Guide To Earning $20,000 Online by Martins - HTML preview

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If you're like most Internet users•••your email inbox is bombarded with get-rich-quick schemes. Most of us delete them without so much as a quick glance. Yet deep down, I think we all know that amongst the junk there has to be a few jewels. After all, the Internet is a multi- billion dollar marketplace, soon to be multi-TRILLION. There's got to be SOMEBODY who's developed a legitimate opportunity for cashing in on the Internet revolution.

There is, but you've probably missed it because unlike the get-rich-now hawkers, this company detests hype. Yet, ironically, their growth is unprecedented

Remember when a network marketing company considered itself a major player in the industry when it reached 100,000 representatives? This company recently added 180,000+ sales reps just in FEBRUARY alone!

The company is the SFI Marketing Group. SFI is the creation of Gery Carson, who in the 1980's pioneered the Direct Mail model for network marketing. Gery is also the author of the book, The Home Business Revolution's Greatest Entrepreneurs, and the publisher of Six-Figure Income Magazine.

With that kind of a resume, it is not surprising that his new Internet-based marketing network is putting up impressive numbers. But over 5000 new sales reps added a DAY?! What's the attraction?

Here's a partial list:

1. You can sign up FREE, get a FREE Website, and test drive the program for as long as you want at absolutely no cost or obligation EVER.

2. A lucrative compensation plan. Tens of thousands of SFI's affiliates are already receiving monthly commission checks, totaling over $3 MILLION dollars since July 1st.

3. SFI understands the Internet. SFI itself is totally database-driven which means that almost everything happens in real-time. From SFI's powerful central Admin site, there's online, real- time genealogies, plus numerous other tools to manage your business such as instant group messages via email.

4. Perfect for the "little guy." There are no group volume requirements. In fact, the toughest thing you ever have to do with SFI is give away free stuff.

5. FREE 24-Hour Professional Consultation. Each SFI affiliate is assigned three leaders to provide free consultation and support.

6. The Internet is exploding worldwide. USA TODAY recently reported that over 170,000 new people are getting online every 24 hours. Many smart business people are becoming millionaires on the Internet. And this is just the beginning! With SFI you can grab your share.

7. Thanks to the Internet and SFI's smartly-designed infrastructure, your business expenses are minimal. You can contact thousands on the Internet via email, search engines, directories, free ads, etc. All free! No door to door sales. No postage. No printing. No brochures. No tapes. No videos. No long distance calls. Instant communication - worldwide.

8. Don't know anything about marketing on the Internet? Included FREE when you sign up with SFI is an ongoing course in making money on the Internet. It's emailed to you FREE 1-2 times per month, plus there's also a Website of all the past lessons. EVEN IF YOU END UP DOING NOTHING WITH SFI, GET SIGNED UP AND GET THIS INVALUABLE COURSE!!!

Like I have always stress before, SFI is not a get-rich-quick programme but I know where you can find one of those, just type into your search engine... "how to make $1000 tonight" and you will see millions of one-page website offering to make you rich overnight if you just buy one ebook or one useless software. Only to suck you dry and leave you more miserable.

So SFI is not one of those, before you can even see any one cent in SFI, you have to work for it, that's why I have always say that you have to treat your SFI like a business. Any businessman that wants to succeed knows too well that he have to put time, passion and investment into the business in order to succeed.

What kind of money SFI makes for you?

With SFI you can make two types of income:

Residual income

Leverage Income

Residual Income is income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do just ONCE. It's like a royalty. An example would be writing a book or recording a song and getting paid forever on it. Wouldn't it be absolutely awesome to have that?! Well, with SFI you can!

Leveraged Income is earning money through other people's efforts. There are only 24 hours in a day. Hence, there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. But with SFI, you can earn Leveraged Income (in the form of "override" commissions) when affiliates you've sponsored in SFI make sales.

So does this means you don't get paid at the moment?

Of course not, you get paid as you devote your time daily to do your daily task with SFI and generate sales in TripleClicks in order to earn direct commission, however this income and commission tends to increase with time as you build a team of motivated and active affiliates on downline, who can duplicate what you do, allowing you to earn on all their activities till 12 step below.

This means that if you have like a team of 100 active affiliates under you after like 2 years with SFI and you decided to retire, you will continue to make around $5000-$20000 per month without doing any other additional work, that's how SFI structured it's system so that you know that you have to sacrifice today in order to enjoy tomorrow.

"The /ruit o/ harvest is always a delight to the /armer, but the harvest is not in the same season as planting"

The fact is, by simply sponsoring a few good, active SFI affiliates; you can eventually have hundreds or even THOUSANDS of affiliates and TC members putting money in your pocket from around the world...around the clock!

But that's not even the best part. Each affiliate on your sales team has his or her own vested interest to build and KEEP ON building his or her business and income. This, of course, means YOUR income can continue and grow month after month-even when you want to take a vacation or decide to retire altogether.

Rest assured, there are few things greater than returning home from a nice vacation to find a commission check even bigger than the month before waiting in your mailbox!

Bottom line: With SFI, not only can you earn "do-it-once, get-paid-forever" residual-style income, you also can earn Leveraged Income on the sales of thousands of other affiliates! If building financial security is one of your goals, you've found the vehicle to do it with in SFI.

So below am going to show you the straight-forward way you can start making up to $20,000 per month after two years with SFI, some who are really motivate may find it easy while some will find it impossible, well there  is this saying that says " we are what we think",

You can make money with SFI if you are ready to invest both your time, energy and money, SFI should be treated like a business, and so in that case, for your business to succeed in real world, you have to invest both your time and money.

Most people enter SFI with aim of making quick cash, when they hear that you have to spend to make money, they easily become discourage, you don't have to be, if you can't invest few dollars to build you SFI business, stop here, delete your SFI account if you have opened one, and go back to your normal way of being an "employee", work 40 hours a week for someone for 40 years and retire with $40 in the bank!.

The only problem with your typical work is once you quit, the money stops coming, but with sfi, even if you decide to retire, the money keeps chasing you wherever you are, you can even leave it for your children and your grandchildren.

When I started SFI I did not understand anything or how it works, I registered and never came back until after one year, after I have wasted a lot of my money looking for what works online, I found out that only SFI have stayed strong making people rich for good sixteen years, I did research on SFI for two months, make some interview with people on inner circle and was able to form a strategy that works, so am going to share it with you below:

"I know the price o/ success: dedication, hard work and unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.": Frank Lloyd Wright

How can you earn with SFI:

1.   Direct Commission: Each time an SFI affiliate that you have personally sponsored-OR a TC member that you have personally referred-places an order at, you earn 45% of the CV.

SFI's Direct Commission program is powerful because once you sign up a member or affiliate, they become your customer for life!* SFI takes care of all order processing, product shipments, and customer service at no cost to you, and pays you a Direct Commission for every order placed by your members and affiliates for life!*

Special Note: For purchases by personally referred TC members, you'll ALSO earn all the VP** on the order-which can earn you additional shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool!

Earnings Example: An order is placed by one of your personally referred TC members that have $23 CV and 1,725 VP. You earn a $10.35 Direct Commission (45% of $23) and 1,725 shares in the TripleClicks Executive Pool.

2.   Sponsoring: You make money with purchases and sales made by all the affiliate in the world that enters SFI after you, down to 12 levels, you also make matching points as their points increase, this means, if you sponsor 20 affiliates, you make money from their purchases and sales, you also make money from the purchases and sales made by those under those 20 affiliates and those under them down to 12 level.

3.   TripleClicks Executive Pool: SFI have a store called TripleClicks, this is where they generate money they pay their affiliates and also where you can choose the product that you want to promote, Once you were able to reach Executive Affiliate level within the month, you participate in the profit made in TripleClicks, your share of profit increases as you rank increases.

How to share in the pool:

For each VersaPoints (VP) you accumulate during the month, you will receive one share of the month's pool. The more VP you score, the more you will earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool! It's that simple. Note that VP can be earned for doing a wide variety of actions

4.   E-Commerce Associate: With this programme you can lists all your product in TripleClicks free, and made money as millions of SFI affiliates refers customer to your product, this means that if you have an ebook on your website, you can list in TripleClicks and continue to make some much money from the sales. However, if you don't have a product to sale in ECA. You can refer somebody you know to list their products in ECA and you make commissions in all the purchase made from this way. SFI handles the payment process and pays you in your local currency wherever you are whether you are in Serbia, India, Nigeria or Ukraine. The ECA referral program is very powerful because all you have to do is introduce an ECA to TripleClicks and you're all set to earn royalties for life! Every time anyone-anywhere in the world-buys something at TripleClicks from one of your referred ECAs, you earn a royalty!

5.   SFIPPA: This simply means SFI pay-per-action programme, for website owners or blog owners, Once you join SFI, you can choose this programme, SFI assigns you a banner you paste on your websitelblog that directs people to take an action, once the action is completed, you earn $10 for that particular action taken, this means if your website generates lots of visitors, you can make thousands in a day with this SFIPPA programme alone.

6.   Co-Sponsor Commissions: SFI assigns you some affiliates that you will co-sponsor, this way you make money from their sales and purchases, depending on how active your co- sponsored affiliates are, you can make lots of money each time you reach EA, (Executive Affiliate Level) and SFI assigns you these affiliates, as you grow your SFI business, you can get hundreds on them.

Earnings Example: An order is placed by one of your co-sponsored SFI affiliates (CSA) that has $28 CV. You earn a $4.20 Co-Sponsor Commission (15% of $28).

How to acquire CSAs (Co-Sponsored Affiliates):

A. A minimum of TWO (2) CSAs are allotted to you each month you attain the rank of EA (minimum 1500 VP)-available on or about the 12th of each month. B. You can win CSAs in the Daily Grand contest.

C. CSAs can be won via Pricebenders Auctions. See schedule for upcoming CSA auctions HERE.

D. CSAs can be won each day in the Entrepreneur365 Finalist drawing.

E. Every month, thousands of Co-Sponsored Affiliates are forfeited and need a NEW co- sponsor. Become a Team Leader and a share of all of these forfeited Co-Sponsored Affiliates will be automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor!

With all these ways to earn I listed above, you will be asking yourself how much, can you earn, it totally depends on you, on how motivated you are about you SFI business, if you put one hour per day with little investment you are going to be making more than $20000 per month after just two years, so set the target that you wants to reach today with you SFI business.


How Can You Make Money with SFI

All SFI requires you to do in order to earn lots of money is to simply:


Ok, it's not that simple, otherwise everybody that joins SFI will be making thousands per month but am going to make it straight-forward for you to be able to reach it, we're going to analyse it from your first month of joining SFI

How do I Get Started?

If you have not joined SFI, click here to do so, or copy and paste this address into your browser to check it out, am going to take you by hand and tell you all you will do months after months, so it means that you have to keep this ebook safe and accessible, so that once you complete your first month, you can easily come back and take a look at what you have to do in your second month and so on.


The first month is the easiest to win VersaPoints (these are points that determines how you get paid). You are not eligible for win Affiliates VersaPoints. So you should focus on just three things

•  Qualify for the Fast Track Bonus

•  Qualify for the contest Entrepreneur 365

•  Earn 1500 VersaPoints= Become EA

How can you reach these targets easily?

Determine the remaining number of days for the current month. For example you sign up on the 15th of the month that means that you still have 15 days (for a 30 days month) left to reach you EA status.

-Compute the number of VP that you can get from your Daily Task.

Example, if you have 15 days multiply it with 11VP then it will give you 165 VP. That means you need 1335 VP to reach your EA status.

-Go to your VP Ledger page ( and complete the task that will give you the 1335 VP needed for your EA status.

Remember that if you completed 500VP within your first 24 hrs of signing up in SFI you will get a bonus of additional 200VP for becoming a SFI Fast Track member- You will also get your Fast Track member badge. This means earning 500VP in your first 24 hrs is very critical, it set the tone of your SFI business and show your sponsor that your are very serious.

NOTE: once you earn the required 1500 VersaPoints, you immediately becomes Executive Affiliate, and stands to share in TripleClicks executive pool, Since you are not qualify to earn affiliates VersaPoints in your first month, you should leave some of actions in your VersaPoints Ledger to for next month, so that we can easily reach EA2 on your second month.

It's also very important that you use this period to read all the training that SFI offers in their website, it is very crucial to your success as SFI affiliate.

You can do the below in order to earn 1500VP in your first month, remember to stop once you reach your EA (1500VP)

1.   Earn 500 VP in the first 24 hours so you can get 200 bonus VP. (700 VP)

2. Make your tabs opportunities daily. (11 VP) + (VP 700) = (711 VP)

3. Set monthly goals before 10. (5 VP) + (VP 711) = (716 VP)

4. Review your page tConnect. (5 VP) + (VP 716) = (721 VP)

5. Confirm your registration. (VP 150) + (721 VP) = (871 VP)

6. For whitelist. (VP 100) + (871 VP) = (971 VP)

7. Complete your membership profile. (75 VP) + (971 VP) = (VP 1046)

8. Sign up as a member A2A. (60 VP) + (1046 VP) = (1106 VP)

9. Send a message Commitment SFI sponsor. (50 VP) + (1106 VP) = (VP 1156) and


•    20 * To read the "About SFI page"

20 * In considering compensation plan SFI

10 * To review the AAP benefits Graphic

10 * To check the Central Standing Order Information page for a total of (VP 60) + (VP 1156) = (VP 1216)

This leaves only 284 VP is to achieve EA, and these points can be earned by just Shares / Daily Tabs.

1. Lessons Launchpad = 30x15 = VP each (450 VP)

2. Intermediate action is 21x10 = PV = each (VP 210) + (450 VP) = (660 VP)

3. Get actions ---

•    50 * To read the Getting Started FAQ

35 * For the discussion of marketing methods and aids to generate TripleClicks sales

35 * examination of aid and trade resources for sponsoring SFI Affiliates

35 To upload your photo in the center Affiliate for a total of (VP 155) + (660 VP) = (VP 815)

4. To Love / After SFI and TripleClicks on Facebook. Twitter. (80 VP) + (VP 815) = (895 VP)

5. Shares Daily Weekly, monthly to do the rest.

With the above, to reach EA in your first month will be easy ride, remember that once you reach 1500VP you reserve others for second month, then you continue to do only your daily task on daily basis in order to earn 12VP required to stay in E365 challenge, also enter into daily grand prize contest in order to stand a chance to win something. You may like to enter into T- time contest, which is hourly contest; you can win TCredits in this contest.

Note that if you vote for 30 answers in your "AskSC" tab, you will be awarded one additional entry into grand prize contest.

Now we are going to enter second months, remember as you do your first month tasks, try and set some money aside because in the second month, we are going to begin investing in order to boost our business and reap the greatest reward.

Why is it important to save for next month?

I told you to save some money so that we can invest it in our second month, so with this. Some weary heart will run away, our aim in SFI is to have employer's mentality and not employee mentality, if you just want to get paid without losing any money then you are going to be employee all your life, but if you are here to make good money, you should treat SFI as your business. SFI is carefully structured to unleash the potentials in you, some may find the next few paragraph difficult.

We are here to make big money; I really mean a lot of money, not just a few hundred dollars per month. Because I think that in order to understand the great motivation we need to succeed in this business, we really need to be perfectly aware that SFI Business will change substantially our lives.

In a few words we need to think big. Otherwise what's the sense of all this? If it were just for making normal money, we could look for a normal job.

How could we be excited, fired up, just thinking about making a few tens or hundreds of dollars per month?

So, I think that those among us who are really serious and willing to make their life a wonderful life, those who want to be exempt of all those financial worries which could literally destroy a person's existence, need to treat this business like a real business, not just like a kind of hobby.

So the question is:

Do you know any profitable business in this world where you don't have to invest and risk a lot of money to start-up and then to run it? I don't. Fortunately, SFI is totally different in the meaning that we don't have to invest and risk "a lot of money".

Nevertheless, in my opinion, at least a few tens of dollars per month need to be invested.


Because what you actually want is to make BIG money to really enjoy your life.

So let's make an example here:

Let's say you consider that for you, 10,000 (ten thousand) dollars per month will be enough to live the life you're dreaming of.

So, what do you need to achieve this (perfectly achievable) goal?

You could check the SFI earnings calculator, but I realized that this beautiful tool purposely uses very conservative number, so that the amounts provided don't appear unrealistically large.

That's why I prefer to base my income plans on the REAL NUMBERS I actually see in my Commission Reports for the previous months.

Let's start from three facts:

A) Currently the value of each Versa Point is about $0.0005

B) The SFI "ultra-simple 3-step plan" teaches something that everybody in this world is able to do:

• Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and remain an EA every month

• Recruit five affiliates

• Teach your five affiliates to do these same three steps

C) An EA has minimum 1500VP and a typical CV (Commission Value) of (only) $20CV.

That being said, let's say you decide to recruit those five affiliates and you teach them to create the same duplication within their first month.

Then multiply the $ Versa Point Value for the total number of Versa Point generated by your EAs downline and you will see that in just 6 months you'll achieve and surpass you initial goal of $10.000,00 (ten thousand dollars) monthly income:


On top of this of course, there will be the extra income consequently generated by all the different stream included in the SFI Compensation Plan like: ECA Royalties, Direct Sales, SFIPPA (Pay Per Action) and SFI contests.

What could be the "obstacle" in this fantastic path to follow?

It's obvious: all kind of serious and reliable businesses, in order to produce earnings, need to produce at least a minimum amount of sales, need to move money. Otherwise they can't be called "business".

But here the good news is what you can also read in the earnings calculator: "Estimate is based on a typical CV (commission volume) per Executive Affiliate of (only) $20".

This is Fantastic if you consider that part of the SFI business, is; one of the best "money-saving" online stores in the world.

And it is YOUR Store! Exactly; whatever your PSA and EA2 will buy at TripleClicks in the years to come, will produce a large monthly income for you, even if you're on holiday or just sleeping.


The Focus of our second month is to maintain Executive Affiliate" EA" status & Find at least 3-5 Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSA).

Compute the VP that you can get from your Daily Task. For Example, if the current month is a 30 days month that means that you can get 330 VP from your daily Task.

-Go to your VP Ledger page and check how much is the remaining VP that you can get from your uncompleted task. This will vary depending on the task you complete during your first month.

-Check if you are eligible for the monthly Task like "Rate your Sponsor "and "Setting your monthly goal ". If not then you can do your Weekly Task (whichever is available).

-Assess how much VP you can get to maintain your EA2 Status (required is 1500VP).

-You can contact your Sponsor if you find any problem in completing some of the task in your VP Ledger.

How to Maintain EA with additional VP

If the available VP is not enough to reach 1500VP to maintain your EA2 Status I personally recommend that you purchase

- 100 Tcredits Pack standing Order for $29 per month = $15-50 CV and 1200 Versa Points


- 125 Tcredits Pack standing Order for $36-25 per month = $15-50 CV and 1500 Versa Points

Why do I suggest to ALL serious affiliates to choose these 2 products available at TripleClicks? Because:

This is because SFI has cancelled IAHBE which use to be about the same price but with 1500 EA qualifying versa point. So buying a special package of 100 TCredits pack saves money for affiliate who is running on low budget although it doesn't automically qualifies you as an EA, you can do you "Daily Actions" and complete the tasks you didn't do last month to get the remaining VersaPoints needed to qualify as EA2.

Another reason is that you can use the TCredits to bid in auctions and win fantastic's products at giveaway prize.

However, if you have a little more money, you can then set up a standing order of a 125 TCredits pack that automatically qualifies you as an EA for $36.25

With this way you are sure of qualifying for TripleClicks executive pool for the month and new two co-sponsored affiliate will be assigned to you. You can keep a standing order to make sure you always qualify for EA every month.

You can pay for standing order using your PayPal or just visit TripleClicks and purchase TCurrency (more on this later) from a local merchant in your country (recommended) to make it easier for you whether you want to pay with dollar, pound, rupee or naira.


We are going to get ambitious in our third month, remember, our aim is to make big money, so we are going to try and reach - Reach Bronze Team Leader Status & Find more PSA's-

"Aim for the moon, if you miss, you will fell among stars”

It may be ambitious to reach Bronze Team Leader Status in your Third month or Fourth month but it can be done.

This is considering that you already find at least 3 PSA that will also maintain their EA2 status. If not, concentrate in finding your 3 active PSA's and just maintain your EA2 status until you find them.

The easiest way to maintain your EA2 Status is to place a 1500VP standing order (I will recommend that you get the 125TCredits Standing order.

You can use the TCredits to advance your status to Team Leader Status.

-To reach BTL status you must earn 3000 VP. Below is a simple plan to help you earn 3000VP.



Rate your Sponsor 10 VP

Setting your goal 5 VP

For 1500VP SO 100 VP


Sending Team email 120 VP

Visiting TC connect page 20 VP

Posting Stream Post 12 VP


Completing Daily Task 330 VP (For 30 days month)

Bonus VP per auction Bid 129 VP


Assuming you already have 3 PSA that will maintain EA2 status 300 VP


SALES VP: (Max is 2000 VP)

-Place a 125 TCredits Standing Order (Cost $36.25) 1500 VP

-Use the 125 TCredits in Auction. For every bid you make you will get 1 VP and 5 MRP.

Total MRP's that you will get is 625 MRP.

Use this MRP to buy 4TCredits (126 MRP/TCredits), you will get 102 VP and 5MRP per TCredit you buy. 408 VP (Bonus is if you win in the auction)

- You have a remaining 121 MRP + 20MRP from the purchase of 4TCredits so you still have 141 MRP's. This will enable you to purchase an additional 1 TCredit. 102 VP



Note: To receive the full benefit of being a Team Leader you should also comply with the other requirements.

The next important thing that you should do is to find PSA that will duplicate this plan. As your active PSA's increase, the VP that you will get from "TEAM LEADERSHIP & SUPPORT" action will increase and it will help you advance to next Team Leader Status.

Here is something to think about:

If you are serious about starting a

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