Beginner's Guide To CPA Marketing by Manoj Maity - HTML preview

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How to Get Started With CPA Networks


What is Cost Per Action?


When you think about making money with a website or blog one of the first services that you think about is Google AdSense. Maybe you have already had the bite of the affiliate marketing bug and even joined ClickBank or Commission Junction.

Affiliate marketing can be a way to make money for your website or blog. Sometimes you don't even need a website to make money with affiliate marketing. You just send traffic to your affiliate link and if they buy something you get paid. There are other ways to make money with site.

Cost per action marketing is one of those other ways to make money online. With CPA offers you might not even have to make a sale to get a commission. Yes, you heard that right! You might not even have to make a sale to make money. This is one reason that CPA gets attention from internet marketers and bloggers.

You could get a commission just for a web visitor performing an action like submitting an email address, or supplying a zip code. It is easier for someone online to supply an email address or a zip code than inputting their credit card number or actually purchasing something.

Just imagine that you are on a tech blog and you come across an ad that offers a gift card for a popular big box retailer. The gift card might be just what you are looking for. The ad asks for your email address. Would you consider giving up your email address for an opportunity to get a gift card?

Where can I find Cost Per Action Networks?


How to apply to CPA Networks?

Once you have identified CPA networks that you want to work with you will have to prepare your application. You will need to submit some basic information about yourself and your company if you have one.

Some of the common information that you will need will include your contact information, your website if you have one, and how you will be promoting offers.

Create your application and submit it and give the CPA network a call on the telephone. These CPA networks get a lot of applications, so if you just submit your application without calling them it might take them a while to process your file. Some CPA networks are prompt in responding to new affiliate applications and you might receive a response in a day or two. Others might take longer to respond to your request.

Your phone interview will cover different areas. What types of offers are you looking to promote (email/zip submits, biz opp, online dating)? Is your website focused on a specific area (verticals - fitness, health)? This is an opportunity to get started off on the right foot with the network. You might be nervous but it is just a phone call. Talk to the person on the other end of the line and tell the truth. If you are a newbie then let them know. Just explain your plan.

If you are successful in your phone interview, you might be approved to do business with the CPA network. Hooray!

There are some CPA networks that might approve you without having to go through a phone interview. When you are approved the CPA network will supply you with login information for the website where you can find the CPA offers.

The CPA network will supply you with a contact person to help you with running your offers. This person is called an affiliate manager or (AM).

Your affiliate manager can help you out when you need information from the CPA network. They know the offers that are going to be coming for release. They see it all behind the scenes. Affiliate Managers can help you when you run into issues.


How can you promote CPA Offers?


CPA offers are a little bit different from what you may have experienced with other types of affiliate marketing ventures. CPA Offers may have restrictions on the methods that you use to promote an offer. Some CPA offers are restricted by the location. So if an offer is approved for the United States then you should only target US traffic. If an offer doesn't allow banner advertising then you cannot promote it with banners. If you violate the terms of the offer you could lose your account with the CPA network.

Promoting CPA Offers with Video and Email

There are a number of different ways to promote CPA offers. You could create videos and include your CPA links in the description or inside the actual video. You could buy domain names and forward them to your CPA links. Some marketers have really large email lists and they promote CPA offers to the list.

Promoting CPA Offers with Text Ads and Banner Ads

There is always the trusty text ads and banner ads that are supplied by the network. You can post them on your blogs and websites when allowed. Some marketers like to use pay per click advertising and pay per view advertising to promote CPA offers while others use article marketing and contextual linking.

Promoting CPA Offers with Article Marketing

Are you a good writer? You could attempt to get targeted traffic to your offers by writing high quality articles. Leverage your search engine optimization skills by creating articles with keyword rich headlines that get people to click on your articles.

Understanding the Basics of CPA Marketing

With more and more people searching for ways to earn an income from home and leave the 9 to 5 job behind or replace a lost income the whole world of CPA marketing is growing in popularity. It may surprise many to discover that this is not a new marketing strategy, but one that has been around for sometime, its more recent growth in popularity owes much to a number of marketers who having had tremendous success with CPA marketing decided to bring it to the attention of the masses through the launches of a number of products on this subject over the past couple of years in particular.

So lets gets back to the basics, we all know that it exists, but what actually is CPA Marketing?

Firstly what does the acronym CPA stand for? CPA stands for "Cost Per Action" or "Cost Per Acquisition". Where as traditional forms of affiliate marketing generally work on a pay per sale basis, CPA is different in that you can receive rewards for no sale and just by providing a lead. Another way of putting it would be to say that you are rewarded for taking an action required by the advertiser, possibly entering a name and email address for example, following the viewing of an offer, possibly a free trial.

So how do you get paid through using CPA Marketing?


The advertiser then backs them selves to convert those leads into sales, on the other end of the scale significant amounts can be paid, but these rewards are only provided when the visitor is asked to provide significantly more than just a name and email address, such as a multiple page document online.

The rewards are higher because the task is that much more difficult to complete and resistance is likely to be that much greater. If you want to become an CPA affiliate you need to join CPA Networks, this is often seen has one of the more difficult tasks when wanting to make money from CPA marketing, you see CPA Networks are able to be more discerning on who they allow and who they don't allow to promote their offers. This is a major departure from normal affiliate marketing, where acceptance is normally guaranteed.

CPA Networks are the middleman, to coin a phrase, who bring together the affiliates and advertisers. The CPA Networks store information about their advertisers on their own database and facilitate the relationship between both affiliate and advertiser. Specialised affiliate managers are assigned to ensure the smooth running of this operation and to measure the success of such campaigns through tracking the actions on the landing page of the offer.

There is no doubting that this form of advertising and business is here to stay, and it seems that it will continue to go from strength to strength, hopefully this basic summary will assist you and your understanding of this very popular online business opportunity.


3 Secrets to Earn a Living With CPA Marketing


First things first. This is a course about CPA marketing. This is not a marketing course for accountants! CPA stands for Cost Per Acquisition. CPA networks get advertisers to use their network of affiliates (that would be you and me) to generate leads and sell products. If you see an ad for a Free Gift Card, ringtones, teeth whitener or just about any other product, there is a good chance it is being advertised by a CPA network affiliate.

CPA ads are on most web sites. With so many ads out there, somebody must be making some money, right? On the other hand, it is a very competitive market. To get your ads shown, you will need to either out-bid other advertisers, and there are techniques to make this work, or learn how to get your ads in front of targeted traffic at a low enough cost per click to make a profit. If you are not careful, you will lose money quickly. Some training before jumping into CPA marketing can save you some hard earned money because in CPA marketing, you will be using ppc, or pay per click, advertising.

I got started by taking a course where one student worked 20 hours a day for 15 days on his new campaigns. He spent around $25K on his credit card paying for ads, but made about $45K in sales, which is exceptionally good for a beginner. But he had a big problem because he had to wait to get his check from the CPA networks to pay off his credit card. His campaigns were on hold for about 30 days, but waiting 30 days for a $20K is fine if you can still pay rent and eat in the mean time! Needless to say, I was pretty excited about CPA marketing, and I learned one of the 3 things that lifted me to success: focus. I was so fired up that I unsubscribed from all the email lists I was on that sent me the daily promises of making money online, and focused on only 1 thing, CPA marketing.

The top dogs in CPA marketing claim to make over $100K per day. Is that really true? It may be, but it may be hard to achieve those results on your own from your home office. They run campaigns on sophisticated software that is highly automated and optimized. Here is a little secret: you can access the very same software. A number of companies offer it, it is not expensive, but it seems nobody will tell you who they are or how to work with them. If you buy the software yourself it will cost around $250,000, but to just run a campaign is cheap and you can start with monthly budget as small as $500, which is next to nothing in ppc.

Very few marketers are even making $100K a month, but if your goal is to replace your job with an income of $10K per month, that is attainable and you can scale it up from there. But it takes time and effort to get the campaigns structured and implemented. That is the second thing: time x effort = work. This takes work. It is not rocket science and it beats answering to 'the man', but it requires work. You need to apply yourself. If you do, you can achieve your goals. By the way, before you start, write down your goals and your daily commitment to achieving them. Without this, 90% of people never achieve their goals and life goes on as before.

Stick with it for a minimum of 8 weeks. You might earn money right away, but it usually takes time to get everything tweaked and ramped up to see some handsome profits. That is the last thing I want to share with you: determination. If something gets in your way, find a way over, around or under it. Visit forums, search Google, but find a way to get the answer and move on. Need help with some simple HTML? Just use Google because the answer is literally at your fingertips.

3 secrets of success to earn a living with CPA marketing: focus, work, determination. It was not technical skills, although I have e learned quite a few, it was not a software, although I use software, and it was not learning web page design, HTML, php or anything else. Like all things in life, it took focus, work and determination. With all the answers literally at your fingertips, learn to use those fingers to make some money.

Some technical skills are required, and you must know or be willing to learn about ppc advertising. In the resource box below, you will be able to learn a lot more about CPA marketing and how to overcome some of the biggest obstacles to success, so check it out.


CPA Marketing - Earning Money Online

The World Wide Web is pouring with opportunities for you to earn income online. Depending on the preferences of the online marketer, he or she can go for article marketing, affiliate marketing, and many more to boost web traffic, improve site rankings, and eventually build a stable income online. CPA marketing is just one of the many internet marketing models that have been proven to earn thousands of dollars without having to spend a lot of money on advertisements and unnecessary resources. To be able to succeed with CPA, it is important to learn the basics first such as the meaning of CPA marketing, how to succeed in it, and the like. Information for CPA can be found in a good and well-written CPA marketing course online.

To begin, CPA marketing is also known as "Cost per Action" or "Cost per Acquisition" marketing in which one earns money or commission from the CPA marketing firm based on how many actions he or she is able to acquire. These actions can be as simple as membership registrations, sales, signing up for the website newsletter and mailing list, etc. A person can earn as much as $2 to $20 per action, depending on how many members take action or how much the commission is being offered by the CPA marketing firm (or CPA Network). There are websites all over the World Wide Web that offer techniques and strategies to boost your chances of earning through CPA marketing, so the only thing you need to do is find those websites and learn from them. You can find these techniques either in CPA courses or CPA websites that will teach you the many possible ways to boost site traffic into your website that will significantly convert into CPA earnings.

But one should not solely depend on a CPA marketing course because the success will not come overnight and without effort. In fact, you need to also know how to choose a reliable and paying CPA marketing firm (or CPA Network), how to monitor your earnings, how to improve your standing as a CPA marketer, and of course how to effectively create websites or online ads that will drive traffic into the clients' websites, and the like. Once you are able to start earning money online, not only will you be earning enough income to support you and your family but also extra cash for vacations, a new car, and maybe even a new home.


How to Do Market Research For CPA Marketing?

Do you know market research is the starting point for any cost per action or CPA marketing? If you don't pay sufficient attention to market research and start promoting products left and right, you may lose money and you may say that CPA marketing does not work. The reality is that you didn't follow the basic steps of the market research!

Those who do the Cost per Action (CPA) marketing, they know that they have to keep doing the market research very frequently to identify what CPA offers they should be promoting and what they should avoid? Sounds familiar, yeah, then you should keep reading this article to see how you can solve this problem?

You can learn all about the market research the right way for any CPA market if you follow the commission payload marketing techniques. Are you wondering what is commission payload? Commission Payload is a well respected Cost per Action (CPA) marketing course for any one who wants to learn how to earn money from home on part time or full time basis. Commission payload marketing course was launched in Dec'09 and already it is setting the benchmarks in the CPA industry on what is the right strategy for the CPA marketing?

I want to share with you a brief on the commission payload marketing course market research techniques.

1. How to do market research keeping the maximum conversion in mind?

2. How to use keyword research techniques properly to find out the right market for your niche?

3. How to grab the most important data you need for running profitable PPC and SEO campaigns in 30 minutes or less...

4. How to expand your keyword research to expand your market domination in your niche?

5. How to filter out the bad keywords and traffic sources in your market right from the start and avoid spending thousands on losing campaigns?

6. How to find out those cash keywords which your competitors are not targeting and start earning money with the CPA campaigns?

7. How to dominate the PPC with the right keywords for your CPA campaigns?

8. The fundamentals of the right keywords vs. right CPA campaigns!

9. How to start your Cost per Action marketing on the right footing with the right keyword software?

10. Why you should not ignore the keyword research if you want to succeed in the Cost per Action marketing?