Inside this powerful little supplementary e-book, you’ll find the stories of eight more women who discovered a way to find fulfillment, make money and share their passions with the world. All while staying home, raising their children.
These moms come from a wide range of backgrounds, education levels, work experience, nationalities, and more. Whatever your situation, we know you’ll find a mom or two here who you’ll relate to. We hope these stories will inspire you to build your own successful Internet business.
Please feel free to read the following case studies in whatever order you prefer. Click on your choice and enjoy!Case Study # 1
Patricia - Kids Inspire Mom’s Website Ideas
Case Study # 2
CJ - Crockpots Turn Out to be a Recipe for Success
Case Study # 3
Cheryl - Life Experience = Formula that Pays
Case Study # 4
Linda - Christian Mom Shares Inspiration with World
Case Study # 5
Joan - If At First You Don’t Succeed...Try Again!
Case Study # 6
Nicole - Business Keeps Building Despite Moves Abroad
Case Study # 7
Tracy - Teach What You Know and Success Will Follow
Case Study # 8
Michelle - Salon Owner Becomes Internet Success Story