4 Steps to Starting a Successful Business by Bruno Auger - HTML preview

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Step 4 – Learn Discipline

That’s it my friend. That’s the ballgame. And I’m not just talking about picking your choice of money making plan and sticking with it. I’m talking about actually doing it, day after day after day.

Think it’s easy?


It’s not. And here is why.

For most of us starting an online business, at least at the very start, it is just a part of our day. Most of us have regular jobs. Maybe you’re a stay at home mothers with 3 kids to take care of. Our minds are on other things. Sitting down and disciplining ourselves to actually work a business is not something we’ve ever thought of doing or are used to doing. So at the start, it won’t be easy. The kids will start crying, the phone will ring, the wash will have to be done, the friends will call to ask if you want to go to a movie and the list goes on of things that WILL happen that are going to get in the way of your business day. Count on it. Even for me, at this point in my marketing career, I have days where I have been sick, going to appointment, shopping or to run errands. I can go on and on. Some days I’m lucky to get 4 hours of work in. So trust me, those days will happen.

But…You have to learn to work around them. You have to learn to get back on that horse the first chance you get. See, if you allow the outside influences of your life to distract you too much, what happens is that ultimately you don’t get back to work. You start neglecting parts of your business. While this is happening, your income is also dropping. Eventually, you get discouraged and after enough time, you stop working your business.
If you think I am wrong, trust me, I am not. You can take what I have said above to the bank.

And here’s the worst part of it.

I can’t teach you discipline. I can sit here and tell you that you have to learn discipline, but I can’t teach it to you. This is something you have to develop on your own.

However, I can show you a simple way to develop that discipline.

The first thing you MUST do is make a daily schedule for yourself. I don’t care what you put on that schedule. That’s up to you. But make one. List everything you’re going to do that day as far as working on your business. Naturally, this list is going to change from day to day depending on what stage you are at in your business.

The next thing you MUST do is get yourself a timer. You will then take each item in your list and designate how many hours you’re going to devote to each item. You will then set the timer at the total number of hours for the list and let it start running.

Begin the first item on your list. When the timer reaches the amount of time designated for that list, stop the timer and stop working on that item. You will then move on to the next item on your list.

You will continue to do this until each item on the list is completed. At the time, the timer should have counted down to zero.

You will continue to make your lists and do this each day until this becomes second nature. I still make a list for each day. The reason I do it is because I have a terrible memory. So I don’t want to forget something that I have to do. I can’t stress step 4 enough. Some people call this step “Taking Action.” I like to be more specific about it. Taking action is too general. You need to make a list. You need to be disciplined. You need to map out every part of your day the best you can. Like I said, things will happen. The rest of the world will want a piece of you day in and day out. Even with a list, keeping to your schedule will be difficult. Without a list, it’s almost impossible.

Okay, right now you’re probably thinking something like, “how do I know this will work?” or “how do I know that this guy knows what he’s talking about?”

Well, here’s my final rant


Rant 4
There are NO GUARANTEES. If you want a fool proof way to make a living, go find a job.

Okay, while I have given you very general and basic tips to get your business off on the right foot, I am now going to recommend some resources for each possible avenue to get you started on your education. You can use them or not. That’s up to you. As I said, ask around about these and other resources to see what people say about them. I don’t expect you to take my word for it, especially since some of these resources are my own.