© 2009 Paul Barnett. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced without permission.
Thank you for downloading this ebook.Over the coming weeks I am going to be showing you some cool stuff you can do in MS Access. I will be sending out FREE videos and PDF documents demonstrating a wealth of techniques and information.
Some samples are• How to create a spell checker in your Access forms
• How to run Word documents from Access
• How to interface with Excel
• Determine if your date falls on a national holiday or a weekend
• How to make your text box change color depending on your data
• Control the number of records that get printed in your report
• How to import worksheets from Excel
• Handling database corruption
• Good form and bad form design
• How to duplicate one form record into another at the touch of a button
• How to email tables, queries etc right within Access
It does not matter which version of MS Access you are using. You are bound to find something useful in the content you will receive.
For FREE Access ebook and videos click here http://access-databases.com/ebook
Microsoft Access has been part of the Office suite of programs for many years. The Office suite dominates the world of desktop office software. I started using Access from version 2 onwards. My initial thoughts were that it was a wonderful user friendly development tool for beginners and expert users alike. My belief has not changed.
Microsoft over the years have listened to the concerns of users and have taken Access forward with each release. There has been some snobbery in the I.T. world towards Access. This is usually among hardened programmers and developers of large systems. In my opinion they are missing the point. You really would not use a corporate style solution for a simple desktop application for around 10 users.
The advantages as I see it are• Access contains the best reporting tool of any development package.
• It is wonderful at cleaning up data.
• You can create a quick simple database in minutes.
• You can create more complex systems using the built in programming language
• Access can talk and integrate to other applications in the MS Office suite such as Outlook, Excel and Word.
There have been stability issues over the years due to the more data stored in the system. However, it is at this point that you know you have to upscale to a more robust solution such as Visual Basic and SQL Server. You are not going to create a flight booking system in Access for example. You could, but it would not be practical due to the volume of data you would be storing.