Rx Money by Stefan Palczewski - HTML preview

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I think I know how you feel. First time when I heard about freelancing, instantly rejected that idea. But I was wrong. There are all kind off opinion on this subject and most of them false. Yes, there are some freelancing sites that don’t deliver, but this are few. I know many freelancers making very comfortable living just from freelancing services.

I want to point out that freelancing is the quickest way to make money online working from home that does not require website or domain, and they pay almost instantly. Here I will show you how to get into writing articles for others. There are other services that you can provide from comfort of your home, but more on that later (in other book).

There is other very important reason that I recommend starting as a freelancer. If you are serious about online marketing this way you will get opportunity to master your skill to recognize good quality content.

Having written at least 100 articles for others will make you an authority in the field, or any niche that you will write about. At some point you might outsource all to other writers, but now you will know good quality writers.

Also after writing 100 or more articles you will polish your vocabulary and, you will know what to expect from other writers working for you. Yet there is another important aspect. You will have extra income at your disposal to invest in serious online business.

There is site call iWriter and is structure in such a way that is perfect for beginners. So go to iwriter.com and create an account.


Once you are on iwriter.com scroll a bit lower and find box “become an iwriter today”. Once inside fallow instructions



And now log in to your account. Open tab “write content”.




As you can see there are postings from customers that want articles written for them. They are organized in descending mode, from most expensive to less expensive. If you are beginner scroll further down.


You will notice that all this jobs are calling for different type of writers. Those paid the most have the most experience, it means that they earned stars (iWriter categories) allowing them earn more money. Also that means their articles were most accepted with customers. Scroll a bit further down.

The place you will need to start is “standard” level. Yet if you have experience and you feel that you can write at “elite” level, you can. Just fol ow their instructions.

After you write your first article and is accepted (almost all are accepted) you need to go back to your profile and fill up information how you want to be paid. Minimum pay out amount is $20.00.


As you can see this articles for “standard” writers pay little but that should not discourage you. After about 30 articles you will get upgrade to higher level, and with time higher and higher until you reach “elite plus” level. At this level you will make decent money. Within month or two you might reach higher level. This depends only on you. Some do it faster.

At the time of writing this book there are only 2 pages of job postings. This change every hour. There is always something to choose from. Articles are simple and easy 150 to 1000 words in length. There is time limit on how long it should take to write. Even if you are slow writer it should not take longer for you than 1 hour to write an article 500 words long. I did.


Once you decide to write an article click on the plus sign on the left side of that article.


That will allow you to see if the article is available, how much it pay’s, how many words and time you need to complete. If you don’t make on time article goes back to pool and you can start over.


Before you start writing check for “special instructions”. Some customers want special style of writing as well as some keywords to be included in the article. If you follow instructions and your writing is on sixth level elementary school, you will do fine. I did.

Iwriter.com will give you short test to see if you qualify to write articles. It’s simple grammar and spelling test on elementary school level. I am sure you will pass I did.

If this is not your ‘cup of soup” see if the next section is something that you might be more comfortable doing.

For those that want something more in depth information,  go here.

There are other freelancing jobs, it depends on what experience you might have. Other sites that contract freelancing jobs are;

As soon as you feel comfortable with writing articles for others, you may consider constantcontent.com.