1001 Newbie - Friendly Tips by Bob McElwain - HTML preview

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The HTML Editor

Hey! If you are looking for a dandy HTML editor that is powerful but easy to use,  look  no  further.  THE  (The  HTML  Editor)  is  just  what  you  need.  For  the record, though, I'm biased, for I co-authored the program. Still, let me brag some about it.

A Great Tour For Beginners

Beginners or people looking for a quick review of the basics of HTML coding will love the guided tour. Honest. It's great. (You probably better try it yourself, though, rather than take my word for it. There is also bias here, for I wrote it. )

Seriously, though, my free Web Page Starter Kit available through my site has been a big hit. I receive a steady flow of downloads, good suggestions, and a lot of thank-you notes.

I took this as the beginning point for the tour in THE because it has proved to be such a successful approach. Then I tailored it to the program in such a way that you indirectly learn how to use the editor as you learn how to write good HTML code.

The Power Of THE

The  main  program  screen  is  divided  into  two  parts.  The  upper  half  is  the editor in which HTML code is written. As entered, the viewer in the bottom half of the  screen  is  updated  to  show  the  exact  effects  of  that  entry.  This  makes  it  a snap to make changes and corrections, for you see the page build as you enter the code and content. When you see something you want to change, you are at this spot in the editor.

Why THE Is The Best Choice

The  program  is  intuitive.  Yes,  I  know.  You  have  heard  other  programmers make this claim. (MicroSoft uses it often. ) But the claim is an honest one in this case.

There is a help file, of course, but few need to use it. The screen invites you to click here or there. And you immediately see the results of that click.

For example, enter a block of text, select it, click the paragraph tag, and the block will be bounded by them. Or click without any text selected. Paragraph tags will be inserted with the cursor positioned for entry of text between them.

You Are In Control

For those who do not use the closing paragraph tag, auto insertion of them can  be  turned  off.  It  is  precisely  this  kind  of  control  that  allows  every  user  to configure the system to suit his or her needs.

The  tag  tool  bar  which  contains  the  most  commonly  used  codes  can  be positioned at any edge of the editor screen. Codes delivered can be changed to suit.  Library  functions  allow  you  to  save  and  reuse  blocks  of  code  commonly used. For example, define a complex table, save the settings, and the table can be entered into the editor at any time with a single click.

And There Is More

* The built in FTP Manager is all you need to transport pages to and from your site.

* Load as many files as you like, limited only by memory available.

* Switch from one to the other by clicking its tab.

* Click a web-safe color and the corresponding code is inserted.

* Click in the viewer and the cursor will be positioned correspondingly in the editor. Click the editor to position the viewer.

There's even more, of course. For example, one feature I use frequently is the Find In Files routine. It's trick.

Search for whatever in a directory with an option to include subdirectories. Files found  are  listed.  Just  click  to  load  one  with  the  cursor  positioned  at  the  first occurrence found. I often load the program just to use this feature.

The Price?

At $49, it is an excellent value. But if you purchase it through the Deals page on my site, it's yours for only $34. A savings of fifteen bucks!

Since the program is shareware, there is a FREE 30 day evaluation period in which to give it a test drive. No features are turned off. All is there for your use. And we support people during this trial period as determinedly as we support our customers.

So you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. And when you check it out, you'll find I was not bragging after all.

Click here to download a copy now.



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Click here to visit my Deals page.


Got A Question?

I'll  be  happy  to  answer  any  question  that  comes  to  mind,  and  I'll  do  so promptly.