How to Find Free, Unique Content in Any Niche by Caroline Middlebrook - HTML preview

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Why do we need unique content?


Google is constantly updating its algorithm in an attempt to deliver the best possible results to the searcher. In recent years one of the major ranking factors and quality signals that has been increasing in significance is high quality, unique content.

A few years ago you could copy an article from an article directory, run it through some article spinner software and churn out some unreadable gibberish and it would still help you rank.

Those days are gone.

Google has got better at detecting content that is truly unique, and has got better at determining the quality of content in terms of spelling, good grammar, punctuation etc.

The ideal content therefore is something that has been written from scratch by a real human being with a good grasp of the English language. This ebook will help you find exactly that, for free!

Niche Specific Content

Google has also been putting more emphasis on topical relevancy in recent years. An arbitrary link from a finance article to your dog training blog is not going to carry anywhere near the weight as a link from an article that is actually relevant to dog training.


This book will show you how to find unique content in the niche of your choice. All of the tools and techniques discussed are completely free to use, but this technique will take some time.

Caroline Middlebrook