Making A Living Online - What Do I Do First? by Rhonda Grice - HTML preview

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Welcome.  Hopefully this book will help you organize your thoughts and select the best home business for you and your family.

It's always easier to start and do something if you have some help along the way.  What you want and need is a real online  or home business that actually generates sales!

It can be done NOW, but let me ask you...

Do you sometimes get overwhelmed at the thought of creating your own business, but you know in your heart of hearts it's something you just have to do?

If this is you... which is a lot of people, then you are going to be thankful you picked up this book.

Everyone seems to think that working from home is the answer to their problems, yet they have no idea of what they want to do, or even how to get started. They dream of no more commuting, putting up with a boss they hate, or in some cases not having to just pay daycare.

Sounds great, right? Well it can be, but there are also some drawbacks that come from working at home.

Once you know what they are you can sit down and decide if being an online entrepreneur is something you really want to do.

I have been working from home for many years now and I love it, but that doesn't mean I haven't had to overcome some obstacles. Nothing good in life seems to come without a price. Are you willing to pay the price?

In this book I will go over the good, the bad, and the ugly. So buckle up and get ready for the ride! Right off the bat we will go over the problems that could surface when working from home, just to see if you are up to the challenge. See you in chapter one!

**Disclaimer – All facts in this book were researched and are correct to the best of my knowledge.  No claims are made by the author that you will have a successful home business when following these techniques, however it is truly believed your chances will be very good if you put in the work!