesting new ideas.  If it is an idea that seems promising, you will want it to be built as much as the guy sitting across you. But, ideas need resources to materialise and patrons to survive. Both you and the prospective client will now embark on a shared quest to draw the perfect blueprint for the project. The customer has a rough blueprint and an initial set of specifications laid out for you. The specifications centre on themes like the choice of IT model, the business objectives, the product features and functionality. You offer a few suggestions based on your vast experience with product development. The client seems intrigued by some of the ideas put forth. He requests a detailed report that sets out the development process, the methodologies and infrastructure in detail.

It’s time to call for a team meeting…..