How to Enjoy and Profit from Pinteresting by Kristy Jenkins - HTML preview

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Those who predicted that the leading social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn would fade away or gradually start to lose members in 2012 couldn’t have been more wrong.

Those social media websites continued to grow become an even stronger foundation of our online lives. Furthermore, new social media sites like Pinterest were able to become incredibly popular as it provides a different concept of visual social networking Social media is therefore here to stay. This means that in order for your business to be successful, you’re going to need to make those sites part of your marketing efforts . It allows us to reach people from all places. It is very important that you have to know the facts about certain social media because there are things that might get you in trouble in the long run, especially if you don’t know the things about it.

With all the social media application that is coming out for our betterment, we actually find it hard to distinguish which is better. The thing is, it will be all up to us to choose on which application we are most comfortable with.

Getting Started Using Social Media for Marketing

It's important to get started on the right foot when it comes to social media marketing. Even though the barriers to entry are low, it still takes a lot of time and effort to embark on a successful social media marketing campaign -- if you expect it to work. Let's go over the following various basic tips for the successful implementation of social media marketing.

  • One thing at a time -- Don't try to join all social media networks at once. Do one network at a time. Figure out through study which one will be most effective to get started with. Most of the time it's going to be Twitter or Facebook. But, if you have a super visual business consider starting with Pinterest. Once you have one social network running and are comfortable with how it looks, and how you're running it, then and only then add another network.
  • Define your goals -- It's essential to decide what your goal is for each type of campaign you run on each social media networks. You may have several goals, increase traffic to your website, get more signups for your newsletter, etc... but each goal has its own path to success and are separate campaigns.
  • Develop your tactics -- Once you've identified your goals, now you can decide what tactics you'll use to reach those goals. You want more newsletter sign ups? Are you going to give away something free for each sign up? Have a contest? What are you going to do to reach the goal? Be very specific. "I'm going to post three times a day specific messages to encourage participation in my contest."
  • Take the time -- Social media marketing strategy is not something that you'll see results from over night. It will take time and you will need to persevere and demonstrate great patience. However, if you have a plan and you implement the plan, "it" (whatever your goals were) will happen.
  • Test it out -- Everything you try won't work, it's the nature of the ever-changing social media landscape. What worked yesterday may not work today. It's important to experiment and test new ideas to see what works and what doesn't work. You can always adjust as you learn more.
  • Provide value -- Probably one of the most important tips of all, your content should be valuable to the readers. It should be interesting, targeted, and what your audience craves. Otherwise, they'll not read and they will stop following you.
  • Keep up the Conversation -- Without interactive conversations social media is no longer "social". It's important to respond to people who make comments, and truly interact with your audience. Engaging with your followers is an essential element of using social media for marketing.
  • Reward your followers-- To keep people interested in following you and interacting with you, have contests and games with rewards for those who are active participants. If a special is only offered on xyz social media network to only those who follow you, they'll feel special and exclusive.
  • Measure your results -- It's not only important to keep measuring results, so that you can toss what is not working and keep what is, it's important to makesure that you are measuring the right things. If your goal was to get more newsletter sign ups, did you succeed in reaching that goal with the methods you used? You can have 1 million followers on any given social media network, but if they're not actively engaged and acting in a manner that you'd hoped with your various campaigns, then you'll need to figure out why.

Now, With understanding the basic of social media marketing , just sit back and relax as you read each chapter of the book on How to profit from Pinteresting . May you find all the learning that will be most beneficial for you.