1001 Newbie - Friendly Tips by Bob McElwain - HTML preview

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Do You Publish An Ezine?

You  should.  It's  a  grand  way  to  stay  in  touch  with  potential  customers,  and  to keep your name out there in a positive way. Readers will remember you when they need what you offer. And best of all, they will share your name with a friend with a similar need.

But heck, I sell worms to fisherman. What can I put in a newsletter? Lots. The  best  fishing  spots,  the  lures  that  are  working  best,  and  "long-fish"  stories always work.

Do  you  still  insist  you  have  nothing  to  say?  Really?  You  were  talking  to Charlie over there a minute ago. Right? Well, I was standing right beside you and heard what you said. You told him you thought that widget was the best these people  had  ever  made,  a  great  improvement  over  last  years  model.  Then  you went  on  to  point  out  why  it  was  so.  If  you  had  an  ezine,  you  could  tell  your readers what you told Charlie. He was interested, right? In fact he bought one! Maybe it's just what one of your potential readers needs. Heck, you can't talk to everyone who visits your site, but you can sure share with all who are interested by offering an ezine.

So How Do I Start?

Just do it. Think back  over the last week of conversations with customers, consider what was said, and put the good parts down in writing.

Start  with  you,  yourself,  and  me  on  the  subscriber  list.  This  is  tough,  for there's a tendency to say, heck, nobody's going to see this, and kind of just slop something  together.  Bad  habits  are  hard  to  break.  Write  as  you  would  for  the "Atlantic Monthly" or "New Yorker." Never settle for less than your very best. If your skills are weak, get someone to edit for you.

The secret to good writing for those of us with less than Pulitzer Prize type skills  is  to  work  up  a  draft,  rewrite,  edit,  rewrite,  etc.,  until  convinced  it's  good. Then print a copy, sit down with a cup of coffee in a comfortable chair and read our creation out loud.

Ignore this last step at your peril. We all tend to fall in love with what we create. Printed copy gives us a fresh look. Saying the words aloud changes the reading pace markedly. Blunders will be noticeable and new ideas will beg to be added in.

The Mechanics

You can use your email program to begin. When your list grows larger, you will want to consider a mailing service, possibly ListBot or Topica.

Decide  on  a  publication  schedule  and  stick  to  it.  The  best  frequency  is  a function  of  who  your  customers  are,  and  how  much  great  information  you  can share. Once a month may be just right for a site offering legal services. Twice a month  works  well  for  many.  Once  a  week  may  be  overkill;  we  all  get  a  lot  of email.  If  you  decide  on  weekly,  keep  it  short.  A  monthly  publication  can  be longer.

Hold articles between 400-800 words if possible; your readers may not hang in to the  end  of  longer  ones.  It  also  gives  you  the  opportunity  to  include  a  greater variety of content within a fixed space.

How long should it be? Short works fine. And sometimes shorter is better. Ideally, it should be as short as possible while including all that is needed. Most suggest 30K bytes as a maximum.

What's The Best Content?

Whatever  your  customers  will  enjoy  reading.  Period.  There  is  no  other answer.  Think  back  to  the  "conversation"  with  Charlie  above.  Charlie  was interested, right? It worked, right? So it goes into the newsletter.

There's no need for anything grand. Just talk about things that will interest your customers. Tips related to your business or how best to use your products work great, for they are short, and thus easier to digest.

Coupons are terrific! Offer a special to subscribers only. If it really is special, folks will come forth, and likely tell a friend or two about it, which can really grow your subscriber list.

Report on new products and services available in your area. Review them if possible.  They  need  not  be  your  products.  Some  webmasters  would  never consider  mentioning  a  competitor's  product,  but  I  sense  you'll  gain  greater credibility by trusting folks. They'll remember your good advice, and get back to you when they need your product. I'll go so far as to say this may be the very best  way  to  build  trust  and  confidence  in  both  you  and  your  products.  Sharing good information your readers can use will never backfire.

Think  of  "Reader's  Digest."  Quotable  quotes  work  fine.  Short  tales  with  a snappy wrap. Humor can be useful, but take care in this. Humor in email does not  come  across  as  well  as  it  does  face  to  face  with  a  friend.  It  can  be misunderstood, and sometimes even offend.

Finding Great Articles

Find out what your competition is doing. If they publish an ezine, subscribe. It will trigger lots of good ideas for your own, If articles are included, and you like something  you  read,  write  to  the  author  and  ask  permission  to  reprint  it.  They always say yes because readers will see the resource box included, the author's  way of advertising. While an ezine of reprints won't fly, including one or two in each issue works very well. A reader who has read it before, just jumps down to the next item.

Regards  reprints,  here's  a  useful  trick.  Collect  articles  you  like  to  a  file  by date. When you need something for your current newsletter, go back a couple of months.  This  avoids  the  problem  of  the  same  article  appearing  at  almost  the same time in several ezines.

Article libraries are a great source for good material. Here are a couple.

E-zinez Classified Ad Exchange. - Click on "Gallery" in the top row of navigation buttons. You can search for articles by author name or simply select a category. All articles are available via auto responders, so they are easy to get and they arrive quickly.

IdeaMarketers - Navigation seems a bit tricky, but it is easy to get an article you like.

About.Com (Previously The Mining Company") - Lists ezines by category and provides useful information about each one listed.

Archives Are Good

If your ezine is essentially articles, archiving past issues works very well. Go further, if you like, and give each article a separate page. If you use appropriate keywords in the meta statements and take the time to submit to the larger search engines, you can generate some extra hits.

About Advertising

Don't even think about it until you get your circulation up there. At $25 per pop, it's not worth your time. As you build your ezine, remember the more closely it focuses on a specific target, the higher your rates can be from those wanting to reach this target.

I suggest ignoring the little classified stuff. I sense that readers are skipping blocks of them. Go for sponsor-type ads, and limit the number to maybe four or five per issue. It is also important you demonstrate your personal support for your sponsors. As your readers come to trust you, your endorsement brings clicks on your sponsor's ads. This makes them happy, and more likely to advertise again.

Central to building trust and confidence, is the selection of sponsors. Choose only  those  who  are  ethical  and  offer  something  useful  to  your  readers.  The purpose of ads from your point of view as a publisher is not profits, but content of use to your readers.

Ezines: A Powerful Tool

If you are not publishing an ezine, consider doing so. It can do wonders for your image and future sales. It can increase hits on your site, and your site in turn  can  help  build  your  subscriber  list.  It's  strictly  a  win-win  combination;  you simply can't lose.

Most important, though, providing good solid information demonstrates your expertise in the best possible way. That is, it builds trust and confidence in you by  showing  you  know  what  you're  about,  without  you  needing  to  make  some grand claim to expertise that might backfire.

UPDATE: This article was written some time back. While the approach is solid, there is one point lacking. Publishing an ezine is no longer optional. Your visitors and  customers  expect  it,  even  if  they  do  not  subscribe.  That  is,  times  have changed  on  the  Web.  Without  a  regularly  published  ezine,  your  credibility  is greatly diminished.