Fiction Books

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Showing results: 41-50 of 1069
The Mother

The Mother

Pearl S. Buck | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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She fed the grass into the stove bit by bit, absorbed in the task, the firelight falling on her face, a broad, strong face, full lips, and darkly brown and red with wind and sun. Her black eyes were shining in the light, very clear eyes, set straight beneath her brows. It was a face not beautiful...

Love's Labor Won

Love's Labor Won

Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth | Fiction
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Marguerite De Lancie was the only child of a Provençal gentleman and a Virginia lady, and combined in her person and in her character all the strongest attributes of the Northern and the Southern races; blending the passions, genius and enthusiasm of the one with the intellectual power, pride and...

The Skeleton Scout

The Skeleton Scout

Lewis W. Carson | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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The scene opens upon one of those great rivers of the West, in the country which Tecumseh claimed and fought for so gallantly. The forest was at rest, save only the songs of birds and the splash of the fish leaping in the river. A thicket of bushes which bordered the path down to the water, was...

Smoking Flax

Smoking Flax

Hallie Erminie Rives | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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“Smoking Flax” is a story of the South written by a young Kentucky woman. Undoubtedly in the South its advent will be saluted with enthusiastic bravos. What will be the nature of its reception in the North it is hazardous to predict. One thing, however, can be confidently prophesied for it...

Lost in the Backwoods

Lost in the Backwoods

E. C. Kenyon | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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Cyril had never passed through such a terrible minute in his whole life as that one during which his father remained silent, instead of replying to his fierce assailant's demand. A short while before the train-boy, passing down the outside passage of the comfortable American train, bearing his...

Betty Wales & Co.: A Story for Girls

Betty Wales & Co.: A Story for Girls

Margaret Warde | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Many of the girls who will read this book have already made the acquaintance of Betty Wales, and know all about her adventures at Harding College, from her rollicking freshman days to the time when she was a “grave and reverend senior”—and was always being mistaken for a freshman...

Eustace Marchmont: A Friend of the People

Eustace Marchmont: A Friend of the People

Evelyn Everett-Green | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The moon shone frostily bright in a clear dark sky. A thin white carpet of sparkling frost coated the ground; but the wind blew from the west over the rippling sea, and was neither cruel nor fierce, so that even little children were caught up by their mothers to assist at this yearly ceremony; and...

The Flying Chance

The Flying Chance

Gordon McCreagh | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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The commandant of the Philadelphia navy-yard looked up from the sheaf of papers which bore the superscription of the Bureau of Naval Affairs, Washington, at the young man who stood at attention before his desk.

A Corner in Corn

A Corner in Corn

Self-Made Man | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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For a moment or two he paced up and down before his desk, with his hands thrust into his trousers pockets, and then resumed his work just as the door opened again and admitted a stalwart, good-looking lad, with a frank, alert countenance and a breezy manner, who entered briskly with a handful of...

Scarred Eagle

Scarred Eagle

Andrew Dearborn | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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The Indian who assisted in propelling the canoe was not so tall as his white friend, though dressed nearly like him. He was a noble-looking savage, and had learned to speak the English tongue with considerable fluency.