Page Rank Paranoia by Andy Machin - HTML preview

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In very basic terms, your page rank is calculated using (as well as other criteria) the page rank of other sites which link to your site. The page rank value depends on the PR value of the page the link comes from and the number of outbound links from that page.

Many believe that the relationship between page rank levels is logarithmic and not linear. In other words a PR5 is not “worth” 25% more than a PR4 but could in fact be “worth” much more.

Furthermore a page rank value is not just a number. It is a range of values. So not all PR5 ranked pages are equal.


I could go in for pages and pages about the theories involved which go on to calculating your Google page rank. But I won’t. How boring would that be?

Let’s face it – a hundred pages of theory won’t disguise the fact that the only people who really know are Google themselves. Sure – the page rank of your site is a factor in determining the search engine ranking of your web site but it’s not the only factor.

And it’s certainly not the “oh my God be-all-and-end-all my life depends on it” criteria that many web site owners think it is. See – we’re back to Page Rank paranoia again………

Why dedicate your life to try and move from a PR3 to a PR4 when there are much more productive ways to promote your web site?


Why you don’t need a high PR! So what! Do I look like I care?